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Looking for good plastic surgeons in Seoul?

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Do u have any lists of clinics with Korea medical association?
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Okay.. let me try..
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Hello everyone,

I really need your help
I am planning to go to korea this year and find the best plastic surgery clinics there
I dont know what to change on my face yet(or what are the procedures called)but all i know is i want to look like those "ulzzangs" or like those handsome kpop guys...yah i think thats my goal face..Can anybody recommend the what you think is the best plastic surgery clinic available in korea?i come from a so called wealthy family so money isnt a problem no matter how costly it is..i want to find a good clinic that offers quality service and can do what i said above to my face..i really need your help guys because im totally clueless on what clinic to go once i get there..(im a guy btw)

Thanks and have a nice day
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Sorry to say this. This is the guaranteed way to have the worst result. You don't know what you want to change on your face and you have only a vague idea what you want. If this is your mind set, how in the world would a doctor know what you want? What the doctor thinks is good looking may not line up with what you think is good looking. It is like telling a doctor to do whatever he wants to do. Remember that the doctor will make you sign off that you cannot complain about the result after the surgery. Then you may have to live the rest of your life with the face that you never wanted in the first place.
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PS clinics receiving awards are not strictly by Korean Medical Association. I stumbled upon this link:


I have not much faith in them but you can attempt to send in your concern requesting for a list of award-winning clinics. Also, have you consulted any specialists outside Korea? Realself.com appears to be one of the best sources to receive credible advices. The doctors on the website are some of the best specialists and they have sound experience in reconstructive surgeries.
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well thats why i want to find a good clinic where they have skillful doctors and can entertain and give time to a patient so that they can recommend me the things that can be done.do you recommend any clinics?
i have heard bk is famous but is too busy and is poor on customer service.
but i have heard of this banobagi place and i saw their website,so far i think they are good..any opinions or other recommendations please?
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hi thank you for telling me this info about the medicial association thingy.
i posted my review on real self before and one doc responded to my question and suggested my 'gap' created by the overcorrected chin to be filled in with demineralized bone or hydroxyapatite material, though he sounds as if he knows what he is talking about- after a quick search I then later found out he has botched up many patients face and an ex patient even suicided after her failed surgery with him so now I am back to zero again.

I know that my situation can only be 'saved' by a highly experienced reconstructive surgeon but so clueless where to start the search at the same time
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Hi, i am new in this site. Currently looking for plastic suregeon in korea to do nose job. A lot of clinic in korea, and no idea which one is good. My friend has a pretty nice nose job in korea however she just did additional nose bridge and her tip is already high. Still considering to go to the same doctor because my nose is gonna be more complicated than her. Any idea? Need your help guys.
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If all the participants here engage Seoul TouchUp, then might as well close all discussions. Or would you prefer all readers here (in the popular threads) to create membership in Seoul TouchUp forum instead?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi, I am a American Chinese Male looking to improve my looks with plastic surgery. I think I need a Jaw implant and maybe a nose job. I am just beginning my research and would like to know if anyone here have any Korean Plastic Surgery recommendations for men. Thanks in advance.
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Start by reading the old posts.
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Hello Kain, I heard you have completed a nose job at VIP, could you please share your experience with me? If you do not mind, could you please send me B/A photos, too!
I am new here, and I am finding a specialist of nose revision. I really need some help to get idea to choose a right doctor, thank you!
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