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Asian Nose Job 3

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Wow! Its great that you are happy with the results.
May I ask what kind of implant that you have? Thank you for sharing :smile:
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A 2mm gortex implant for my bridge only, and septal cartilage and ear cartilage for the tip, lateral osteotomy and other things
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Some people like the look of the implant / higher dorsum, some people don't. I personally didn't like it on me, but like you said, almost everyone who gets a nose job in Korea tend to get some type of implant (if they don't already have the height). Among all the types of nasal implants, the highest rate for infection is with silicone (and with that, more so the "L" shape than "I" based on my research) - but at the same time, it's also the easiest to remove.
I know a few people in Korea that have had their implant for nearly a decade and it hasn't caused any problems for them. They did bring up a good point in saying that if the chances of infection were so high, people in Korea wouldn't be getting them and there wouldn't such a huge demand. People in Korea are like sheep with trends, so you would know if there was an outbreak of sorts.
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@alex229: You can remove the implant anytime, but to cut another opening into a healing nose could lead to higher chances for infection and thicker scar tissue as it heals again. I think they said it out of precaution.

I'm really happy to hear that it worked out for you. I assume you didn't have lateral osteotomy if it went back to the way it was pre-op?
What I wonder is that, before the doctor places the implant in, don't they shave/scrape the bridge to make way for the silicone? I assume thats why a lot of the doctors on makemeheal say a replacement would be needed. Also, now that you've got the ear cartilage removed, is your nose a little softer? I wonder if you'll get most of the squishiness back once it heals. Did you get your columellar strut removed as well?
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Did your niece get the "L" shape and her sister the "l"? My bridge was actually flat to begin with, I just never had a problem with it. Somehow I got convinced that raising the bridge would make it flow better as I was getting work done on the tip. I don't think it's merely the size I'm uncomfortable with, but a combination of:

a) it's artificial
b) it's slightly slanted to one side
c) I could see the outline
d) bridge is shiny
e) chance of infection / thinning of skin (I keep imagining the flashlight test) / migration
f) can't wrinkle my nose

At the same time, I'm someone who has major buyers' remorse over the nose job as a whole.
I would have everything removed and reversed if it means I could have my pre-op nose back.
I did my research before going through the surgery, I just never weighed the cons as heavily as I should have/didn't realize how much of an impact it would have on me. It didn't help that the people around me in Korea thought of surgery so lightly and they advocated it.
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thank you so much for your reply ^^ i was thinking along the same lines... and yes... goretex can cause an infection too... and like you said i understand silicone is the easiest to remove... well... i kind of have some height... not sure if i need an implant for height... i'll have to think about it and see what the dr recommends ^^

ps. i'm sorry you feel remorse... that is sad :sad:

i think most people who want PS take it pretty lightly ^^ they do their research and ask others if the clinic or doctor has any bad results... what's the best way to do an operation... then they go ahead with it ^^ nosejob is pretty minor... though it's hard to correct, i hope you get the revision you want ^^ i think there are two kinds of people... those who would never regret looking different and would never ever want their old self back... and those that end up regretting it because they liked how they looked before and can't get used to how they look... do you think this is true? i think it is and the people who like how they look... should only change little... and people who don't care/won't miss (or even remember) their "old self" can get whatever done ^^ everything is not for everyone...
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Congratulation!!! Nice to hear you are satisfy with you result!:smile:
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It is true that some doctors shave the patient's nose bridge before inserting the implant, but I heard that mostly from American doctors on realself. Fortunately in my case, my Korean doctor didn't touch the bridge at all (perhaps because it would take more time for him to operate = less patients and less productivity). If the doctor did shave the bridge then the patient will run the risk of having "Open roof deformity" after implant removal and will probably need another implant to correct it. However I did hear from some forumers that they didn't have any major problem after removing their implant even though they had gotten lateral osteotomy. So perhaps Korean doctors' lateral osteotomy is less invasive.

My nose is somewhat softer, but the nose tip still feels numb like its still swelled up (even though it doesn't look any bigger than preop). I still can't push the nose tip up like a natural nose :sad: it still hurst like a m..th..f..k.. if I accidentally hit it. So the squishiness did come back on the bridge, however not on the tip.
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I agree with you. I was pretty content with the way I looked before, but everyone has their insecurities and there are always something you feel that can be improved. Being in Korea (I didn't go for cosmetic reasons), just made having those improvements more accessible. I told my surgeon, many times over that I wanted to keep things "natural" - I had even gone to see him a second time before the operation because I was so nervous and wanted to make sure he understood what I wanted. He did keep it natural, but not natural enough for me; additional to the bridge, I feel that my tip has too much projection, is too pointy and rotated upwards.
That's the other thing, communication is so important and I felt rushed through our consultations. He would just nod at everything I was saying, but I wasn't sure if he was truly listening. I understand, they do the same procedure many times over in a day - in the end, I got a generic product of Korea. Which, ironically enough is what people in Korea are looking for.

It's been such a huge psychological experience. I'm just having a harder time than most getting used to my new look. Your second group of people (those that don't want to go back to their old self), remind me of this show I used to watch in Korea called "Let Me In". It's a show similar to Extreme Makeovers - and man, those girls have gone through some drastic changes. In the end, they're happier than ever (or at least they seem to be)!
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Thanks for your input, you give me hope. I'll have to ask my doctor what exactly he did; The surgery report I received was vague and of no help.

How long has it been since you've gotten the graft removed from the tip? I'm guessing not being able to push the tip up would be due to the columellar strut if that wasn't removed.

On a side note, I keep mentioning makemeheal, but I meant realself, haha.
I keep getting those two confused.
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yes i belong to the latter group ^^ i have changed my makeup, clothes, style, everything so many times i don't even know how many... haha xD PS is the same for me, I will be so happy to have my new look ^^ then I won't even remember how I used to look! someone here said if you're not happy with your surgery you might want to go back... i was like... "why go back, get more surgery!" ^^ i like the "generic product of Korea" because it looks very good ^_^ different clinics have different looks, I found one whose look I really like... after I'm sure it's the clinic for me I think I'll have everything done there! (I looked if they can do everything I want well... I have seen many after pics and each of the things I want very well done by that clinic, I'm very happy ^^ I can't wait to get my surgeries! but I still have time... so I'm emailing lots of clinics, weighing my options ^^ honestly the only thing I worry about at all if it will all look right the first time... but i trust it will ^^ someone asked me what i want done... then said "so many procedures!" haha xD i think people in the latter group... have no problem changing it all at once! not every Korean wants that though... I have seen some afters and thought "why did she only do her nose, she still needs zygoma and eyes and aegyosal at least..." maybe they didn't want to do it all at once or didn't have money... or maybe they're more like you ^^

I know I can't understand how you feel but I think you shouldn't be sad... you said the result is natural... I think that means the surgeon didn't make a huge change... from what you tell it also sounds like he's a good surgeon... maybe you can go back to him for a revision? that maybe best... ^^ please don't worry too much about it... I bet other people don't even notice!
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They both have L shape, just a very simple standard L shape silicone inserted through an incision inside of one of the nostrils. They did not get the tip done or any combination that usually would be done together in the rhino procedure.

From all the items that you listed from a to f , I think your expectation is very reasonable and a good surgeon can help to correct all that, not sure about item f though ;) You need to research carefully. In my opinion, a good nose job should looks nature even it is a nose job.

Another thought about your concern that how your nose will look like upon removing of the implant. I would seek second opinion to see what was actually done to your tip and bridge or maybe not at all. Or maybe, the doctor just sewed the cartilage to the silicone prior to insert it into your nose.

I have read somewhere while searching through the internet that closed incision nose job procedure with L shape implant is simple and there is not much that the doctor can do to alter your nose. I hope this will give you some peace of mind.

Below are some links that I found, you will find many people feeling the same way as you. Try to focus on the positive answers :smile:


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Thank you for your reply. I just read your other post, so you have a combination of everything for your nose. That's exactly what I think I needed to do.
Are you still in Thailand? vacationing in Thailand is not a bad idea at all.:smile: You sound so happy, such a relieve isn't it? Can you share the reason why you chose Dr. Somboon?
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can't do much to your nose? i thought closed rhino is perfect if you just want to do alarplasty (alter the nostrils) and shave off a little from the tip and maybe the bridge... then if you want lateral osteotomy or more complicated open is maybe better? I don't know though!! I wish i knew more... can you please share everything you know? ^^ is one of the implants better than the other? does goretex "grow in" your flesh? (that would make removing it really difficult and bad... if you needed to) are there any other options (if you don't want your ribs or ears cut...)? thank you ^^
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Thanks shinyglittery :smile: You have a good attitude towards change and I'm excited for you! Which surgeries are you planning to get done?

I can tell my surgeon is good; he focuses solely on noses at the clinic and with the amount of traffic, he's bound to have had a lot of practice. He was also kind and accommodating through my distress, and the healing process (thus far) has been successful. I have an appointment booked for the new year to see him again for a revision; he's the only one who knows exactly what was done so I'll have to trust him. The clinic also told me it's best not to consult with surgeons in Canada because they may "complicate" things. I found it very odd when they said that. I guess we'll see what happens! I do hope I will feel different in a few months time.
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