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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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I am planning to go Korea for the revisional by end of this year. I've been reading and researching.

Dr.Cho from Bandaoeyes is on my list. How much for your revisional? He quoted me 13 million won it is just so crazy. Do you mind if you send me the photos? My email: [email protected]

Thank you very much.
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thank you for the encouragement =') yeah i feel very sad everytime i look back.
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Hi Worries,

You look so good. Can you please send me b&a photos? I'm new to the blog so I can't pm yet... my email is dj(dot)chee@yahoo(dot)com. thx
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Hi mauigal

Are u looking for an eyelid primary surgery or Eyelid revision ?
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I am planning to go Korea to do revision by end of this year. And I sent an enquiry to dr.kang after read your post. He quoted me 6 million won to lower eyelid and ptosis. I think it is pricy. How much did he originally quote you for doing two eyes?
Actually I don't think I have ptosis problem can I only do eyelid lowering?
Does dr.kang speak english? Any interpreter?
Thank you very much for sharing your experience.
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2nd pic is ok, lower than pic 1, its getting better. Maybe it's the angle the fold start? Or the fold ending is too long?
At least the fold at the end is parallel and isn't slanted down, saw some, looked like premature aging. Anyway, it is quite symmetrical.

Who is your doc? Seems like location near tanglin? :graucho:
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second pic lower? ohh i forgot to tell you, the lower one was my primary surgery.=( The big one is what i have now =( for now, yes i think the fold at the end is too long, but i think it'll fade. actually, if you look closely, my primary surgery was TINY BIT asymmetrical (my left eye, your right) which was the reason why i went for revision to make the end higher.(okay you might not be able to see the slanting part on my left eye, cause in the picture i posted its...almost perfect. sigh
i may have resolved the slanted part which was a super small problem..but now i got myself a BIG problem..the start of the fold till the center is very high and my brows are so close to my eyes now=(
if you are talking about my primary surgery, then actually there wasn't a problem, too minor to call it a problem. For my current one, the start of the fold does hv a problem,it is too high for natural look.
my doc is from Gleneagles. i'd say he's skills are quite okay but it seems like he doesnt have much common sense..removed 4mm of my skin to make it slightly higher. SLIGHTLY HIGHER? 4mm?? doesnt need a professional to tell that its a lot of skin excision right?
i wish i'm wrong. sigh
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Who did the primary surgery? Yes 1st one is abit asymmetrical at the start of the fold but at least it's better than now. Now the eyes look symmetrical but shape is not so nice, looks manly..
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which is why i regretted so much to solve such tiny problem and got myself a problem that is 10 times worse. the start of the fold is too high, thats why its ugly..i dont know how a doctor can not know about this.
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It is for primary. In fact, I'm already in seoul! It is so overwhelming! Therefore, i need all the input that i can get.
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