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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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Hi Cherryzz

Sorry for any late reply.. I did my eyelid lowering on last year May 2011 with bkclinic Dr Kim Byung Gun. My Fold was initially at 10mm high, he manage to
Revise it to 5mm (closed eye measured). My eyelid revision is fold lowering with Levator muscle correction.

My Epi reversal was done this year April 2012 with Dr Chung Eve Aesthetic surgery clinic.
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i plan to go to korea too...i need to have ptosis correction surgery. which clinic will u go?
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i want to have ptosis correction too...can u share some experience? could u send me ur photo? my email is [email protected]. thank!
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Hi everybody, I was just wondering, do any of you guys know of anyone who can take foreigners to different consultations and do aftercare services? LIke, half carer half translator? I know of Zoe, but she is booked out for the time I am going - and I am desperate to find someone else! or maybe even perhaps where you can find these services?
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worries!! i am SO HAPPY TO SEE YOUR REPLY!! seriously,thank you!

um can you explain to me more about your lowering surgery? fold lowering levator muscle means lowering without taking out your skin? and did you do fat grafting?what was your condition before you lowered it? skin taken out or fats taken out during the primary surgery? sry but i've got so many question=p it would be really helpful if you can send me your eyes closed before and after pics..how are you healing? oh im thinking if possible i wanna fix it by the end of the year. [email protected] maybe we can chat there =))
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Hi Cherryzz

Levator muscle correction is a surgery to strengthen your eyelid muscle. So that ur eyelid can open wider when u open the eyes. Those people who have ptosis correction also did the same surgery. My eyelid revision was an incision method
Remove some skin(Old fold) & create a new incision fold. No fat grafting on eyelid. My healing tooks me 2 weeks for major swelling to go down & then follow by full 3mths to become natural.

My primary Eyelid surgery was done in SG mount elizabeth JJ Chua, crease was
Very natural but asymmetrical. I dont think he remove any orbital fats or skin for me. Just cut n stitch back. Follow by 3 yrs later I go Taiwan Wishclinic ended up with a failed eyelid, incision was make too high & deep. Result in weaken my levator muscle. 3rd surgery revision was with Dr Kim byung gun , bkclinic. I'm Sorry I do not have previous primary surgery photo with eyes close. however I can send u all 1st-3rd eyelid revision photo with eyes open. Thank u!
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Hi, did your friends/strangers say it looks freaky or you feel freaky? They are different things. Hope you're not her
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ohh so its ptosis correction. sighh my problem is not ptosis and i dont have extra skin. my primary surgery was natural too.i feel hopeless=(..yeah please email it to me. thankss
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i havent met any of my friends. been hiding myself..i feel like a freak. sometimes i think mine are a bit like hers..like eyes wide open when im actually not? i dont know if its just me being paranoid about it. now i realize the old me was soo pretty.
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Hi Cherryzz. I had sent u my photos in email Le. Trust me don't give up.
I been through what u r experiencing now. Although till now at times i still think my primary eyelid look so much better n prettier. However, we have to move on..Just keep telling urself there is Always hopes out there. Let this be the last revision... Look forward, don't look back anymore...Jia you! :smile:
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Maybe post a pic of your eyelid and we'll judge? Hiding is very unhealthy.
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