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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi Xuka, I was gotten a cheat from a clinic in Beijing China. I booked a doctor who has a Japanese experience and certificate, too, but when I went into the clinic, the consultant told me that doctor has a emergence meeting and went to Japan for 10 days. I paid 20% deposit before I went there a month ago. She said Dr. Wang does good nose job, too(I did my breast augmentation because this clinic is very well-knows for the stem cell fat breast augmentation). I have a full time job and I am a mature student, so I am not too easy to have a trip. Finally, I listen to the consultant and have breast augmentation in fat, rhinoplasty etc. My nose is fat augmentation, but I do not know how she did my rest nose job. After the surgeries two month, my nosetrils are asymmetry, between the two nosetrils has grown scar. After one year, my alars are symmetry, too. She destroy my face. She injected too much fat in my lip, after one and half year, my lip is still protrusion and my dorsum is crooked.:-s:-s
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I am sorry to hear about that pei pei. This time we should do careful research before making our decision. This is something that will affect our life almost forever, so we should take our time.

May I ask what makes you choose VIP this time? In skimming through the plastic surgeries thread I've read a couple of bad things about VIP, though I don't really remember what those things are.

Pei pei and saphireeni, are you considering Banobagi too? I've heard of this clinic for awhile, but only read up about it today.

What I did was entering "banobagi site:Purseblog.com" in Google http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy-ab&q=banobagi+site:Purseblog.com&oq=banobagi+site:Purseblog.com&gs_l=hp.3...16.6302.1.6745.,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.47380653,d.dmg&fp=ab3b3a915fa5c3e2&biw=1309&bih=631 (I did the same thing for other clinics) to read what people on this forum has to say about banobagi without going through hundreds pages of posts. And so far, out of all the korean clinics that I've looked up, it has the least negative comments from people in this forum. So it seems like they have a low rate of botched jobs.

I looked at their websites and they seem very professional, providing very detail information about the procedures, the advantage and disadvantage. They offer cartilage for tip surgery, but I'm not sure about bridge augmentation. Their B&A pics on facebook look natural and amazing. They also seem to have very good postop care. So I'm now considering banobagi. The only downside is that I've heard they're quite pricey. But a comparative chart from a member here last year also showed that it's cheaper than VIP and other clinics for nose.
(The chart was posted on this forum but I forgot from which thread and which page)

This is just preliminary research.

I've just emailed them with my pictures and asked about the procedures as well as the price.

Btw what is this paranasal procedure that you two are talking about?
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I forgot what the bad things are specifically. I was researching it along with other clinics and I didn't have a favorable view of it, but then again I might have just crossed it off my list because of the overly expensive price. Let me search for it again and I'll get back to you later :smile:

Btw pei pei, I've heard that if your lips have been over augmented with fillers, you can correct it by injecting some HA acid to dissolve it. I've also heard something called lipodissolve to dissolve fat. Though I'm not clear on the nature of these methods yet. You may want to look it up. I have kinda thick lips too, but I'm not sure whether I should reduce it.

Edit: Oh nvm. Lipodissolve is not FDA approved and it seems risky, though Otsuka clinic Japan offer it.
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Now, the nose revision of price of VIP is 12,000 US dollars. I am bargaining with them, but it is still high. They can give accommodation of two people share a room from 10days to 14 days. Shimmian is not low price, too.
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Thank you, Xuka! Thank you for helping me!
The fat is not only in my lip and also above my lip. My sister, my boyfriend and almost all the people who know me that all say my old lip is match my face but not this duck lip. I had a very thin lip before, but it was match my face. I miss it.
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If anyone want to have a surgery in China, you must be careful. My story telling me that some well-know, reputed doctors maybe do not really work at that clinic. Their name are hand up on some clinic web site for advertising. They have never show up in that clinic.:tdown:
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Hi pei pei,

I'm sorry. I've just quickly checked again and it seems like VIP doesn't have many negative comments from purseblog, but someone from naver posted a bad review of VIP
# That said, quite a number of people from purseblog had their surgeries done at VIP and they didn't have any complaint.

But I probably took it off my list due to its high price.
Thank you for the warning. I was thinking of Dr. Wang initially too but after hearing about too many botched jobs from China, I probably won't take the risk.
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It's been almost 2 years since I did paranasal (6 days left exactly lol). I used rib cartilage and honestly 2 or 3 months after, I couldn't feel anything, like there was no cartilage in my face. Yes, I did have trouble smiling for about 3 months but it wasn't THAT bad. It's just that you can't smile too wide. Totally worth it. I don't think it had shrunk down by much imo. Though sometimes I can feel it when I pop my pimples on that area but it's not uncomfortable or anything.
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Hi pei pei, do you know if dr.wang is a reputable doctor.
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Hi Xuka,
This Dr. Wang is not the nose specialist, and she works for Aoluosi in Beijing. I think that are two different people, but you still have to pay attention which doctor you would like to choose. Thank you for post me information about VIP. I have not made decision, after read that bad review of VIP, I do not know where can I go and which doctor I have to choose. For my nose revision, I really need a nose specialist to do it.:confused1:
I would like to see Chris's result after a nose surgery in Shammian.
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Yes, I agree. At least, Asian do Asian's nose job for sure is better. You chose Korean doctor to have your nose revision, too!
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Hi, for any of you interested. I've also just done a quick search on JW and they seem to have good reviews as well. I've only seen one complaint about JW on purseblog so far and that is about wrinkle removal.

Lacryssa also has her nose done recently at JW and it looks amazing.
Post #6351 # Reviews from kkim and chloegirly who had their noses done at JW
# href="#" class="internalLink"># I'm really big on postop care so the stories of kkim and chloegirly make huge pluses. Their price seems good too.

Another review from pororopiggy. Yumi seems like a nice lady.
# According to Jungilwoofan, JW is one of those more ethical ethnic and only recommend what you need
# kikichan also did hers there and said they have wonderful service
# Post #1679 # Kisskissbang also did her nose at JW. From what she and others wrote, it seems like Dr. Suh is a nice man and caters in to his patient's need and can create natural looking nose. From her post and several others, it also seems that JW really give foreign patients priorities. Though they're often fully booked (as I've been reading from this forum), they can cancel surgery dates for local patients to squeeze foreign patients in. :smile:
# Pham did her nose at JW too and loved it
# Dr. Suh at JW seems to be a nose specialist according to these members
Post #5824
# Post #2031 # href="#" class="internalLink"># According to izora's research, JW is known for handling difficult revision cases, so pei pei may want to consider them too. This is only word of mouth though.
# This is the bad review on wrinkle removal at JW. It also talks about bad service but kkim later defended JW

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