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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi, Scaredgirl checking in again! The swelling has gone down a lot and I feel much better about my new nose. However, I still feel like it is a bit too high (5mm) and so the skin around it is very stretched, oily, and shiny. It's gross so I blot my skin pretty regularly, but I've read on forums that your skin should normalize again after 6 months. Again, I got my surgery done with Dr. Jung at Shimmian and also got paranasal implants (silicone for both at the recommendation of Dr. Jung). The noses I saw at his clinic were very nice; and damn was Shimmian always crowded! Whenever I came in there would be at least 4+ people there, men and women included and very many foreigners. For the first three weeks I looked absolutely terrible... I am at Day 27 and my face and eyes are still slightly bruised at the edges and I have subjunctival hemorrhaging (bloodshot eyes that don't go away with sleep or eyedrops) from the surgery that is still slightly visible. The paranasal implant has helped my protruding mouth but I still find it difficult to fully smile. The first few weeks I couldn't even show my upper teeth, and now I can but it still hurts. When I came back home, my friends and family were all aghast that I looked so different but everyone has said they liked my new look. My boyfriend said he was amazed that my surgeon could change my nose so drastically. A lot of people say I now look Eurasian because my new nose is so high, and I think the paranasals have changed my lip shape. I'm getting used to having hard silicone in my face. There is still a LOT of swelling in my nose, especially at the tip, so I can't wait until it goes down. The past few days the swelling has been going up and down. I feel like it is really obvious that I got surgery because of how shiny I am, but strangers or acquaintances don't seem to notice. It's only close friends and family that are in for a real shock. My aunt told me I came back looking like an actress so I'm pretty pleased, but my little cousin saw how red my eyes were and told me I looked like a monster so I think it's about even.

Here is a before and after of my nose:

I got surgery with Shimmian so I stayed at their rehab Heal Camp hotel. They are very small rooms and are about $55-$60 USD a night. I would recommend that you bring a humidifier because the pollution in Seoul as well as blasting airconditioning all night on top of how sensitive your mucuous membranes already are will make you EXTREMELY uncomfortable. The manager downstairs is incredibly nice and Jay Lee will help you order Korean food to-go, but the delivery service there tastes bland and is really gross. The close location to the clinic was a plus, but during our stay the hot drinking water broke down and no one fixed it for weeks and the cleaning lady did not come for 5 days. We decided to stay there longer instead of changing hotels because we bonded with a lot of other foreigner women who also got surgery at Shimmian; it was nice to make friends even while we all felt horrible. But for $55 a night in Gangnam, I guess you can't expect too much.

Recommendations for travelers going to Korea for a nose job:
- Stay for two weeks at least. You need to let your doctor check your progress very frequently. I was EXTREMELY swollen even after two weeks; expect this after an osteotomy.
- Bring dry shampoo because you can't shower and your hair will be disgusting
- Get a humidifier because Seoul is polluted and going during this time of year means you will be heavily relying on AC
- Research your doctor, clinic, the risks of the procedures, and pros and cons of different rhinoplasty materials
- Dr. Jung said which material he chose depended on the thickness of your skin as well as what result you were looking for. I wanted a relatively defined nose and had thick skin so he chose silicone for me
- Do not move tilt your head downward after rhinoplasty, your blood pressure will rise and hemorrhaging is far more likely
- Are you feeling energetic after your surgery? Yeah? Well, sit the hell back down. Rest because your body will hate you for the next week if you don't.
- Ice like crazy during the first 48 hours. If you're going to Shimmian, buy some quality ice packs beforehand because the icepacks they give you are terrible.
- If you don't want to use a specific material, let the doctor know
- Show the doctor photos of noses you like and ask them to cater a similar nose to your face; would be also beneficial if you can photoshop your photos to give them an idea of what you want
- Follow aftercare instructions to the T!
- Sleep at an incline. If you can bring one of those awesome chair pillows, do it. If not, just use pillows to prop yourself up.
- Buy hydrogen peroxide and extra q-tips.
- Bring your heavy duty concealer because when you are allowed to wear makeup, trust me you will.
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Thanks for sharing!
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Hi Scardgril, thank you for sharing your experience! :smile:
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Hey guys, I'm thinking of going to VIP in Korea around mid Jan for a retouch. If anyone here is going around that time I would really like the company. Last time I went with a friend, but this time I'm going alone, so it'd be nice to have a buddy.
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Hi Mikyway52,
I am going to this clinic on Oct20 this year. I can not meet you up by your time.:sunnies
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That's too bad! I noticed you're from BC too. It'd be nice if we could go together. But I could only take time off in January unfortunately. :nogood:
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Hi Mikeway,
Are you from BC, too?
It is too bad because I have bought an air ticket, so I could not change.:rolleyes: If you can change your time, please let me know. I am going to the clinic that is same as yours. Are you going to do a prime rhinoplasty or revision?
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Yeah I would join you in Oct if I could, cause I just want this done and over with. Also I would feel more at ease having someone there with me. But I could only take time off work in January. I'm going back for revision. My nose is slightly crooked. Can't really tell in person but in pictures you can see. If I touch the inside of my nose I could feel that it's very deviated. No one seems to noticed it's crooked tho, but it really bugs the hell out of me. I'm hoping this is the last time I'll ever have to go in for nose surgery. At least revision is free and I still get free accommodation.
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Hi Mikyway52,
Where did you do your rhinoplasty last time? Is the same clinic?
My bridge of my nose looks very crooked, the scar on my columella, and my nosetrils are asymmetry. My bridge was just fat grafting. Anyway, it looks crooked and asymmetry very obvious.
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Has anyone removed their columellar strut before?
Would this change the shape of my nose, or resulting in a retruded columellar, and nose tip droop/collapse??
Thought of removing as it felt stiff.. and weird
Thank u people..!!
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Yeah I had it done at VIP as well. Even tho I have to deal with this revision, I'm still glad I had it done. I've gotten more compliments on my appearance. I have no scar and my bridge looks fine. Just the tip and alar is slightly crooked. If I paid this much to get my nose done, I expect the results to look close to perfect so I'm hoping they'll make it look symmetrical this around at least.
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Hi Mikyway52,
I had done my prime rhinoplasy in Beijing in 2011.
How long is your scar from last time?:smile:
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