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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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has anyone had bad experiences with scarring? I have a firm lump @ the stitch exit/entry point along with irregular folds in that area. Will this go away? Of course my doc thinks everything is fine. I'm about 3 wks post op
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#17 days Post Operation. My bruises under my eyes are all gone. Have been applying the arnica gel (after plus) the last few days. I stopped using them earlier as Dr Kang think it will cause complication. I should have continued to apply under my eyes since I didn't do anything under eyes.

I had a lots of small white scar tissues at the incision line. At least 5 on each eye. Ate Rizaben for last 2 days. They are no longer white now and had reduced in size. Guess both Rizaben and the ointment (blue and white) do work. Please note Rizaben cannot be consumed unless scar tissues started to develop. This is explicit instructions from IOU.

I realize also why I have two lines at the end of my incision on my left eye. A row of white scar tissues (quite big previously) formed a line since there are about 5-6 of of them at the end of left eye's incision. This caused the triple line in a way. Hopefully they will go away in a couple of days.
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I had them in my previous surgeries. It will go away after a while but in my case, new ones will pop up somewhere else along the way but eventually all of them will go away. Give it about 6 months. :smile:
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Me, The lump is not likely to go away since I had the same problem, which doc do u go to
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Did he tell you why Rizaben is not advised. To be consumer without scar tissue developing? One of my friends advised me to take it everyday after the surgery
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I am not sure. Dr kang said do not eat it if you do not have any scars...I think this medicine is treatment for hytrophic and keloid scars but not as preventive measure.
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I wonder if they are medications for preventing these scars
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I had 2 previous surgeries and the scars all did go away, but I don't remember how bad they were. I remember there was a white incision scar but it eventually faded. Thanks for replying :smile:

May I ask how long ago your surgery was?
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Regarding Rizaben. Dr Kang said it may or may not work to get rid of hypertonic scars ( I guess some people may not be receptive to it?). He gave me the prescription to take home and he said to take it for a month if I am concerned and stressed about it. Nothing about waiting for the scars to form. When I went to get the prescription filled I asked if the medicine had harsh side effects since I didn't want to take it if it wasn't going to be effective. The pharmacist told me to take to to be safe so I did.

I'm still taking it but I see a lot of wrinkley scars and folds on my lids 14 days post op
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Just reading around the internet, the only non-invasive things that have been proven to be effective to reduce scars were pressure, silicone sheets, and I think keeping the scar hydrated. I don't know how practical pressure and silicone sheets are for tiny areas near the eyes.

There's only anecdotal evidence for massaging. There doesn't seem to be consensus on this as a well-respected dr. said not to bother.

Everything else requires procedures in a medical setting (steroid injections, laser, surgery).

But mostly, you have to be patient and give the scars time, months, to heal and fade.
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Before I left Seoul, I went to IOU, Tieum and Faceline. As I mentioned in the other thread, my left and right eye look slightly different. My left eye looks a little smaller, if you look at it very careful.
Anyway, I did not make appointments. Did not get to meet Dr Kwon at Tieum, the girl at reception told me that he is fully booked for the next two days. Really? That popular? I don' know. And they also told me to wait for 6 months.
Dr Kang at IOU is VERY confident. He is the only one that told me immediately that he could do revision, even I am only at my three week post op. He said the accuracy won't be much different, maybe only 5%. I did not do it, because I'm still hoping that it is just swelling and my eyes will turn out to be the same later. Also his method is different and I am not so sure about this. His clinic is very popular though, I went there twice and every time the smaller waiting room is almost full. Note it is small as well. LOL.
Faceline is also very popular, the clinics were also full of people at the waiting area. Again it is small, compare with clinic like Regen. I met Dr Lee. He is on TV. That let beauty 3. He told me it probably is due to swelling and ask me to wait. As I said, faceline seems to like that baby face style, but because it is so popular, I was quite intrigued.
Anyway, for those who are interested in eyes revision, maybe check out BIO, IOU,Braun, Tieum, and face line. I strongly recommend you to visit as many clinics as possible for revision.
Oh also Dr Kang seem to like to make the eyelid very low. Make sure that it is your style. I am not sure. But Korean girls definitely prefer lower eyelid. Also it is easier to make the lower eyelid higher, but more difficult to make the higher eyelid lower, I mean for revision surgeries.
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If it's really so, it means that he's really skilled, he lowered my eyelid from 10mm to 5.5mm! :smile:
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For my case, I don't need my eyelid to get lowered, in fact maybe 1mm higher if do-able, I fear he will randomly lower my eye crease
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i think it will slowly fade away in time. dont worry ;)
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