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Looking for good plastic surgeons in Seoul?

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Hi XVX666

Don't worry I'm waiting for my frd to heal n I will ask her to post how her unsatisfactory experience here. Perhaps u r lucky to have successful surgery u might not know how miserable to face blotchy job done by dr n yet having a hard time facing Revision. I think it's fair enough to post ur result with ITEM once or twice for their gd work on u but normal patient won't 24 hrs 7 advertise like u ya.. U Really hardworking hor...
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but it's overly suspicious when you'd never mentioned any other clinics from post 1.....

surely like any of us here, we'd be researching heavily (when our face is concerned) for the best clinics. but zoe told me items is a new clinic and there were no koreans in there for consultation, only foreigners.

it is hard to critic with this point already.
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hahahaha unfortunately, i only knew about bk and item and dr jung from shimmian. I took a few months to research and then i went for my surgeries.

And I did saw koreans when I was at ITEM.
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I believe there r ppl here working with some korea clinics & trying their best to reach out for patients for business.

After all we r all humans, I don't care how good or how bad your Doctors are.. Juz bear in mind if u gonna do your job here do it with your conscience be conscious of what you are doing! Don't forget your Names get ruined by just a mistake.

Dear members pls do research heavily before making decision. Remember once your beauty is ruined, No matter how much u gonna to spent on Revision u will never be the same as before. 
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I'll probably get backlash or people saying i work for item blah blah blah... I'm not here to defend anyone but I personally went with a friend to the clinic. She got her eyes done and the doctor was really conscientious. I don't know which doctor you're talking about but Dr. Kim was really honest during the consultation and he even took extra time making sure my friend's eyes were nicely done. She didn't need much post-op care from them since the surgery was pretty minor but whenever we called the clinic regarding any concerns they were polite and very informative. The only drawback was that my friend couldn't really converse in Mandarin so I did most of the translations between her and the nurse. I don't know how is it for everyone else who visited them but from we had a good experience. Maybe it's also because we were more paranoid and made sure to communicate with the staff and doctor before and after surgery.
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One more thing... have you guys ever thought why some of us are so eager to share our good experiences with you all? I mean we're all in the same forum and when we luck out and get a good doctor we all only want the same for you guys. If you feel different just say so but don't bash the person who feels good about the clinic. To each his own right?
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But you'd only shared yours when items was getting in the line of fire :smile:

But you're right to each their own.
Revision is awful ! Please pick carefully people :smile:
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Dear xvx666,

Im really amazed by your after pics! You look great! :smile: Do you know roughly how many percentage did the price goes up? I'm actually still in research state and I won't be going till end of 2012 or early 2013.

Im contemplating much about silicon or rib cartilage as im really afraid of rejection. I once had belly button pierced and it got rejected and left a scar! that's why i couldnt make up my mind.. :sad:

Btw, ITEM's Dr. Kim is coming to SG. So i'm gonna see him this coming april. :smile:
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hey guys~
i wish to do for my imbalance eyelid and epicanthoplasty, do u guys have any idea how much each of this cost???
i heard bk, vip and banobagi very famous but not sure which is the best for eyes surgery. banobagi seem using the diff method (double embedding) to get the double eyelid, which is the advance method to avoid loosening double eyelid after the long term. i'm not sure other clinics using this method or the old 1.. is any1 able to update me?
many thanks~~ :smile:
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OH GOD~ I just finished read all the comments and i'm totally speechless to know the truth! really thanks for your advice!!! appreciate~
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i have heard teuim clinic recommended a few times
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