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Looking for good plastic surgeons in Seoul?

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Sorry, I am new to this forum. I would like to erase my reviews but don't know how . I am trying to write a retraction but ii cannot
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Why are you trying to erase your review? Have you come under some kind of pressure?
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I regret writing a bad review. I think another doctor told me something that was not true to make me more angry than I should have been. I was very emotional.

I am sorry I posted my review above.
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I went to Dr. Chung at Item plastic surgery and asked for a high crease because I already have double eyelids. Too soon to tell or post results maybe in a few days (currently 7 days post op, very swollen, partial incision) but what I wanted to post after lurking for so long in these threads is that their English translator Raina while helpful before and during the surgery is COMPLETELY IGNORING ME NOW THAT THE SURGERY IS OVER! this isn't giving me confidence at all.

I sent a few recovery questions like when can I wear makeup etc but got no reply on both times from her, as she was always my liaison. The day I took my stitches out I like how Dr. Chung came to look at my eyes, and told me what to expect in terms of progress. He also said that I can email Raina if I have any questions during my recovery, when I reach my home country. I know they're super busy, and Dr. Chung's got great bedside manner (love him, he's so nice and something about him just made me relax instantly) but their in-house English interpreter Raina has basically stopped replying me now that she's done although she used to reply me within a day of two before and the day of surgery! Seems to me once you're out of Seoul, and they have your money, they're no longer helpful or kind although I do believe Dr. Chung is still amazing in terms of bedside manner not sure about skills yet as my eyes remain googly due to swelling...

To me, the entire surgery process is not complete until the customer is satisfied. If I have recovery questions now that I'm in my home country, they should reply me.so I'm pretty choked at the moment. Anyway! Anyone whose gone to Item and dealt with Raina have/had this problem?

Thanks so much
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That is cool, just wondered if you were OK, it can be an emotional time,
hope it all turns out well for you.
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Ok so I've got to retract this, as the English interpreter replied me with a response to my emails and she was friendly and nice as she was before. Raina is great, but I definitely think Item plastic surgery is getting super busy as while I was waiting there were tons of Singaporeans (? Not sure) and defs lots of PRCs! Everyone spoke mandarin in the waiting room, and I've heard about china's plastic surgery tours to Seoul so this could be why prices are continually going up.

Anyway, I'll post pics of my progress in a few days, just wanted to clear the air in regards to this post! Perhaps I was too impatient and waiting 4 days for an email response when they're super busy was unreasonable of me >.< So far everything has been great with Item plastic surgery clinic except the little hiccup I freaked out about lol now I feel dumb since I panicked thinking they were ignoring me... -_-;;
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Many clinics also watch this forum, so to me it seems a bit suspicious that they coincidentally responded after your posting. Even if they were busy, an auto email could have been sent to people who emailed them to let them know of a delay. TLPS, for example, did this. AONE emailed me to let me know when they could respond to me.
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Honestly you may be right but I'm just glad they replied as I just wanted to know a few simple answers. But the fact they responded is better than nothing to me because I was seriously freaking out!
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forget about him offering a free revision if you erase the review, you cannot trust a dr after something like that. even if another dr lied YOU KNOW if your eyes were messed up after Kang and before going in for more surgery with another doctor. you know if Kang botched the surgery or not. you don't need to be a doctor to tell you can't close your eyes and whose fault it is. if you're trying to take back your words because he threatened you with legal action or offered a free revision just forget it. report him to the KCA and tell everyone you can not to go to that doctor.
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yes, the clinics watch these forums and have representatives also posting here for different reasons. if you write anything in this forum it's like writing it in a newspaper that everyone in the world is reading. the clinics probably have google alerts that automatically tell them about new posts about their clinic. so it's no coincidence. i think clinics should let you know if they can't respond right away but later. it's a business email. they should act like a business. not giving any information about when they can reply is not how you run a business.
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Thanks for pointing this out, but based on how busy their clinic was when I had my surgery and consultation on separate days, I can understand why it took them a few days and admittedly, I was a bit edgy and freaked when I didn't get a reply in 3 days since my swelling was horrible but now that it has subsided greatly, I'm generally more.. calm? Understanding? Lol. Either way I'll chalk it up as my panic and their busy schedules to their slow reply although I don't doubt the forum could've helped but we will never really know I guess?
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What was your procedure and how much did you paid for.
Researching about ITEM and DAPRS at the moment.
Still opening to more options since i'm only doing it early next year.
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Shinyglittery and Kplove are CORRECT!!!

I don't believe these people writing a negative review and then quickly retracting. It's very obvious that they have been contacted by their respective clinics. For those who are researching, always believe the original reviews and ignore their retractions. Bad reviews help the patients get some answers and maybe make those doctors more careful next time.

I am not happy with how I look after my facelift, it has been 4 months. My face now looks long and thin as all the fat graft has gone, I look unnatural and not anymore beautiful. I actually think I looked better before...! I will see my doctor in July to see if he can improve things before I post my photos and opinions.
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Hi everyone,

I remembered seeing a thread half a year to a year back telling us where we can lodge our complaints with Korea plastic surgery association but cannot seem to find the page.

Do anyone know the link for it?

I went to Korea for plastic surgery and there were complications and I've got a mild disfiguration. I'm trying to contact the clinic but they are ignoring me. Can anyone help me please?

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