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Looking for good plastic surgeons in Seoul?

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I actually emailed them via the consultation link on the website. They responded about a day later. Try that.
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Thanks for your advise. I'm having problems with the Online Consult on Regen's English website. I can't get the enquiry through so that's why I emailed them directly. But I didn't get any response from email too :sad:
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actually there is something odd about Regen, its like they choose they're patients and whoever they wana perform on they answer their emails otherwise they dont, i've been trying to contact them via email for over 6 months. they never answer. last month i posted on their online consultation web page (u need to put any telephone number not nessesarily a korean telephone number) and they sent me a reply thru the same email address that i've been that i was using to email them for months, then i replied back with more questions and they never answered back.
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It's not just regen. JW and real gave me the same experience. It's really not as pleasant. I haven't received JW response after two emails. Cinderella, shimmian and Dream were prompt though.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi All,

I read through all your posts and hreally helpful.

I'm going to Seoul on 7 Oct to get my double eyelid done at Wonjin Beauty Group.

Would any 1 please give me more advice as i am going by myself? a bit scare

Thank you
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I only want to do eyelid surgery. Can somebody give me advice to which clinic is specialized and the best in the double eyelid surgery.

I feel like you guys must be rich or something I mean some people here do all kinds of surgeries together. I already found the eyelid surgery expensive and that's just a small surgery.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm so sorry to hear about your traumatic experience with JW. Thank you so much for sharing your story. I was supposed to have consultations at both Wonjin and JW this month. I've crossed them off my list. Take care dear. I hope your scar fades in time.
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Hi Rino,

Which clinic you have your eyelid done? And do you still remember doctor name?

Thank you; )
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Hi Grace,
Thanks for the information.

I don't know who is my doctor yet??? Does your friends still remember doctor's name? ??

Thank you
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I feel the same way x_x I want to get several things done (v-line, nose and eyes at least) but I'm on a limited budget and v-line alone is so expensive I have to calculate my budget carefully and definitely won't be staying in hotels... Then I read about some people spending like $5000-$8000 on hotel stays alone and I feel like they must be so rich xD I guess no matter how much you get done someone always has more money and more work done xD I'm definitely getting as many surgeries together as I can though because it means less money for travel and accommodation...

ps. I read this in another thread:

Natural eyes: Teuim, Regen, Chungdam U, Migo, JK
Dramatic/Dolly eyes/Big circle eyes: View, Cinderella, Dream, Jewellery

This is just about the results, not about whether they're skilled or not~

You should do your own research but according to my notes Jewelry is blacklisted on Chinese sites because of botched eye surgeries... ITEM is very conservative, the results aren't very noticeable... Cinderella I haven't read anything negative on so far, 2.2M circle eyes seems like a good deal but I can't use their website at all, it doesn't work for me! So that kind of puts me off, I'd really want to see some b&a :sad: bandoeye has had some positive reviews for their eye surgery, Dream looks good from their B&A, check out for yourself: http://dreamsurgery.co.kr/Contents/Contents.asp?DirName=info01&filename=info01_0202 http://dreamsurgery.co.kr/Contents/Contents.asp?DirName=info01&filename=info01_0203 dreamsurgery.co.kr/Contents/Contents.asp?DirName=info01&filename=info01_0206 banobagi costs 1.8-2M for double el, I couldn't find B&A though other than the one on the info page http://banobagi.com/eye/eye_doubleeyelide.asp They do jaw/chin better though so might not be best for eyes? Chungdam U = 1.63M for eyes, one b&a on their site http://dryang.co.kr/PS_Eye01
According to my notes you should also avoid Migo~ Teuim is very good for eyes but ONLY for eyes, nothing else~ 2.5-3M for non-incision+ptosis correction?

These are only my notes please do your own research ^^

That's so horrible I'm sorry :sad: I'm glad you shared this experience with us, thank you!
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how do u know it costs 2,2m for the circle eyes in cinderella?
and how to contact them anyway? i cant seem to find their email... =((
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I have collected prices from several places, I didn't write down where I got each price from but mostly they're from here :smile: Some prices I've asked for myself (but not Cinderella)

Domestic direct call 070-7163-2660~5

Direct foreign residents (82)2-516-0032
Hours Information

Weekdays 10:00~19:00 Saturday 10:00 ~ 16:00

Holidays, Is closed Sundays.

Medical Institution Name : Cinderella Plastic Surgery Clinic|Company Registration Number: 214-13-34792|Representation: Jung, Jong - Pi Ledger|E-MAIL: [email protected]AS: 02-516-0032|FAX: 02-3477-2226| Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 1317-16 Qawra Tower 4F (Gangnam Station Exit 9 Megabox building)

editt: in my earlier post I was trying to use their korean site and for some reason it wasn't working for me but then I found the english website: www.cindyclinic.com :smile:
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Dear forumers, just want to share my experience since this forum has been helping me alot througout my research, this forum is so so supportive to anyone who plan to do ps in korea Anyway, Long short story. Currently, im still in seoul. I was here since last week and i was picked up by my translator from airport. Initially, i have scheduled 5 clinics for consultation. Teuim, pitangui, chungdam u, tlps, bk. Because dr.kwon teuim is not available during this period and also found that chungdam u is a so-so clinic only, then i asked my translator switched these 2 clinics to rex (recommended by translator) and jewelry in last minute. And i ended up choosing rex and my mum chosed jewelry. Honestly, i was having difficulty research bout my clinic in internet not much information available but i trust my feeling, so i went ahead. Pitangui is my second choice but they suggest me to do ptosis correction which other clinics didnt offer me this surgery because my ptosis is not severe, neverthless, i still believe dr.yoo is a skillful doctor.
Surgery day: i just had my double eyelid surgery yesterday, the surgery went so well because after injecting IV, i fall asleep in 5 seconds. When i woke up, the surgery already over. Oh btw, i did non-incitional method and epi. Only rex recommended me to do non-incisional, while the other 4 clinics suggests me to do incisional method and epi. Because i really want to do non-incisional method because it looks more natural and quicker healing time and one of their chinese consultant just did her double eyelid there, really really natural, besides that, my translator strongly recommend this clinic, her clients mostly went to this clinics for natural eyelook. The doctor seems very confident that non-incisional method suits my condition, i really dont need incisional. So after considering for 3 days, i went back to this clinic and made the payment, other than double eyelid surgery, i also add prp injection mixed with some kinda hydrating treatment inject to my face (i have a very dry skin) and also removing moles. I was thinking i should do it all the same time, i wont feel too much pain. I cant comment my result yet since today is only my day-1 post op. my eyes still swollen. Basically, during the surgery process, i didnt feel pain at all,i kept repeating and telling them pls be gentle to me i am so afraid of needles. When the sedation kicks in, i really dont remember a thing, i am so so glad. I will let you guys know the final result, hopefully turn out well, because i can see that crease not high should be natural and hopefully not too low after my swelling is completely gone. Sorry for grammer errors. Good luck guys!
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Hi virgo86, was Dr Kwon not available because of the holiday? And did you get it done at Pitangui (just clarifying)? I'm after a natural result for double eyelid as well which is why Regen and Teium are my top 2 choices. Were you concerned that non-incisional might get undone in a few years? That's why I'm thinking I should get partial incision or full incision. Not sure though..
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