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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi Chris, I am glad to have your good result, and thank you for sharing your experience!
Could you please tell me which clinic and doctor did your jaw job? I maybe have a jaw job, when I go Seoul in Oct.
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hi hope

recovering steadily lol

I got my jaw done at YK clinic, it is not a big clinic, I also have to write a review :smile:
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hi lacryssa ;)

thank you ;) I tried to be as factual as possible to give more information , hoping it will help those who consider rib rhinoplasty. :smile:
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thanks lexethan hehe
I promised I would do the review so :smile:
fingers crossed for your trip in korea :P
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Hi Chris!

Thank you very much for sharing your PS experience in Seoul. The review was very detailed and helpful and you paid a lot of attention to small details that are normally not mentioned in other posts. ^^

And I am glad to know that I was able to help you a little bit. :P

Happy Healing! :biggrin:
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Hi vampire knight

thank you haha

you did not help a little, you helped a lot!!! that was awesome!!!! that very night, I was quite depressed ( anesthesics ) plus so frustrated ( not being able to breathe properly is a nightmare)

hope my review will help other....

the 3rd part is coming soon haha
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Rhinoplasty in Korea part 3

The post op care

Shimmian gave me a bag with an ice mask, medications for about 5 days to take twice a day after meals, some dressings, a paper with an number to call in case of a pb, two creams, one yellow (to use on the skin with stitches – antibiotic cream), one white (to use after the stitches are removed, to help skin reconvery and avoid bad scarring)

Everyday at the clinic:
Nose dressing change, nostrils cleaning (to get rid of mucus, blood etc.)
Chest dressing change (every 2 days)
O2 chamber treatment

I had to go everyday to the clinic to change the dressing and check the nose. They also checked the rib wound. I really liked to go to the clinic as it forced me to walk, walk which really helped the deswelling. Plus it was really pleasant to see the staff ;) The nurses were really nice and tried to be as gentle as possible.

I also had to start a hyperbare chamber treatment (O2 chamber), to help with the regeneration of skin, to help with the recovery process. I had to enter a chamber with a big window where I had to lie down, for one hour where the air would be richer in O2… I was joking everytime, saying that it was time for my space travel lol, it was pretty fun and 2 or 3 times, I happened to fall asleep...

After 3 days :
I was proposed to get my hair washed just after my 3rd O2 chamber treatment; I was quite surprised as I did not expect it…. My hair was super greasy so I was quite happy
They have a special room with a red chair you typically find at the hairdresser’s, a red one. A nurse helped me sit down as my chest was still hurting me… she washed carefully my hair and avoided to put water on my dressing...
It was so cool, to have clean, fresh hair.
During that day, I could not help touching my hair to feel how clean and light they were... (Don’t laugh!! you would do the same after being told to avoid water for 3 days LOL) If I had longer hair I am sure I would have shaked them just like the way actresses in TV ads do when they endorse shampoo brands...

The nose

My nose was so swollen, I was a little scared about its size but the doc reminded me the surgery had been quite difficult so I had to be patient…. My swelling reached a peak on the 3rd day… but defintely went down from the 4th day. I have to admit I did not use the ice mask as It was suggested ( indeed it is really useful and effective for my jaw surgery) but that was my 3rd surgery after the jaw and the eye and I was pretty fed up with all this cold mask thing…

Dr Jung really managed to elongate the nose, so my short upturned nose was history.
My bridge is currently a bit too high and wide, but I suppose it is the swelling… which really tells me that with rib you can have drastic augmentation as it is really strong enough. The tip is also swollen.

It was much better at day 8 after surgery but still quite swollen. I can’t really tell yet as I have to be patient…. If only I could speed up this process LOL
We would need a time machine so that we could have the final result after 3-6 months right away lol ( that is the project we will work on mary anne - another former who has got her nose done recently- and me )
Imagine how great that would be, it would be included in the post op care offered by clinics; maybe it will be possible in 2030 lol Chris!! Stop daydreaming….. Just be patient

I did not really feel any pain in the nose, I mostly was concerned about the chest as almost every movement involves chest muscle, so that was for me the worst part….not being able to move freely ;) at least for a certain period of time. So no yoga, no running, no exercise for 1 month or 2…. That may be the most difficult part for me…

The nose is indeed quite stiff, and it is a bit ackward at first but I am getting used to it everyday…

Stitches: my daily visit to the clinic was also a great way for the nurses to check the stitches, they did not follow a guideline set in stone (at least that was my impression) as they really examined my nose and only removed the stitches accordingly to minimize bad scarring. They could not leave the stitches too long otherwise the scar would have been noticeable. If the stitche were removed too early, the wound could open… It is now quite hard to guess I had nose surgery as the alar scars are really discreet, I really think it is due to the surgeon skill stitches but mainly to the nurse care. Besides I apply ointment and gel everyday to really help my skin recover; and I avoid direct sun exposure…. It makes me feel like a vampire...


The chest pain is certainly the most noticeable after the surgery compared to the nose. It was quite acute and sharp for the 3-5 days after surgery… then it started to be less intense gradually. Be aware you won’t be able to lift heavy bags or luggage so think about it when you plan your trip.. if you are alone….

The scar: I have to admit, everytime the nurse was cleaning the wound, I was unable to have a look at the wound… that was way too scary (I told you I am a chicken lol) I tried to guess from the nurse face expression if there was anything wrong…. ;)
Finally, 7 days after the surgery, I looked at the wound, the scar was really smaller that I thought, and really discreet, so again big relief… in the long run, I think the scar will be really hard to notice.

The stitches had to be removed after 2 weeks, but because of my return flight, jay lee suggested to get them removed earlier as the nurse thought the healing was quicker than average. Otherwise I would have had to get them removed in a clinic… it was one thing less to worry…

For my flight back, I also had to take a taxi to reach the airport, as carrying my luggage plus my hand carry in the Korean subway would have been an impossible mission…. Jay lee even arranged their pick up service limousine to bring me to the airport: that was really nice and kind of him :ty:


The shimmian staff: I really liked the staff; they were really kind and caring. The nurses (especially the pretty « senior » nurse) were really gentle as they knew my pain tolerance was near zero lol
Moreover, Jay lee has been truly awesome. Even if he was busy, he always tried to come to see me and check if everything was ok.
For those who asked me if a translator is necessary, it is not, as the staff can speak English and any other languages (Chinese for example)

6 days after surgery: I had a terrible nosebleed (I have always been prone to nosebleed though) it was bleeding non stop, I was really afraid. The clinic took care of me quickly and everything was just fine. They reassured me and really took the time to check the nose, the nostrils. I was also requested to stay a bit longer at the clinic to check if there would be no more bleeding…
Jay lee even gave me his mobile phone and asked me to call him in case I had another nosebleed; I was feeling bad for being such a trouble maker lol I also scared many people of the may group on kakaotalk...
Just for information, I tried to get a taxi to bring me to the clinic as my nose was still bleeding a little in the back of my mouth, he refused to take us to the clinic as it would have compel him to make a u turn, he asked us to cross the street and take another taxi, he really seemed pissed lol maybe the distance was not long enough for him....
Anyway, it is true taxi fares are really cheap in Korea...

Other forumers: During my stay I met Ann (annhatesyou from TPF) and Mary Anne who also got a rhino at shimmian. It was really fun. They are crazy girls. I wanted to meet more people but most were quite busy with their consultations or too busy shopping lol

In my opinion, shimmian clinic is really a clinic specialized in nose, I really felt taken care of (which is also related to the fact I had rib rhino which demands more attention and care). I felt the doctor is really skilled and caring. ( of course I still need to wait for the result in 6 months, but I know correcting a short nose is not an easy task, plus the nose is a complex structure so we’ll see, I will keep you posted guys lol)

I really like the staff, the doc, jay lee, the ladies at the desk (sohyung was the one I was the most in contact with, and the senior nurse: all pretty :woohoo: )

They really tried to take good care of me and to make my post op care as easy and as painless as possible.

Of course, it is also a question of feeling, as I told you I did not want a big clinic but a rather moderate one where I would truly feel considered as a patient not as a number or a mere walking wallet…. And a nose specialized clinic. Please also don’t base your choice only on my review as we all have different needs and taste. What I can say, is that Shimmian clinic is a clinic definitely worth consulting, the price is really reasonable for their expertise, the rest is your choice and in Korea, and more precisely in Seoul, this is definitely not an issue :yes:. So consult, compare and decide following your instinct :P

For those who asked me:

Shimmian clinic website: http://www.nose.co.kr
Email: [email protected] ask jay lee (the manager in charge of foreign patients)

I will keep you updated, will try to post pics in a private album, only viewable to my contacts.( following vampire knight advice :roflmfao: )

Pm me first and add me to your contacts. That way, I can keep control of the pics lol
I will also soon start my review about my jaw surgery and eye surgery but will post them in the thread (best clinic in Korea)
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do you mean dr thomas le from baltimore?
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Hello Kain, I am still new in here, and I am going to have nose revision in middle of Oct this yeas. I know you completed your nose job at VIP, if you don't mind, could I please to have your B/A pictures? VIP, Shimmian and JW are on my list, but I have not made a decision which Doctor I choose. I promise I won't send your pictures to anyone. My E-mail address: [email protected]:smile:
Thank you!
Pei Pei
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Thanks so much for sharing your experience! I'm glad you're recovering smoothly (nosebleeds aside - what caused it?!).
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Jentala would you mind sharing your photos with me? I'd really appreciate it! I'm so tempted to go to Dr Jung for my revision. He's the only surgeon on my list I didn't have a chance to consult with in person during my trip last month. :sweatdrop:
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Hey Merorin, do you or Xuka know anyone that has had rhino at these clinics? I've been searching and couldn't find any reviews. Although I guess they'd be in Japanese if there were any.
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I was also wondering if anyone has had any eye surgery experience at JW. When I consulted with the eye specialist there he made me feel...uncertain about his advice. I have deep eye bags but don't wont blepharoplasty. Maybe under eye fat transfer would be better... But I'm worried about lumps.
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