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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Hi Mickely85

I have to also get a revision done as well. Are you thinking about getting it done in Korea? If so, I am planning to go around august or september..

I did some research and I have narrowed it down to cinderella, banobagi and BK
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Hi there, i am planning to go to Korea in Oct for double eye surgery and epicanthology. I have been contacting ID, BK and Teuim for their costs and recovery time. Anyone having the similar plans in mind, please let me know. My dates are quite flexible but I reckon Oct is a good time to have it done so that by the time the new year comes round, I will be looking pretty (fingers crossed).
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I was planning to go from September 7 through September 23. I have consulted with Cinderella and was looking into Teuim as well. Are those dates flexible for you? It was a pain trying to get my boss to approve the request :biggrin:

Privately message me if you want to work out the details. It would be great to have some company :tup:
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Hi nycxamy, where will you be flying from to Korea? I will be going from London. Definitely would be great to have a buddy to weigh the pros and cons of each clinic. I need to check with my manager the dates in September, I was planning to spend 7 days in Korea, i see that you will be there for 14 days. On my list is double eyelid surgery and magic epicanthology. Whats yours?
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I am likely to go for BK for eyelid revision (epi n lateral incl).

Dates from 14 - 23 Sept :smile:
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Glad to hear! privately message me if you want to discuss any details?
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Is it Dr W? Which hosp?
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how is the result of your eye from banobagi? i'm planning 2 go there for my eyelid surgery as well. thanks
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hi, i just had a revision to raise my double eyelid and mine is totally like yours now. I agree that is too high and unnatural. So you got your third revision yet? i need help too =(
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Hi I'm new member here.i just got my eyelid surgery 2months ago,and I know the result is bad.my crease is too high up to my brow bone.,and too deep.1 eyes is bigger,my eyes even look more tired after surgery.my eyes look rounded shape:sad:
I'm planning to do revision later.im so depressed right now.
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Don't dwell on it too much...wait till 6 months and maybe it won't be so bad....
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