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Breast Implant Complications - After 7 Years?!?

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I can't seem to find ANYTHING online relating to complications of breast implants after this long! Everything is contained in about a year range after surgery!

Lately, I've been having this SHARP, shooting pain in my nipple. It's been going on for about 3 days now. Could this be a complication from my implants after SEVEN years?

I WILL say this: I had fibrocystic breasts prior to getting my implants. I still have the symptoms (achy and painful if I drink a lot of caffienated beverages), but not the actual fibrocysts. Could it just be the caffiene causing the shooting pain? I've never had that as a symptom before.

I'm going scuba diving soon and now I'm starting to worry that since they're getting a lil old that they may deflate. I've never had the problem before, but then again, they were only a couple of years old the last time I went.

Any advice? I'm thinking of setting up a doctor's appointment, but should I set it up with my PS?

Thanks all!
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Please don't ask the forum for advice, call the PS's office and ask them! It is not healthy to ask the forum when you are experiencing pain!

good luck!!!
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^^ LOL, thanks Swanky! I really was just looking for any similar experiences to compare to before I went into full own panic mode that something's wrong! :smile: Did you go see your PS? If so, what did he/she say?
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It might have nothing to do with your implants. I don't have implants and sometimes i get a shooting pain through my boobs. I find i have alot of breast pain right before my period so it could be that but you should definitely get it checked out asap.
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One of my pockets stretched out, my implant is out of place (oh the joy) and I get pain in my nipple and breast. My PS said the pain is a side effect of the implant moving around too much in the pocket. I would make an appointment with your PS - he will be able to tell if the implant is out of place just by moving it around. Also, sometimes breast pain is hormonal, so that's another thing to consider. Hope this helps.
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Oh goodness! Do you know how your pocket got stretched out?
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i would def. make an appt asap. I wonder if you have a tear in your implant. Well if you have saline then you would def. know because you would see the size going down. but silicon you would not. I read in a womens health magazine once that this can occur . So i am not sure. But in any event do get it checked out. good luck. :smile:
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It is possible to have complications several years later. I would definitely go see your doctor. Typically, scuba diving wouldn't pose a risk, but that may not be the case if you are experiencing some complications. Do you have silicone or saline? What incision site did your doc use? As far as the caffeine is concerned, you might be able to get your answer simply by not ingesting caffeine and monitoring your levels of pain.
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Thanks guys! I have saline, under the muscle with crease (inframammary) incision.

Do you all remember that weird pain/sensation when your chest muscles were repairing themselves after the surgery? It feels kind of like that. It's eased up a bit today but I'm still going to make an appointment to get them checked out.

I do suspect that caffiene may be the culprit AGAIN, but better safe than sorry. I can't give it up just yet because I would never make it through a work day.
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Do you have any other symptoms (like do your implants feel any different)? Could you be experiencing the early stages of capsular contracture? CC is most common in the first few months following the procedure, but then the incidence rises again several years after the procedure.
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I think I am getting enough water - I sip on a pretty good amount throughout the day.

They don't seem to feel any different -although once I did feel of it, I second guessed myself and was like, "Well IS it harder?" LOL. I hope and PRAY it's not that. I really don't want to get them redone right now!
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