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Forehead reduction surgery?

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  • 5 months later...
has anyone done this surgery yet? I've been wanting to reduce the width of my forehead for so long. I get so inferior whenever my forehead gets seen because its so wide. It'd be so wonderful if someone could their experience!

thanks :smile:
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I was going to say this...lol (and yes, I can say that, because I have an under-2" forehead). But to go that way, wouldn't it be as easy as getting a stylist to shave/laser/somehow remove x amount of hair from the hairline? (I also have a widow's peak with an annoying cowlick coming right out of it, so in theory that's a nice option, but I'm too chicken to touch my hair that way)
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actually i realize it is much better to have hair than no hair. my biggest fear is a receding hairline. i think widow's peaks are fab btw.
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aw thanks :smile: I doubt you have anything to worry about with a receding hairline, though! (Unless you're really a guy and I'm jumping to conclusions based on the cute horses in your pic :P )

On another note, I wonder if something like Latisse could actually regrow receding hairlines (or create lower ones)--since they do warn that it can cause hair to grow in places where it's applied (or if it inadvertently falls somewhere, like on your cheek). My mom's actually thinking of using it to fill in some thin spots where her extensions have pulled out her hair. We'll see how it works for her!
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pics please
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Yeah, I was thinking even the Latisse could be less invasive (and painful) than a hair transplant for people who were really concerned with that. Though they may want to make it in a gel formulation for that purpose (so it doesn't drip down your forehead and make you look like a werewolf)
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