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Asian Nose Job 3

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hello babe,

when are you planning to go? I have the same concern as you too. After doing lots of reading on the different type of implants, I am also considering to reduce it down to tiplasty instead of full rhino as my main issue is the fat wide tip.

However, I realized that narrowing the tip alone may have a slight visual effect of "lowering" your bridge? Therefore it depends on your current nose bridge now as well.
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Her result is very natural and suits her face well.
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I have a question not sure if anybody else also has it.

After the nose job (like 3-4 months after) I got a dent in my nose. It's in the spot where the implant stops, and before where the tip begins. It's not really that noticeable but I can feel it's softer there and also see it in certain lighting.

I wanted to fix this but a doctor asked me if I really wanted to do a whole round of surgery again for this "minor" imperfection...he said this:

"Because nasal tip(exactly dome) made by alar cartilage is originally 2-3 mm higher than nasal dorsum made by nasal septum, there is dent in that site.
We call that dent supratip breakpoint. So that dent is not the comlication of surgery but the shape of the original nose shape.
And the dent is so small that it is not easy to remove it completely in spite of revisional surgery."

Anyone has the same problem?
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Yes, you've gathered correctly! There are still some US PS' doctors who are recommending using an L shaped implant for the nose -- which is no longer used in Korea b/c of the higher rates of extrusion! (Implant tip pressing so hard and pushing almost out of skin, making the skin look like there's some sort of wart growing... and they're still recommending it here, good grief!!! Definitely Korea is more technically advanced and knowledgeable in PS...)

Good to hear about your colleague's daughter's happy experience with The Line! Thanks for sharing! They're on my shortlist of clinics to consult with! :biggrin:
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Seekinghope, I PM'd you! (I think... or visitor's page message... or whatever it's called!)

You're probably right about the "low" bridge effect... my radix is just about flat already, so most likely an implant would be needed to achieve some definition... I'll be there last week of April! When are you going? It'd be great to have some good, like minded company going through the same / similar experience too... and to have even more variety of food hahaha! I am sooooooo excited!! It's blizzarding out right now and I'm still at the office to check this forum first hahaha :P
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I'm new to this!! But i need help!!

I am looking into traveling to Korea to do my nose! My nose is ****ing fat and ugly Lol . Does anyone know any GOOD and FAMOUS clinics that specialise in nose?

I have emailed a few like BK, JW, TL , PITANGUI, ID. Does anyone have any recommendations? pls help!
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Just want to hear from people who've have nose jobs before, how much oily-er did your nose get afterwards? It seems like a pronounced effect (more oily noses) for the majority of people who've had rhinoplasty before. I have an oily T-zone already, so I'm just trying to gauge how much more oily it'd probably become afterwards lol
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I got really oily right after surgery and a year and half later its not as oily but still quite oily. I try to use those oil pads to absorb it. Theres this one oil pad by Gatsby that has powder on it. I use that to reduce shine.
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@davids, thanks for the feedback! good to know that the initial onset of more oil production does slow down and probably won't be as bad as it is initially... but still, I guess I should be prepared to stock up on those blue clean and clear oil blotters :P !!!
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go get the glamglow youth mud. Leave it on overnight 3 weeks post op. After a few weeks, problem solved! I get mine from Sephora in Australia or the Bonjour store in Hk usually
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Hey there, I too had trouble with the way my nose looked. It was wider than I preferred and I really wanted to make sure that it was done right the first time. Its great that you are emailing different clinics to find out more information. I'll throw this out there but I got mine nose done at April31 and I'm really happy with my results. I hear that Dr. Kim (Rhinoplasty Specialist) is one of the best. Hope this helps. Good luck to you. :smile:
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That's interesting, I haven't had any issues with change in oiliness.
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