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Looking for good plastic surgeons in Seoul?

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hahaha idk about kain, but my definition of "died" is that I'll be putting on sedation during surgery and then wake up after its done.

there isnt any cases about death for ITEM clinic, idk about other clinics. I reckon there isnt. if there is it would be all over the news.

and depending on what procedures you are doing, its not so easy to die from them lol also, it is very important to let the doctors know what youre allergy to
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haahahha!!! ok thanks for clarification! almost 'died' when i saw the reply, hehe!:roflmfao:
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yeah, the doctor accidentally gouged my heart while harvesting rib cartilage. seconds later, he slipped in the giant pool of blood and shoved the scalpel into my brain. it hurt a lot but i'm okay now.
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shoved the scalpel into brain....? you're kidding me right?

I thought ususally harvesting of rib cart, they would chose take it from your right rib intead, in order to prevent such incident (eg: gouge the heart)?
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Oh Kain~ What would I do without you? lol :roflmfao:

Didn't you know? Kain still has the scalpel protruding from his skull. The Doctors said it'll do more harm to take it out, so they just left it there for precautionary reasons.

That's how I came to know him and we rode off together into the sunset on a horse and carriage. :P

Sarcasm is hard to read online, but yes, Kain was kidding.
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LOL!!! Thanks Schrodinger! :graucho::roflmfao::biggrin::graucho::roflmfao:
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I have unequal,shallow eye lid and I want bigger eyes. I have been suggested by a surgeon to have lateral canthoplasty, not epic because my eyes are close to the centre, so cutting the outer corner of my eyes together with double eyelid surgery should make my eyes look bigger.

Another surgeon I consulted not agree with the first surgeon's opinion, he reckon double eyelid surgery itself should be enough to make my eyes look bigger. Plus lateral canthoplasty not popular anymore nowadays ?

Has anyone has complication from lateral canthoplasty? I know that there will be no eyelashes at the area that is cut open, but will it cause ectropion in future,where the lower eyelid turn out and show the inner surface? or any small or big complication can occur from this sort of procedure?
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Yes and unfortunately I'm super unhappy about the picture taken. I don't even look like that. Makes me look super fugly.
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haha why not! i thought you looked fine and pretty darn hot! hehe :biggrin:
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Where can I find the full report from TNP? I went to the TNP website and it said "Read full report on TNP."
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Hi, I have sleepy eyes and want to make a ptosis correction. I wonder if you know which doctor in seoul is best for ptosis correction surgery? I have heard that Dr. Park, OZ Clinic and Dr Kim in BK they are good, have someone here good or bad experience with them? are they good? please tell me, I really need your recommendation.

I have too little eyebrows so they are barely visible, I want to do hairimplantation on the eyebrows, has anyone done it, can you recommend?

sorry for my english.

Best regards,
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