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Asian Nose Job 3

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KK!! Send me a pic of your new nose when it's all healed up!
You too Kim ;)
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Got replies from Banobagi, Grand and Wonjin for I-implant and ear cartilage for tip refinement. WJ is the lowest around 3-4k USD. However, they proposed to use 'soft silicon' which was claimed an improved version of the common silicon.

Anyone has experience and knowledge about this material, mind sharing thank you :smile:

Personally, I prefer grotex as also recommended by a local profound plastic surgeon WW in Singapore, a lighter and more stable material through forming bond between the new flesh and porous within the implant. As a result, it is more difficult to remove. Not sure how long this implant will remain good shape...even though the plastic surgeon said it will stay for life without any maintenance. I am skeptical :confused1: Hi gals, is the expectation of a nose job fix the problem for life realistic?

Time getting short...I have to make a decision soon.
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With any foreign body implant, you will need a revision in the future. Korean plastic surgeons are renown in the world for being the most high tech and advanced when it comes to Asian-style plastic surgery... and all of them have stopped using gortex (the material your singaporean doctor recommended) because of the difficulty conducting revisions. when the nose tissue fuses to the gortex, the surgeon will have to excise a considerable amount of your tissue to remove the implant. Even then, complete removal may not be possible.

So many singaporean forumers travel to Korea for their surgery... perhaps you should ask them why they don't trust their local doctors...
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ya im having the same concerns also. it seems like its popular for surgeons to just throw an implant over the nose after they do any kind of shaving or narrowing. i dont need an implant either so im worried. i might just consider getting my radix higher instead of shaving the bump off my nose, that way they have less to mess up. but i do need an osteotomy. sigh....
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hey there, TAEYANG :biggrin:. ohh, how i wish that were true haha. jush joking! well, am just as glad to get a message from you too :smile: since it seems like we share some similar concerns... also, you seem to be like me in doing a LOAD of research before making decision ;)... it`s been so many years for me now... what is the current state of your decision? who are you looking seriously into now?

i also considered getitng my radix raised too but my forehead is not very high and it would look so out of place :sad:. is it an option for you? and yes, osteotomy required for sure on my case too... one of the things all the surgeons also agree on :roflmfao:...

i asked a few surgeons about whether i would need an implant and they mostly said i have a lot of height so it's not necessary BUT that it would give me more of a sort of "star" look if i do... AIYAHHh, what to do. hahah. also, every time i look at before&afters now, i always suspect the ones i like DO use implant... i never noticed before and just assumed the doctor was REALLY good at straightening the nose (:roflmfao:) but now that i have been researching for so long, i realize that the extremely straight and "perfect" look must be from implant...

so, that makes it even harder to decide on doctor!

and my issue #2...
while the big clinics seem reliable, also may not know for sure who will operate on you out of the 10 or 20 or 30 surgeons there... of course, i think you get to meet them before surgery but not early on in the decision-making process... like right now... if i like a result i see, i don't know which dctor pefformed it...

gahh, amiright? :roflmfao: again. hahaa...

let's keep in touch for our search!
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hey glad to hear from you too :smile: this forum has been pretty slow lately, but happy to see some regulars on here lool. well it hasn't been as long of a wait for me, i think its been a long 2 years of crazy research though. before i was so set on vip but i dont think the noses they do are feminine and defined enough for me. right now im serious about going to see dr.wang (lol many have reservations about china but o well) his results r exactly what im looking for. and he does flexible rib noses which is a huge bonus. what about you? any surgeons ure serious about consulting with?

well you could always do some fat grafts to ure forehead to even everything out if u like. ya my forehead is pretty high, cant say i like it though. a doctor from the states actually told me that my low radix just makes it look like i have a bump on my nose when i dont. so now i think im gonna juss higher my radix. maybe it is the osteotomy that leaves bumps behind. i heard it is a hard procedure so... if u were to higher ure bridge what implant were u thinking of using? rib seems much more preferable compared to silicone since it has a chance of getting rejected.

ya thats confusing as well, that's why i would feel comfortable with a smaller clinic with not too many surgeons, that would juss make things more confusing. we should definitely keep each other informed and updated :smile: when r u planning to get ure rhinoplasty?
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wow congratulations!!!!! im happy to hear ure surgery went successful. hopefully now u can add urself to the list of ppl who have undergone successful rib rhinoplasty.

may i ask what procedures u ending up getting? did u undergo any unplanned procedures since vip usually suggests additional things to do.
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wow its insane to hear tht u look so different. im not sure if id be prepared to look like a different person, but by the end of it i would definitely wanna look like a way better version of myself lol. so did dr.lee use rib for ure tip as well? i heard rib takes ages to de-swell. have a good recovery :smile:
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Thanks kkim120 for your reply.

Now I am back to square one since I had decided to go for gore-tex implant and now need to do more research.
Anybody has experience or knowledge of 'soft silicon'? Is this a better implant material?

Got replies from WJ, Banabogi, Grand. Regen has yet replied to me. Grand is more proactive and even called me :graucho:
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I don't know... For me foreign material is foreign material, so I rejected ALL of them, silicone, high soft silicone, and gortex when I did my consultations in Korea. I already have a decent bridge height (although probably not as tall as some members would like) so I chose to go with just tiplasty at JW.

Because my tip has been raised and is looking more pointed, my entire nose seems taller. :smile: I'm still getting used to my new nose and face, but a narrower nose makes my face seem slimmer and my "v-line" look sharper.

But I do know that having a skilled surgeon perform your rhinoplasty can make sure your nose job lasts a LONG TIME. It's just that any implant will cause your skin to thin and eventually require revision....

Good luck with your surgery! and keep us all posted!!
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Thanks Kkim120 :smile:
Glad to know that you just needed a minor enhancement and like your new tip.

I have no other choice because my nose is very flat and I even have a depression between tip and bridge. I certainly need an implant to increase the height :sad: I am afraid of rib rhinoplasty sounds a lot complicated to me and I don't really like a drastic change.
I should be mentally prepared for a revision surgery in couple years to come!
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Agree on rejecting the implant. I intend to get my nose done in Dec 2012 without using any foreign implant. I may consider rib but it does not seem so attractive with the fact that the Dr would have to harvest my rib, risk or absorption and the B&A pictures for rib rhino look kinda manly.

To share, I have a typical flat bulbous asian nose with a low bridge. I have sent my pictures for a few online consultations, and most of the surgeons recommend I do my bridge as it is considered low. I stressed I did not want anything too fake looking, plus their version of beautiful is high bridge and a long elongated nose. Aside from bridge augmentation, I was recommended to do alar base reduction, tip plasty and one suggested making my bridge narrow.

The doctors said I would need to do bridge augmentation in order to achieve a nice nose tip and overall look. Not discounting the doctors opinion here, but I would greatly appreciate if those who have only done tip plasty only or tip plasty and alar base reduction (without bridge augmentation), share how did the procedure change their look? And also which clinic and how much?

Thanks to kkim120 for sharing her experience. How much was your tip plasty?
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I have the same problem as yours Adora10.
I had previously considered only non-surgical nose job but later I was told it would not work on my nose :sad:
I think most online consultation will give very vague recommendations and I doubted if the recommendations came from doctors. Anyway, I will book consultation session to meet the doctor and decide upon the face-to-face discussion.
Based on just web research, I am now leaning towards Banabogi :smile:
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Seems like we are in a similar situation! What is the profile of your nose like? When will you be getting your nose done?

I am leading towards Banobagi too. Consulted Teuim (eyes and eyes.) though the Dr did give I would say a good and well thought out consultation.

Contacted JW, Grand, Regen, Migo - Felt the replies were cookie cutter.

I dunnoe it just seems to me that the clinics tend to recommend the same procedures for most people. Maybe an implant isn't even required. And it's funny that silicon and gortex is recommended given the super high revision rates.
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Well, it depends on each case. I've heard of people who've had their silicone implant for over twenty years with no problem. But the thing with any implant, including rib graft implant, is that a revision is always a possibility. I totally understand what you mean with the rib graft... it is scary. because it's two surgeries, there's also the possibility of your lung collapsing as a result of the rib graft...

I'm not an expert on rhino, but I think most people start with silicone and if they require a revision opt for rib graft second or third time around... Just do more research until you feel comfortable with your decision! Best of luck! :biggrin:
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