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Asian Nose Job 3

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i think rhinoplasty involves all parts of the nose from tipplasty to bridge augmentation to alar reduction. You have to be specific what you are after tho. Surgeons will (or should) ask you what type of nose you want and then depending on your preference you could tell them that you want a sharper higher smaller nose or perhaps just want a higher bridge as you like the other components of your nose.

Your rhinoplasty is whatever you want to be done which the surgeon feels it is feasible to perform.

And yeah, assuming this is your first rhino, do not take the risk of using cartilage. The unevenness and bumps are quite common IF you want a significant augmentation. Its not that visible if you have a very slight augmentation to the point where its rather similar to your original nose. As in if you are after a truly subtle change.

I probably should have explained the process better as some people are confused or do not understand why this problem is common. Especially when surgeons who routinely perform this procedure swear by it and say that never occurs when they do it (big fat lie).

This is how Dr. Mendelson, 2008's president of the ASAPS and world renowned surgeon AMONGST HIS PEERS (so its not due to excessive marketing but by his skills and medical techniques) explained the diced cartilage to me. Get an apple, dice it up and then use some rice paper to wrap it up. No matter how well you dice it, there will always be an uneveness to the shape and texture. That's also the reason why some patients find their nose to have too much volume in terms of width after the surgery. Because some surgeons will attempt to wrap it in more scalp tissue to conceal the uneveness which can potentially give the nose too much volume.

Hence why only if you are look for a very subtle change should you consider this procedure. rib rhino without the dicing yields better results but the aesthetic complications are still there because the shape is just not as perfectly structured as an artificial one. I would recommend rib only if for whatever complications from your primary rhino, you are unable to use another artificial implant. Plus its more invasive
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Has anyone had good/bad nose job with Dr. Rival in Toronto? I'm considering going to him for rhinoplasty. If not, can anyone recommend an rhinoplasty surgeon in Toronto that where you've had good results? Preferably one that does a lot of asian rhinoplasty. I've had consultations with Dr. Solomon and Dr. Ellis already but now have read so so reviews.
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That's a good analogy with wrapping diced apple in rice paper, I cannot imagine doing the same for my nose... I had been looking at the procedure in Realself and it sounded promising at first, but I'm glad I saw the reviews here!

Overall, how do you deal with your expectations versus the actual results? I'm definitely guilty of having certain models/celebrities' looks in mind going in, though my results will for sure differ. Best case scenario, my outcome has differences but harmonizes with my features. Otherwise, it's something I'll have to reluctantly live with from then out. I have been increasingly discontent with my nose for years, but the forward scenario is even more daunting in these respects.
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my two times i did surgery, i showed pictures of models and celebrties to the surgeon. I was kinda dillusional in the sense that i thought plastic surgery could give me whatever i want. But the truth of the matter is the surgeon can only modify your features according to your facial structure. So it depends on your bone structure, your soft tissues, the muscles and the elasticity and thickness of your skin.

when i first did my nose i showed them this pointy caucasian nose lol. The surgeon was like "yes we can make you look better than that". After swelling went down i woke up and was like hrmmmm but its not like as pointy!!! the bridge is nice but its not as sharp at the tip. I later learnt that when you have an asian nose to begin with, its not possible to get those super pointy caucasian noses. But it was definitely an improvement. I had to get my first implant removed because i got it in thailand, they used a block of raw silicone and cut out a shape that was jagged and shoved it in my nose and was causing me discomfort. Second nose job i got botched by a surgeon in la. I been reading the post op report to get an idea of exactly what that AHole did to me. frustrating. But at the end of the day, even this nose looked better than my original one. My original nose is like wide and flat. My current nose is much higher but has a cartilage bump damaging the skin at the top. But im good with make up so i can cover it up lol. When i get down about the surgeries i have had, i just think about to my original face and know that its an improvement overall, tho not satisfactory.
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hi, i've been doing some research (rhino is something i am considering, but hesitating) and does anyone here happen to know what is a collumelar strut? i understand that it is somewhere near the tip in the nasal septum, but is it implanted by doctors in the case of rhino? :huh:
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I'm sorry to hear about your bad 2nd experience KCouture, hopefully your revision in Korea will go well. Hmm, that is an interesting point about not having satisfaction but still an improvement. I am wondering then, if I do not have much of a bridge in the first place and features far from my ideal results (i.e. sharp, small tip), would this generally limit what I can realistically expect from a first procedure?
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Those clinics generally have bad reviews from what I have read so far. I suggest you keep looking.

You need to go to this thread as a start:
# Shinyglittery has some notes there.
i see! so it is different from septum right i guess.. are you going to get revision for your nose soon? who have you consulted with?
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Also, I was wondering how important is it for there to be simulations of your face during the consultation? Some clinics I talked to offered them, and some did not. I do not simply want to rely on imagination to see whether certain features I picked from other faces would fit when on my own face. However, the simulations are also by no means a guarantee of my actual results. Overall, how useful are simulations?
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Cotton swabs are your bestfriend!!! I actually caught a cold prior to my surgery which made my nose extra running during the recovery period. I was told not to blow my nose too hard or at all. So i basically had to stick cotton swabs up my nose during the first week or so.

I also faced the same problem with sleeping in an upright position. The worst part of the entire process was my issue with being not able to sleep comfortably. The nose job was a walk in the park compared to my concerns for my comfort in my sleep haha. I had to sleep like that for 2 months... but I got used to it eventually so it wasn't too bad at the end.
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Hey eveyone, Asian male here checking in. I've decided to stay in the US and do my surgery here. I figure the aftercare and followup appointments will be easier.

My goals are bridge augmentation and tip work to lengthen and make it more defined. I also am looking for a more conservative approach that retains my ethnic characteristics.

Does anyone have recommendations in the LA-SF-SD areas for a doctor well-versed in asian rhinoplasty?
I've looked at :
Donald Yoo (pretty young doctor)
Chase Lay in San Jose
John Hillinski in Sand Diego
Dr. Peter Newen at ImageBodyCenter In OC

Charles Lee is definite NO

Any other suggestions?
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