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Asian Nose Job 3

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you must be getting flooded by msgs but i just wanted to add to it and say too that you look very good! and of course you were cute before but after having read about what you had wanted to achieve............. i think that is it exactly! thanks for let us know how it all went and happy healing.......... :flowers:
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OMG what a coinsidence. My nose look just like ur old nose.... Im also planning to hv my NJ.
And ur after picture looks so different. U rights U do looks like mixed asian. I envy you so much.

Pls pls share with me what kind of rhino did u do? Just add the bridge? Anything else.?
Which clinic did you go again and how much was ur ops costs?

I also experienced the same thing like you do as I was growing up. And the worst thing is my family used to make fun of my nose :sad: because of the nostrils were looking up ward :sad: so...so... Sad
As my mum used to say that having nose like me means that i can't safe up money (based on chinese face fengshui)
Now that i safe up enough (i hope its is enough) i want to get it done.
But overall i just want my nose to look better and like u said people start to noticing that you are pretty than cute.

Thanks hun for the info.
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Hi kktg,
Im already in seoul until 10 oct. also taking a rhino plastry. Pls add my kakao 100873 :smile:
Where r u planing to hvur rhino revision?
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Hi faithfully7725,
Sorry to hear about your 1st rhino story but am happy for your revision.
I understand the risk and depression that comes with a failed nj. This actually holds me back, however, I wanted a nicer nose so much that I am so willing to take the risk.
I have set a date to Seoul on 22nd Nov and get it done in either Banobagi, Wonjin or Regen. will decide after a face-to-face consultation with the surgeon.

Wish me luck :smile:
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Hi Vny,
How is thing in Seoul? Have you decided the surgeon/clinic?
Please share your experience. I will be going there in Nov.

wish you best of luck:smile:
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Oh, wow! What amazing B&A pics! You were already cute&beautiful before but now you're super sexy. Watch out Angelababy! :P My nose is quite similar to yours in a sense that I have a very low bridge.

If you don't mind, perhaps you can message me or share what exact steps you've done @ VIP and how you ended up explaining what you wanted vs what they were suggesting. Any details would be greatly appreciated. Did they suggest any other procedures? And, with the paranasal procedure, do you feel your smile and lips are different? The procedures you've done @ VIP is the same one I'm considering. Your input would greatly help me prepare as I plan to go next year fall/winter after more research + saving up moolah.

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Hi Coo,
This past days every clinic are closed on public holiday, some of the clinic open tomorrow, so i will hv my face to face consultation with wonjin tomorrow.
And grand will be reopen on4 oct.
So im still deciding between this two. I will most likely will be going with wonjin. As wonjin have already book a date for my surgery.
I might not be able to make for grand's consultation day on 4 oct and surgery on 5 oct. as i hv to fly back by 10 oct. also reading a lot of post from forumers as how bad is the aftercare post op from grand. So only 5 days its not enough for them to remove my stiches.
Grand consultant even suggested me to hv other doc in my country to remove it. Which i dont agree here... I wanted it to be done by the same surgeon/doctor.

I will update again soon...

Thanks for the wish, i do hope it goes smooth and well expected. :smile:
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Where are you staying? Are you enjoying yourself? I have no date for revision yet. I had my surgery in banobagi so will return there. I will arrive on the 4th and hopefully see the clinic on that day.

What do you mean add my kakao?
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Schrodinger, your results look amazing! Congratulations.
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kktg9202, I arrive in Seoul on the 4th as well :smile: Getting rhinoplasty at ID the next day.
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Hi kktg9202
What happen to your nj with banobagi? I am considering to have my primary nj in this clinic. mind sharing your experience?
Wish you best of luck for the revision!
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Speaking of nose jobs(sorry I get nervous starting sentences) has anyone done there's at banobagi or OZ. I was thinking about Jw but the nostrils in the before and after pics look flared. I wish I knew which clinic i want to do surgery at >_<!
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Hi thanks

I will be living in myeong dong district. Where will you be staying? I arrive on the 4th and will hopefully speak to suregon on that day. I am only staying a short time so would like to get it done soon.
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Hi coo

I had a good experience with my rhinoplasty. The doctor listened to my questions and concerns. His english was not good, so I had a translator. They had very good after care. I think I returned 2 days, 4 days and 7 days post-op. I have not had problems with infection or allergy. The implant is stable.

I will not be having revision, I will be having complete implant removal. I do not think it suits me and I prefer my pre-op nose (flatter).

I hope they will do it soon as I will only be staying for 8 days.
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