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Looking for good plastic surgeons in Seoul?

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Hi, cookie, my translator helped me arranged those appointment, i remember she said that doctor kwon was away last week and in addition, teuim is not my top choice so i wasnt really dissapointed. I did my eyes at Rex clinic. Yes, initially pitangui was my top choice before i came to seoul, they quote me 4m won for double eyelid, ptosis, epi (quite expensive). I was twisting between pitangui and rex. I feel comfortable with these 2 doctors. From what i heard from my translator, Dr.chung ( rex clinic) is more specilised in double eyelid surgery and only 1 doctor in his clinic so definitely no switching doctor. And he is the one who sew and remove the thread by himself instead of nurses. Yeah, i understand that there is possibility that it might get undone, but i am still willing to gamble. i did ask about the possibilty of undone, they promised me it is not unlikely to happen because today method (called double suture maybe) is different from traditional method, i even ask if it really become undone, i will come back and look for them, they said ok. I think that maybe another 10-15 years later, when my eyelid starts dropping, by then, i could get incisional method which might be easier for doctor to do so. I also think of the worst case, let say, if my double eyelid do not turn out naturally, it shouldnt be a hard job to have revision because the doctor still able to take out the thread from my eyelid. And based on my research, non incisional almost leave no scar, if i want natural, then scar should not be visible and will give us a softer look. I am just choosing a safer way, hopefully i dont regret. I think regen is also a good choice. But they never reply my email, so i dont bother to visit them anyway. When r u coming to seoul?
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Oh i see. Do you think it would be harder to do revisional on someone who had a full incision compared to double suture technique? Your insights are definitely helpful. It's swaying me towards non-incisional too. I think partial incision will be best of both worlds for me as I think my eyelids are a bit fatty ahaha XD So need to remove a bit of fat there. Wellll, my original plan was to go to Seoul late Jan/early Feb, 2015 but doing so much research here has been so helpful that I'm growing more confident about getting it done earlier >.< But I wonder if I'm getting too impatient. I don't want to make a rushed decision but I guess it's not necessary to research for more than a year? I have been considering this surgery for over a year already.
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cookiedee: now you make me fret over the eyelid surgery :biggrin: I haven't had any time to think about the different techiniques, I've only been concentrating on v-line (the...most...important...thing...to get right!) and rhino, i know a lot about both but almost nothing about eyelid surgery... I think I should start reading up on that now xD I think my eyelids are not too fatty but I think they have like... too much skin x_x like I have double lid naturally but it doesn't look good, it's kind of like... well it's a bit droopy most of the time, it's like if there was less skin it wouldn't be droopy :o other than that I think I want lateral and both eyelids so that my eyes will look bigger both sideways and in the up-down direction... ^^ though really I'm just hoping to find a clinic that's really good at eyesurgery where I can just say "yes I want big doll eyes!" haha xD but I guess it won't come that easy xP is either method permanent and what are the benefits and risks?

i know incision can leave a scar but will the scar ever fully heal? if it's a good surgeon will it become invisible at some point?
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It's okay! I think eyelid surgery options are pretty straighforward compared to other procedures so definitely focus your research on the other two first! From my research, there's 3 methods: non-incision, partial incision and full incision.

Non-incision has the least scarring/down-time and it increases as there are more incisions. According to others, non-incision looks most natural BUT I really think they just base this because you can see the final result almost immediately after surgery whereas for full incision, it seems there is visible scarring till around 6 months where it starts fading. You shouldn't judge your eyes until 12 months have passed as that is when the final result will be visible (70% of the swelling will be gone after 1-2 months, then the rest will go down slowly till 12 months, but of course everyone is different!).

Partial incision cuts your eyelid just to remove excess fat and then uses double suture, I believe. I think full incision is necessary if people want to remove a lot of excess skin and fat.

For non-incision, they don't cut your eyelids open, they do some double suture technique and place stitches in. I don't know how advanced the techniques are now but there have been a lot of people in the past who had this procedure and the eyelid crease would grow faint and become undone (making it necessary to have revisional..) :/ So there is more risk that it isn't permanent compared to full incision. of course, clinics might have developed new methods that's why I'm so undecided on which method! Who wouldn't want less down time and want to see the result faster? I think for scarring, there won't be any after 12 months if you choose the right surgeon so it is all about research! ^^
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Okay thank you for sharing what you know ^^ i found that very useful! i'll probably want incision, just have to find a surgeon that doesn't leave an unsightly scar, I can wait 12 months for it to completely disappear... ^^ as long as it disappears :biggrin:
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I agree, if I can find a surgeon that I'm confident can give me the result I want and they won't leave any permanent scarring after full incisional, I'd go for it. The chances of it becoming undone are very tiny compared to non-incisional. I'd rather avoid revisional surgery if I can!
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Hi Satinchris, I too have been trying to contact Regen, but still no response. If you happen to hear back from them, could you please give me info on how to consult with them online?
Thanks a bunch!
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me too, revisions are always more complicated, more expensive and more chances of things going wrong! doctors only study the anatomy of a body that hasn't been mutilated with scalpels and stitches... after the first surgery it becomes unknown territory (except maybe for the original surgeon) so that's why revisions are a bad idea I think xD
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by the way before I go I have another question: there's this method of permanently changing your eye color, it's called intraocular implants (i think?) the surgeon makes a small incision in your eye (the vitreous... something?) and inserts an iris implant (silicon) with the color you want... it's done for some patients with eye diseases or something but it can also be PS if you want to change your eye color :smile: I think it's not very popular as PS though and it's also not very old... I'm not sure about the risks (silicon in eye?) and I don't know too much about it other than it's a relatively simple procedure (if your surgeon doesn't poke your eyes out... or something) anyone who knows more about this and surgeons in either korea or elsewhere in asia that do this surgery (and price?) any info would be greatly appreciated! ^^ now i have to go, bye :smile:
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I think you're talking about Grand - i think they do this method
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yep it's grand. Since it's fairly new though, we wouldn't know what the long-term effects are and how permanent it actually is. But it seems like something I'd consider
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Haha uncanny timing but after submitting online consultations for Grand and Banobagi a few hours ago since they weren't replying to my emails, Grand responded to my email (that I sent 2 days ago) and suggested the natural adhesion method.

I do think I need to remove a tiny bit of eyelid skin though. Since using eyelid tape, it has stretched the skin a tiny bit though it's not visible in the photo. And ideally I want to remove some fat from my right eyelid. I don't know if this is possible with that method or how permanent it is but these will be questions I'll ask during the consultation. based on their description, seems they "glue" your skin to the muscle. This method actually seems better than non-incisional. I might pick this method if they are able to remove excess skin/fat.

P.S. I just checked and BK Hospital also offers this method??? o.o They call it natural adhesion too. And their 'reasons to get natural adhesion' is pretty similar. I wonder if they copied Grand since Grand claims they created the method?


Does anyone else feel this is a bit sus D:
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Hi cookie, indeed, what method is really depending on your eye, if you have many excess skin and fats, then you have to choose incisional method. I know Incisional method is the best method since our double eyelid definitely will stay permanently until our skin starts dropping. But im just personally more comfortable with non-inc. i remember during the consultation there were 2 other doctor ( tlps and jewelry) asking me what method i want, before i mentioned to them that i actually prefer non-inc, meaning i am still a potential candidate for non-incisonal. If you decide to do more than one surgery, i suggest you should do it in one clinic. So u dont need to get LA for twice.
Yeahh...Me too, i have been researching just for double eyelid for 1 year, its like my daily. Before i came to seoul, i was anxious, excited, worried at the same time. Cant wait to get it done right away.. I am thinking of getting fat graft next time...heheh... Good luck everyone ^^
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I've heard of the procedure you are talking about. It's called BrightOcular. My friend was interested in it and looked into where they perform the surgery. It looks like it is only offered in South America and there is still little research on the safety of the procedure.
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At least someone's heard of it! south America huh... I'm guessing Peru? I hope not Brazil... xP

That's... a long way to travel! I so wish I knew if they did it elsewhere... I've been trying to look for it but the only information I found so far was the webpage for BrightOcular... Do you know where in SA and how much it costs?
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