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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi these forums have been really helpful to me and I can remember going back two years ago when I spent most nights up reading on Asian Nose Jobs 1 AND 2. I just wanted to give in my own two cents and share my experiences. I hope this post will also help others make an informed decision before going under the knife.

I had my nose done in, not in Korea, but in Taiwan so it might differ from some people here but I just wanted to find a affordable yet well respected doctor and Dr Hsu seemed like the man. Originally I had intended to go to VIP but after reading about all the horror stories about insanely huge noses even months post op. In fact a random google search with the doctor's name IN KOREAN in naver.com or google came up with empty results :tdown: I decided to do it somewhere else and researching lead me to head to Taiwan.

[​IMG] this was my nose taken by ryan during our consultation
[​IMG] the top pic was pre-op nose while bottom is me trying to pull the bridge out. basically I wanted to get rid of that suken look in my mid face and make my tip more defined and just a bit longer.

During the consultation I gave these pics for him to look at I think that's where I went wrong....
I really liked the nose of each of guys and how for the first two their noses gave them a "fresher look" but I honestly didn't expect my doctor to give me that kind of look and wasn't really expecting it. actually I didn't know what to expect I just really hated my nose...
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so my rib rhinoplasty went well and I was so excited to see my new nose and I was shocked to see this:

two weeks post op pic that ryan took before I left to go back to Australia
I know that it doesn't look like much of a difference with it cropped out but it definantly completely changed how I looked. my face looked longer and it made my eyes look less tired and gave it some glow like the pic of the b/a guy. Anyway I thought I looked like an elf but instead of feeling depressed I just laughed because it just looked so funny. srsly imagining the unravel to see a completely different person :???:

anyway here are is my swelling timeline which seems to get better and better
about one month
The nose was really long looking and as you could see the tip looked droopy because of all the swelling

6 weeks post op
Now I can see good definition in the tip and its not as long anymore which I'm really happy with. Doctor said it will be even more defined in another 6-8 months so I'm happy to know that
I'm currently at around 6-7 weeks and I'll definitely be making updates

So as you can see the doctor was able to achieve the nose that I showed him but I actually had something else in mind...and obviously he can't read my mind
please read the next post
I am a bit sad that the doctor wasn't able to give me curved nostrils from the side...but that's really about it.
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I had not actually considered how much I would look different after my rhinoplasty and if I had known I would have focused more of telling the surgeon the overall look I want for my face rather than just explain what I wanted changed for my nose

kinda stupid of me. obviously something right in the middle of your face makes a huge differnce :mad:
So if I could of anything different I would have just shown the doctor these pics and have him explain to me if it were possible to imitate and what other surgeries I would need to achieve it...


I wanted to get rid of my suken look and give the mid face with more definition which I have managed to acheive but it has made my face look longer which is what I showed to the doctor (silly me) and I do wish I had my old face shape because my nose kind of gives me this elven look. not complaining as it is a million times better than my old nose but if I could have it any other way I would done my consultation differently.
just be really clear to your surgeon as to how you want to have your face changed rather than just the nose
I don't know if I want a revision or not because I'm quite content with my nose now
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@Krisvonoz, I think your nose looks great! To me, it actually does look like it achieved what you were asking for, to elevate the bridge the way you have it pinched upwards in your before profile...

I'm searching the forum to do exactly what you're advising everyone, to be 1000x% certain what exactly you're looking for and how to communicate it so that the surgeon understands. But first I need to understand my own structure to know what's possible or not.

I'm going for a rhinoplasty (not rib though, I might not even do silicone or any other implant at bridge, if I could avoid it somehow but still achieve the look I want). My main gripe is how wide the middle and base is, from the radix to the tip, it widens like a triangle, with a rounded and flat tip. The problem for me right now is, I don't know what the exact structure of my nose is, meaning I don't know how much of the width and roundness (at base and tip) is caused by the bone, septal cartilage, fatty/fibrous tissue, and/or weak and rounded nasal cartilage... and I guess I wouldn't really know unless I do X-ray and CT scans... and then explore the possibilities and methodologies with each doctor during the consultations...

But, barring going to some medical imaging facility here to get my own first for xray / ct scans, is there anyway I can get a good evaluation for myself of my nose structure, using my own devices (meaning, like my own fingers and mirror and flashlight up my nose lol)? Like pinching the bridge and pressing the sides, to get a good understanding of the underlying structure, differentiate where the bone ends, cartilage is, fatty tissues is? It's hard for me to tell b/c my skin is thickish, but wondering if there's anyway I can use q-tips, or press hard along some ridges, so that I can form a fairly accurate image in my head of which part is what, in order to get an idea of exact procedures I'd like to ask each of the doc's I'm consulting with to be able to perform?

Basically I want a thinner nose, with a bridge that's parallel / straight, instead of triangular, plus a more defined/projected/sharper tip (instead of rounded like half a ball). I like the way my nose looks when I press the sides of the dorsum and the base together/towards each other, and stick q-tips up my nose to push up/out for tip projection, and I'd be happy with that shape. So I'm trying to get a better sense of, can the dorsum/base be narrowed by cutting/shaving the lateral walls / septal cartilage to do that (b/c I see photos that looks like it can be done, but I haven't found anything written about such a procedure), then do ear/septal cartilage tip-plasty, and excising of fatty/fibrous tissues, to get the shape I want? Or would osteotomy be needed for the narrowing effect? I want a narrower bridge, and know that an implant would heighten the bridge and help to make it look narrower too, but would rather avoid a silicone/implant if possible (to achieve the narrowing effect without it). I have a wide and round face, but it's small overall, compared to my nose (so my nose looks too big for my face right now), so I'd rather not make my nose any bigger with an implant (not to mention minimize future complications/infections possibilities).

Anyone with any ideas about any of this? I want to be as informed as possible going in to the consultations! Or is this the sort of detailed info. that can only be known by having the consultations?
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Is anyone in Korea now? I'm going for my 4th revisional surgery now in seoul for my nose. To all those out there please be careful as infections due occur and in worse case scenerio it will cause a dent/depression in the nose tip. Just checked with the doctor, he is gojng to use the last of my ear cartilage to try to fill the dent but he said he will try his best and I won't look like before (ie having the scar covered ). Anyone has any idea of anyone with extrusion scars and how it will finally get healed please?
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Hello everyone! I'm new but have been lurking around since last year.

I've finally decided to go to Korea sometime in March (last week probably) for my first rhinoplasty. I'm really nervous because I can't seem to find the best doctor for me. I don't want anything dramatic. I want something "natural" - the problem is "natural" can be pretty subjective... My family knows I'm going but my friends don't. I don't want them to be staring at my nose when I get back hehe

For those who have already gone through the surgery, can you please share some tips on selecting the surgeon and how to prepare for it?

Anybody going to Korea around that time?

Thank you! :smile:
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unfortunately Anna such a clinic does not exist. Because plastic surgery is performed by humans and everyone's facial structure and needs are different, there is always a margin of human error involved. You will never find a single clinic or a surgeon who has never had an unhappy patient or who has never had to perform a revision on their own procedure. Its about finding a surgeon who has a low margin of error, who made mistakes within reason. Example, mild asymmetry is a reasonable error but causing a patient's nasal structure to collapse is NOT a reasonable mistake.
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Of course. No one can perform their job duty, or anything .... 100% perfect 100% of the time. Even machines have errors.
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Very natural and pleasing result. I am sorry that you did not get everything you asked for, but from here I see a well-executed rhinoplasty.
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Putting the rib back, that's very usual, cartilage do not grow back and wont fuse

I have been around, going up and downs. K couture U r right, there can be no perfect dr, I think most pp r happy with their nose at my clinic, I am not!

I am happy of the shape (80%?) but I am not happy because they stuffed me too much or too roughly that my face feels nailed, I get dull ache sometimes and facial expression just feel like tight.

Also, I'm very sure my nose is too stuffed, because the onlay graft on the tip is faintly showing, I definitely see it now. Also, because of that, I also know definitively where the silicon ends, and it is exactly where I drawn my lines (red spot)

The drs said I have thick skin and I do have thick skin, my nose wasn't enlarged that much. I dont quite understand how this happened.

Basically, everything (red spot and cartilage) r very faint if it doenst progress I can deal with these. But

If I do needs another operation (I know drs will tell me different things) but what do u think r my best options? Pls help me get my mind started on a track sort of, cause its a bit overwhelming at this point
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omg, i am jealous of ur bravery, u look nice now,but i didny not laugh at my all puffed up face after surgery. im having some problem. and i have been believed that god is punishing me for some of my secrets. confused, but seeing u went through a lot and actaully archieved fine result and stood bright and happy, cheered me up
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