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Asian Nose Job 3

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dr. wangs site is www.wangmd.cn, and his email is [email protected]

do you plan on going to him in the near future? His work is pretty good but not many from this forum at least have been to him.
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I am thinking about it! I heard he is pretty good but I haven't read many reviews so I'm not sure. I think I'll visit him at least for a consultation when I'm in Dalian (some time in the near future, I don't know when yet). Do you know his prices? I can send him an email and ask, but if you know his prices that would give me the information quicker ^^

ps thank you so much for the email and the website address ^-^
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yup I really like his work, there were a few people on this forum who said they went to dr. wang for rhinoplasty but sadly never bothered to come back and update on their experience. I've been in contact with him a while ago, but sometimes he takes a while to respond and sometimes he doesn't. He quoted me around 5000 usd for rib rhinoplasty. But it is better to email him yourself with the specific procedures you have in mind. If you do ever go visit him for a consultation I would love to know how your face to face consultation goes as I do plan to go to him this upcoming year.
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I did gortex and it has been a year and its all well. Have to find a good doctor with good judgement. Have to take in consideration of expectation vs reality of ur current nose . Silicon is too sharp and easy to warp .
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Hi thanks for your reply :smile: I already wrote him an email, hope he replies soon... I wish I could find experiences!! Have you seen his work outside of his website? Looked really good on his website but who knows, maybe he just chose the best ones? (:huh:;) Anyway I was impressed with the pictures~ Ah, 31,000 yuan? That is so much... *faint* Some surgeons in Korea even don't cost more, can even cost less... Then again it was rib cartilage? maybe that's why it's more... Wonder how much normal rhino without cartilage is? It's cheaper, right? I don't want my ribs cut or anything so I'm not going to do cartilage, anyway I'd be afraid to end up with a pig nose xD I am waiting for a reply to my email, I asked about the prices of different procedures... If the prices aren't completely crazy and I think he can do them well I'll go for a face to face consultation, no question about it. But might not be soon... If I go I'll go some time between October and January... Ah, I don't know my plans yet ^^; but I'll let you know how it goes if/when I go! When are you planning to go...?

edit: ah, his website has "costs" section xD I didn't notice... rib rhino 31-37k, including alar and chin augmentation?? Why would you need a chin augmentation for rhino... Anyway xD I'll look at the prices on the website now and the rest I'll hopefully get by email soon... :smile:

edit2: ah his website is so confusing (,__,) at first I thought he does jaw+chin too because of some of the pictures on the chinese side but maybe those people got that surgery elsewhere? one had definitely had v-line done! but I couldn't find anything about that on his website so I don't think he does that? everything seems to be about the nose... There was also something about the chin but it was about augmentation... ah I hope he replies my email soon ^^
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Uh, okay? That wasn't very helpful and quite pretentious. I'd like to see examples of these botched nose jobs.
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I see you had a nosejob with dr Jung and are now worried about the results... I'm sorry~ I didn't mean to scare you or anyone :-s and I don't want to add to your worries~ I had to check out the place where I read about this ( http://forum.singaporeexpats.com ) before saying anything~ I tried to find the thread where people were complaining about Shimmian (mostly in Manila), it also had one or two people complaining about Jung in Shimmian Seoul and that just left me with a huge "avoid Shimmian" impression :amazed: the complaints were mostly about Manila though and not about Jung in Seoul so idk~ Maybe Jung is okay? I'm sorry if I overreacted :sweatdrop: All I know is once I read something like that it gets burned into the back of my mind~ What's weird is I spent a long time looking and couldn't find any negative reviews even about the Manila clinic, but this is no wonder, negative reviews often get magically deleted on that board... :nogood: I can tell you there were a lot of people that were happy with their nosejob with dr Jung though, and most of them didn't seem like the kind of people that work for plastic surgeons to promote them on the Internet so that's probably a good sign :smile: So sorry if it seemed like I was putting down a surgeon for no reason~
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Hello! New to this forum, but this is the best resource online I found about korean rhinoplasty.

I will be going to Korea this winter (12/24 - 1/10) for a rhinoplasty. Does anyone have an idea of the waiting period length to book a surgery appointment after a consultation? I hope 2 weeks is enough. I don't really want to use any foreign materials, so I'm aiming for a rib/septal/conchal graft. I will also be getting alarplasty, tip plasty and maybe osteotomy.

So far I plan on going to Shimmian, JW, Pitangui, April 31 for consultations. For these consultations should I make appointments in advance or can I just walk in? (I may also consider banobagi). Aside from these, I will also be checking out some clinics that doesn't advertise to foreigners. My korean friend told me that his cousin works at a plastic surgery, and foreigners get charged 200%-300% of the rate charged to koreans. So my plan is to also look at some good local clinics in addition to the ones I listed above.

Any info/advice would be appreciated! Thanks
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I totally agree with you. My Korean friend referred me and the pricing is rather good and email response are fast. When another friend of mine wrote to clinic, she didn't get any responses. I think it works better if your Korean friend can help book appointments. I visited 2 clinics when I was having a vacation in korea this June. They responded to me via email more promptly after they met me in person.

The price charged to locals is definitely much cheaper than a direct quotation to us. I was quoted 4m krw at the bidan, > 6m at Cinderella and 5.8m at dream. The bidan was a referral from a Korean and she told me the price from bidan was discounted because I'm a friend of a local Korean.
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Hi CynToronto,
I am going to Seoul for nose revision during Oct20 till Nov04 this year. Would you like to meet up?:smile:
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Has anyone tried dermal fat graft on the nose? WHat are the results like?
I am worried that rib surgery is too intrusive for me and using foreign materials comes with risks...
When my friend rang April 31, they suggested using dermal fat as a solution for revision rhino?
Thanks.. :smile:
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Question to members who went to korea already:
what hotels did you stay at?
I've been hearing nice things about highland hotel and sunshine hotel (I think they're both love hotels though). Do they have twins?
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