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Asian Nose Job 3

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But isn't gore tax difficult to remove in case of infection?
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Cool - i dnt know who i am going with just yet. But i shall keep you posted :smile:
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Ive heard mixed stories about him - I read in the other forum that Dr Levi uses Dr Jung's before and afters and his brochures? But i dont know could just be one rumour! Because others have said he is good too !!
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Yeah goretax is more natural but is harder to remove if infection or need to replace. Thats what banobagi and dr jung told me - all have suggested silicone out of the two or rib (if i was willing to pay the price)
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I'm in my late 20's and have lost a lot of fat on my face in the last few years. I'm interested in getting fat grafting for my gaunt cheeks and also a revision rhinoplasty. I'm considering going to Korea but I'm scared to go to a foreign country and I don't know which doctors are reputable, especially for doing a risky procedure like fat transfer.

Can anyone help? Or is anyone else in the same boat? I'm thinking about taking a trip to Korea some time this year for consultations. PM me if you'd like to buddy up.
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I just got that done two days ago in Korea with an ear cartilage graft ! and now my bump is lessened and the tip is ...tippy? more defined. :smile: Good experience, not a regret so far.
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could you provide a link to that story?
i looked at his b&a pics and his patients look philipino; the photos don't look anything like the ones on dr jungs website. its possible that he has used dr jung's pics in the past, since he has changed his website many times. but as of now i don't see any b&a pics from dr jung
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Hi no1209
Actually if you read my post I said "hotel rates" are dirt cheap and the rhino is really cheap as well considering the fact that it is a rib rhino. VIP charges around 9000usd so yes that is dirt cheap for a rib rhino as well. This clinic is with Dr. wang in china btw.
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Hey waterskin!
I am planning the last two weeks of december, I am korean american and I speak korean I can actually help out if you want to buddy up cause I hate being by myself :Push:and I cant stay with family there b/c I dont want them to see me look like frankenstein :shucks: so if your staying towards the end of december let me know~
Oh and btw, its my fifth time going to korea, I stayed there every summer for 4 years so let me know if any of you guys need help with stuff like how to use the subway or how to get around in a taxi, cause I know how frustrating it being in a foreign country not knowing the language ^_^
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This might seem kind of silly, but what got me curious about Thailand in the beginning was... well... I was curious about those "lady-boys" in Thailand. I became so intrigued by how feminine and beautiful those men turned out to be after they had their cosmetic surgery. I mean, I started to think... if they can turn a masculine face into something so pretty and doll like, they must be good at what they do. (Google "Thailand Shemale Beauty Pageant" if you're interested)

And then I was like, "hey, maybe I should get my nose done in Thailand... but... is it safe? I don't know enough about it... I don't know the language, the culture..."

After a year or so has passed, I found more and more people I know on the internet and in my personal life that had their operations done in Thailand when they went for vacations there, and all of them turned out so beautifully! :smile: (Not to mention, it's just SO cheap!) A lot of models in Hong Kong and Taiwan get their face done in Thailand to achieve a more "westernized" look than operations in, say, Korea. If you want to see some pictures of a girl that I know of, PM me... not nosejob necessarily, but she just had her eyelids done in Bangkok last week and documented her eyes these past few days. She's having her stitches removed in the next few days... I can't wait to see the result.

things that are convincing me right now:
- operation is cheap
- the hospitals I researched about has good reviews, looks safe and professional
- people I know who did operations in Thailand recommends me to go, their results are convincing
- airfare is not too expensive
- hotel is cheap
- I really wanted to visit Thailand anyway

things that makes me unsure about this:
- safety?
- I don't speak their language
- I don't have anyone to go with... I'm a little hesitant on being alone in Thailand with my face bandaged up

Anyway, I've been researching on a few clinics in Thailand. Here's a list. If anyone knows about other clinics, please let me know. I'd love to check them out! And look at the prices for these operations... so attractive, lol.
1. Bumrungrad International Hospital - http://www.bumrungrad.com/en/plastic-surgery-thailand-bangkok
2. PAI (Preecha's Aesthetic Institute) - http://pai.co.th/
3. Yanhee Hospital - http://www.yanhee.net/home

Oh yeah, here's an article I found a few days ago written by a woman who had cosmetic surgery in Thailand. Inspired me a lot!

And also, to answer your question about my nose, um... I'm not sure which implant I'll get. I'm not even positive if I'll get a rhinoplasty or alarplasty or tip correction. I'm trying to avoid getting a rhino because I'm afraid it'll warp. My current bridge isn't non-existent haha, I just want a nosejob because my nostrils are a bit wider than I would like them to be. :smile: If I do get a rhino though, I think I'll get rib.
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Sorry sweetie, I missed what you said! :smile:
Wow, for a rib rhino... that IS pretty dirt cheap.
Thanks for clarifying!
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Cool, I'll check it out! when are you planning to go? :smile:
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Aw, I'd love to, but I will not be available until summer... :sad:
Which clinic is this? Mind telling me about it?
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It's Shimmian Manila and the other one is Faces and Curves. They're very well known when it comes to rhinoplasty. When is your summer?
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My summer starts earliest in June, but probably won't be able to leave until July or August. On that note, I'm worried about the humidity in southeast Asia during that time too. The clinic you sent me looks awesome! Have you ever been to the Philippines?
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