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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi Hiyori
Sure , i would love to . I don't really like big clinics that are famous among foreigners such as Regen , ID , BK . I prefer clinic which is more popular for locals .

Chungdam U
Conopi (EverM recommended for me )
D.A clinic - this is new (Dr.Lee from View)

My friend likes View the most but since Dr.Lee left the clinic to open his D.A clinic i prefer D.A more :smile:

here is my email [email protected] if you want to keep in touch with me in order to help and share our experiences :smile:
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You can communicate with me through my gmail account [email protected] (: I'm starting my korean language lesson next month so hopefully I will be able to communicate decently with them :biggrin: I'm only planning to do rhinoplasty cos I've got a wide alar and flat nose bridge. What other areas on your face are you planning to change?

I've shortlisted about 4 clinics - Wonjin, Pitangui, Regen and April 31.
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I have Korean friends from wealthy families who live near the beauty belt Sinsa/Apgujeong and know the clinics there very well. Conopi is on their black list. I saw photos and I would never consider that clinic. The same goes for Shimmian. Pitangui is marketing heavily that is all.
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A surgery is a surgery. So you know you have to be lucky when you decide to get under the knife. The best option is to look for a specialist who not only promises you natural results, but also has proof and a credible history of performing that procedure. See money isn’t always important. Paying more at a reliable clinic will not hurt and also cut down the risk to your health. Experience does count! Please don’t compromise your health for money.
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I agree with you. Avoid Shimmian if you can. There are some serious bad reviews.
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Thank you for your warning . Btw i have friend who has her nose done at Pitangui and i have to say that she is really satisfied with her result and i didn't see any bad review on them yet .
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Hi, Cyn, I saw your posts on Real Self also. I'm highly interested in going to Korea for consultations and surgery but I have no idea where to start!! You mention using translator service, which is a great help but did you get in contact with any of the Dr.'s before even going to Korea? There's so many questions! Can you email me from here or [email protected]

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Lol, you should DEFINITELY get into contact with the doctors before purchasing your ticket, that way they know you're coming and will make room for you if necessary. I'm fortunate enough to have friends in Korea, but many other things I have to plan out.
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Hi everyone, I'm new here. I've been following this thread for a while and everyone seems so nice. I'd like to share my story, and hopefully talk to people who are in the same situation as I am.

I had rhinoplasty in South Korea July this year and so far I am very unhappy with the results. I had a relatively alright nose, it was a little bulbous but I guess that bulbous-ness lent my face a cute look.

I think a huge part of my unhappiness is really due to myself. Being only 19, I was too taken in by how pretty Korean girls looked in dramas and music videos that I felt ugly and inadequate in comparison. My friends all told me I was beautiful just the way I was but in my head I kept telling myself that I wouldn't be happy until I got surgery. Well, I did get surgery and now I regret it terribly and I wish I had my old nose back. Sure, it wasn't perfect, but I was confident about how I looked, until I started being influenced negatively by media.

I had my surgery done with Dr. Suh of JW. I don't think he's a bad doctor; I think I'm unhappy with the results because I did not let him know specifically what I wanted. During consultation I gave so much trust to him that I didn't realise he was going to do more than just fill the depression on my nose bridge (I had a bulbous tip, like a ball, so the transition from my underdefined bridge to overdefined tip meant that it had a sudden depression along the length of the nose). I told him I just wanted that filled so that I wouldn't have a shadow where the depression is in my photos. I don't know how but somehow along the way I let him convince me to insert a 2.5mm silicone implant and reduce the sides of my nose (the part where the alars sort of connect to the middle portion of the nose, not sure what it's called so if anyone knows please let me know). He also used my septum cartilage to build my tip. And now I'm left with a nose that has a very visible silicone implant (the entire rectangle is very obvious in most lightings, you can see the edges on the sides as well as the bit between my eyes because I think he placed it higher than where my original nose bridge started and it's been pressing against my skin at an unnatural angle), that has sides (of the middle portion of nose, not alars) that are far too reduced (from front view, it tapers into a V shape as opposed to the original U shape) and looks "pinched" and way too narrow in comparison to my now relatively wide alars, and that looks more deviated than before (my original bridge was slightly deviated but the implant highlighted the deviation.. :sad::sad::sad: </3)

I've been really depressed ever since and I feel like I can't smile again until I get my old nose back. I feel like I made the decision to undergo rhinoplasty far too early in my life, and in too much of a rush. I am so scared that my nose will continue to "heal" in a way that I don't like - shrink wrap further, tip falls etc.. And now all I can think about is the day I get revision to correct my mistake. :sad: But I have so many issues with that:

1. I'm too scared to undergo surgery again. What if things become WORSE? :sad::sad: I feel like I can never trust a doctor to understand exactly how I feel again. :sad: I can't speak Korean and going through a translator just feels like my message will get modified somewhere along the way.

2. Cost. It was so expensive for me to go for the first surgery. I used up all my personal savings and I can't fund a revision until a much later date. :sad:

3. I don't know which doctor to choose anymore. There's just too many in South Korea and I don't even know where to start.

4. I don't know what SHOULD be done, or whether it CAN be done. Although I know how I WANT my nose to look, I don't know what surgical procedures go into making my nose look the way I want it... :sad: I don't want to use any ear/rib cartilage, I definitely don't want to use silicone, and I'm not sure if I have enough septum cartilage anymore. I'm too scared to harvest materials from another part of my body. Also, I don't know if the middle portion of my nose can be widened. I believe a lot of tissue was removed and I'm not sure if I can "refill" those areas with tissue, or whatever else, anymore. :/

I have no one to talk to about this because I'm too embarrassed to admit I made a huge mistake in life, and I don't want to be judged for it. So that's why I'm here. I hope someone here would be able to advise me on what to do. If you've undergone a similar situation, please let me know. :sad: Thank you.
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I am really sorry to hear what you´re experiencing right now. I don´t know how I can help you but if you need somebody to talk you could email me at
[email protected] (since you aren´t able to PM yet)

Don´t give up now, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Everything will be alright, as you have said, you´re still young and everything is possible. ^^ Try to be positive, there are many people who want to help you, to encourage you!

I wish you all the best and if you wish you to talk, please email me. :smile:

Take care :heart:
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Lol, where did you hear that? Korea is the number 1 spot in terms of plastic surgery for nose, eyes and other such facial augmentation (for Asians) I would say. A simple Google search will confirm this. Yeah I know being ranked number 1 (or in the top 5) for country with the most plastic surgery done and having hundreds upon hundreds of clinics in its capital doesn't necessarily correlate to best country for plastic surgery, but you've seen the photos (of regular people), Korean idols, actresses etc and finally a lot of people on this forum wanting to go to Korea for cosmetic surgery. We didn't decide to go randomly, there's a reason. Where as for Japan I haven't seen much or anything at all for that matter.
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Yeah my friend told me to go to Apgujeong as well but to go to hospitals...
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