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Looking for good plastic surgeons in Seoul?

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Is grand very good with nose? I'm new here and reading all the posts freaks me out a lil bit and also feel so curious on how girls can go alone to Seoul. I'm so worried I can't stand the loneliness and pain altogether.
Btw, anyone going in jan?? :smile:
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Hi helloj, how was your experience with Grand? And which doctor did you go for? Am looking at having a chin implant early part of 2013. Are the doctors there English speaking?
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Hi all,

Just wanted to share my experience with you all.

I am on my 3rd day post-surgery recovering from double eyelid surgery, vline and cheekbone reduction at Banobagi's guesthouse.

I had my double eyelid surgery first and that was so nerveracking as they had put me on local anaesthetic so i was awake the whole time during the surgery. I smelt some burning like he was cutting some skin off my eyelids and removing the fat tissue/muscles. I had ptosis correction too to make my eyes like bigger. The surgery took almost 1-2hours (can't really rem). After the eyelid surgery, i was then taken to another floor for vline and cheekbone surgery. i was already feeling dizzy when they placed me on the operating table. They injected me with some general anaesthetic and i was already asleep within seconds. I was then woken up but was feeling really disoriented and couldnt remember where i was and what i was doing there. My consultant tried to wake me up several times but i couldnt open my eyes, i felt so groggy frm the anaesthetic and couldn't breathe. i was feeling so uncomfrtable from the pain. When I did finally wake up, i was taken to the recovering room and stayed 2 nights to recover before they discharged me. Straight after the surgery, i had difficulty breathing and thought to myself 'what have i put myself under?'. At the time, i was feeling so uncomfortable, i couldn't sleep or breathe, i wanted to have an out of body experience just to escape it! If anyone is thinking of having rhino and vline surgeries together, i wouldn't recommend it as u'll find it really difficult to breathe! i just had vline, cheekbone reduction and double eyelid surgery, my face is already swelling like a football! it looks like i have been beaten up real bad. the first 2 days, i was really weak and had to force myself to drink liquids. i havent eaten properly for a few days and now i am feeling so hungry but i can't eat proper food, only soft diet for the next two weeks =( i just hope the swelling will go down real quick as i am due to go back to work in the next couple of weeks....will keep u all posted
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hey callmemaybejac

have u been on the other thread titled 'best plastic surgery clinics in korea' ?

there's a tonne of info on this particular thread and a running list of all those planning on going to SK for ps - there's a LOT going in Jan. they're mostly all in this same boat as u - going alone and looking for ps buddies.

i highly recommend u check out this thread as there more clinics to consider than the ones that are marketed to foreigners - please do a lot of research and make informed choices :smile:

personally from my research JW are regarded as really good for nose on teium for eyes...just my personal opinion, but again, pls do ur own research to make up ur own mind
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hiya snowybaby

from what i've read from those that have actually done surgery - everyone feels the same as you str8 after surgery. they wonder y they done it and have some initial regrets. so don't feel bad - keep positive as this can help in ur recovery

i'm sure after u c ur new face you'll be sooo happy....u just need to wait out the recovery part ;)

you'll look gorgeous in no time!!!! keep positive, drink lots of pumpkin juice, try to also eat fresh pineapple (or failing that get some pineapple juice), try vitamin C (if ur not already on sinecch) cold compression for swelling and hot compression for bruising!!!

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thanks for the couragement Bella! looking forward to a speedy recovery so i can go out for a walk / do some sightseeing around Seoul! but looking like i have a head as big as a football and bloodshot eyes, not yet!! still swollen as hell..and have been drinking pumpkin juice. it's been snowing outside and i didn't bring appropriate boots so the ones i have with me are slippery when i walk outside even though i am dying to pop out to the shop to buy some food! but Banobagi are good, they provide rice porridge, soy milk, pumpkin juice etc (if u ask for it!) delivered to me at the guest house so really glad i decided with Banobagi in the end even though i was leaning towards Grand but because they use titanium nails for cheek reduction, that put me off! only banobagi uses dissolvable nails. i can't see the outline of my face as yet so lets see how it goes over the next couple of weeks.

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xvx666 did you get it done in Seoul?
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ITem clinic is good, but i think Hyundaimihak Medical Surgery is better.
i went to Hyundaimihak last month and do double eyelid surgery and nose job. the result was awesome. i was really satisfied about it. my family and friends all praise that my face is very natural and beautiful.
if anyone want to get some resources about Hyundaimihak, you can ask me, i can share my experience and info about this clinic. i was concerned about the clinic and surgeon before, too.
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Yup. "Account deactivated" means she was banned.
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