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Revisional double eyelids surgery

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i think this is considered as an "in out fold" (not veru sure thou) =)
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Hi Thinkpink17, I was wondering who did you do your epi reversal with in the end and if you like the result? I'm desperate to have a epi fixed and really hoping you can help me. I'm going to Korea in just a few days. I can't PM you yet, but you might be able to contact me.

I'm so desperate for information about epi reversal, I'm very sorry to bother you, but I would be really really grateful if you could share you experience and any helpful info to help me with a decision.

Thank you so much!
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I know 2 ex forumers who had a really successful epi reversal surgery at EVEclinic, inbox me if you need the deatils
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Hi itsumobaby,

That's really interesting, I would love some information! Unfortunately I can't PM yet (I tried) but if you can PM me I can give you my email?

Thanks so much for the help. :smile:
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I consulted Dr Lee at VIP rgding eyelids correction n facelift n he suggested a whole list n very EX!!!!Next consulted Dr.Yoo at Pitangui(25yrs in tis biz)He intends to do much less n price is almost half of Dr.Lee.But hes in his sixties so my Korean friend warns! Last was at JW consulted Dr.Choi. He is very matter of fact kind of doctor n tried his best to explain wat he ll do(revise but no enhancement kind of surgery) then he has to rush off for surgery.Their Eng consultant only works a mth over w JW n he is SLOW in response to email!!!!! I havent heard from him after consultation though i emailed for another final consultation!!!He is supposed to forward de breakdown of proceedures n prices but DIDNT!!!! They expect u to leave de clinic on de same day of yr surgery!!!!! IF i do eyes n face I ll rather stay a nite at least for observation!!!!!! Very undecided now! BUT Pitangui responded n welcome me back for another consultation tmr!
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Yup, give me your email and and I'll pass their contact detail to u. Don't worry too much I am no expert but the result they had was really good I had to say
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Hi bellyshiok, are u in korea now? currently im helping my mum looking for a good surgeon for her facelift too, and she leans towards bk, and I just found another clinic called Aone, they seem to be good at facelift, but couldnt find any review about this clinics in any forum, only saw some video in YouTube. , I also emailed Item, they quote $4000-6000 which is slightly cheaper than bk. But I wonder if they are good at it. As for myself, I want to do double eyelid, i saw apujeong plastic surgery website, I think they do a good job for eyelid, but I cant find their email address....all in Korean words*scratch my head*. How much did pitangui quote u for facelift? Anyway, I'm very looking forward to hear your experience.
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You are in the wrong thread. It's only revisional eye surgery here
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I consulted with JW in the beginning of the year. They have 2 doctors who specialize in eye. When I asked who I should do it with and the consultant told me that dr choi does not finish the surgery and another doctor usually finishes the sewing. I don't know if its sometimes or all the time.
I met with dr ahn who does eyes and he also does "anti aging". I did my eyes with IoU but dr ahn was also a strong contender.
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Too bad I am not in Korea at the moment, do u live in Korea? We will all appreciate it if you let us know what feedbacks does dr kang give you.
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hi misskr, i look fwd to read your reviews with dr. kang as i m looking to do eyelid revision in a couple of months. Tks!
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I had revisional eyelid surgery in Beverly Hills, California, by a well-known Korean surgeon. I have ptosis on both eyes. This doctor didn't know how to treat eyes with ptosis, or he didn't care, because my eyes are now asymmetrical. When I complained to him, he offered a revision but he said that he's only going to do one eye. I spoke to another doctor who told me that when doing a revision, both eyes must be done. Anyways, I decided not to go back to that quack for fear that he might really destroy my eyes. I'm going to Korea on August 21 to consult for revisional eyes and possibly double jaw surgeries. Wish me luck!
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@Deepeyes: sorry, I cannot send a PM, so I will ask you here... I hope you see this because I would love it if you were able to help me.

I was wondering how your double eyelid operation with Dr. Kang @ IOU is healing? Do you feel that, considering how many days it's been since your operation, your fold is getting too low or if it seems like it will heal at the height you wanted (still kind of high and not too natural)?

I am currently basically in the same position that you were in. I too had my primary double eyelid + epi surgery with Dr. Kwon @ Teuim and have been having a terrible time choosing between him and Dr. Kang for my revision. I have pretty much decided on Dr. Kang to do my revision next Monday but feel a lot of doubt! Mostly sooo worried he is not capable of making my fold higher or even keeping it the same. Perhaps because it is not his habit, what he normally does and therefore has more experience with? Maybe it feels unnatural to him because he doesn't often do it? I know he is very skilled and has a lot of experience with revisions which are more challenging procedures, and I want this to be my final operation (really cannot risk not being satisfied again, which I'm sorry you had to go through when you reoperated with Dr. Kwon) but I wonder if our aesthetic taste is too different and he will not be able to beautifully adhere to my preference. I don't want to shift him off course from his natural tendencies and what he is most comfortable with. As we both know, Dr. Kwon can create a really pretty fold shape which is more to my taste. And I actually prefer a lot of the "before" pictures on IOU's website to the "after"!

My only problem right now is ptosis (which is my fault, because Dr. Kwon recommended it at the time and I did not listen). They both are good at doing ptosis, do you think? If I go with Dr. Kwon again, it is his work that he will be correcting, so maybe he will be more familiar? And I can trust that, aesthetically, it will be consistent... if my problem is simple, then probably Dr. Kwon can satisfactorily deliver? BUT another, more minor problem is the incision scar that I currently have, which makes the fold look KIND OF deep but it doesn't really bother me. I wear a lot of eye make-up and the deepish, high-ish fold looks very good when I do. Dr. Kang says he wants to correct it. It seems like Dr. Kwon, on the other hand, has this tendency to create a deepish fold? Maybe because he's connecting the tissue to the tarsal plate instead of the levator muscle (I don't pretend to understand the technicals). Anyway, it just seems that Dr. Kang's method (incisional instead of excisional, and somehow no scar) is really good for lowering the fold, and I'm so scared that with his method I will think the fold is too low in a few years or something (I also read that people aren't happy with his work after a while, for this reason. At the same time, clearly Dr. Kwon's revisions are not infallible.). Because if I want a high fold, it seems that there will be too much skin or potential droopiness without using excisional, and if it's so "light" and scarless, will the eye be able to sustain a high fold?

I know you once stated that it's because all the Korean locals like a lower, natural fold, so that's what he does, and that's what you see on his website. But maybe the Korean locals that want a natural fold go to him because he is known for that, as opposed to other Korean clinics that specialize in more ulzzang eyes. Maybe he prefers doing it that way in the first place, and that is therefore what he is good at. I just really want to be able to do make-up like I can now. It's weird to me that the trend seems to be low natural folds but you still see all the Korean actresses having much higher folds than what Dr. Kang does.

I'm so sorry for this massive rant - you really only have to answer my very first question, if anything at all. I guess I thought that if I elaborate more on overall, you might be able to answer the first question more easily, or perhaps more easily give additional insight if you were planning to. But I don't mean to overwhelm you. And I wish you all the satisfaction with your eyes along the entirety of your recovery.
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