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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi, I'm new the forum and just diligently got through reading hundreds of pages of info. I'm thinking of going to Korea next year for primary, and it's been tough trying to decide which clinic to go to. Has anyone here had any experiences with rhinoplasty at Banobagi, Migo, or TL? I don't hear these clinics mentioned as often here, and I'd love to hear more opinions on them.

What do you all think about Banobagi, Migo, and TL? Are there any other clinics not often mentioned here that are worth investigating?

Nice to meet you all!
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no feels completely normal. It should do especially more so if your graft is done using autologous grafts from the ear. If its an irradiated one from rib then it might be a bit hard but it should soften nonetheless with time as the shield graft is a tiny piece anyway
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Hi everyone. I am currently 40 days post op for my rhinoplasty. I had a implant (silicon) for bridge augmentation and ear cartilage placed in my tip. I’m worried that you can see the outline of the implant between my eyes (horizontal line). I contacted my consultant in korea and she assured me that it was swelling and it would go away with time. Has anybody else experienced this? I am still quite worried, I can't afford another trip to korea any time soon.
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Hey there waterheart, I'm sorry to hear you are concerned! :doh: 1.5 months is still considered fairly early after rhino and your swelling is nowhere near dissipated, so please don't panic just yet! Your consultant is right, more time is needed before you make a definite assessment. Give your nose another 1.5-2 months to see if the issue resolves on its own, if it doesn't then you should begin thinking about contacting your consultant/surgeon again as it's not uncommon for silicone implants to become visible over time. This is because as they exert pressure on the skin, the skin begins to thin. If your skin is a bit thin, your implant isn't a great fit/placed too high then the implant can begin to show once swelling begins to go down.

I really hope it is just a matter of swelling and that all works out well for you. Good luck and let us know how you get on and if you need someone to talk to :smile:
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asked the doctor about this, was told being slightly visible was normal. And yes i have those lines too.
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Thanks for the replies. I guess I will have to wait, praying that it will go away soon. It’s just that every time I look in the mirror, the horizontal line between my eyes is all I see! For the first month I loved my new nose, but the line started appearing about a week ago and it seems to be becoming more apparent, making me super paranoid. Anyway, will keep you guys updated.
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???? You aren't being paranoid, I said that was a natural occurrence, the line really is there. In some people the implant tends to be slightly visible if you have thinner skin, and will continue to be very slightly visible if that is the case. That is one of the drawbacks of using silicon implants. It may also be swelling at first pushing the implant up and causing the line. However in your case, the line could be seen only when swelling went down (severe radix swelling usually doesnt last more than a month). Possible that your skin wrapped around the implant too tightly causing it to be visible now. (which may really not go away at all)
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without a doubt it is soft silicone. Cartilage will always pose a risk of resorption and will never be as flawless as silicone in terms of the aesthetic. If you scower through the forums you will find various accounts of people who have aesthetic complications from using cartilage on the bridge. Myself included. Often people who prefer cartilage just enjoy the idea of having something that is from your own body or a natural component. What they don't understand is that the infection rate of soft silicone when used in the bridge, though not lower than that of cartilage. is still considered extremely low. This is especially so when used amongst asians who have thicker tissues than caucasians. Much of the studies against silicone which we read about concerns data taken for harder obselete forms of silicone. In contrast, the aesthetic complications from cartilage used on the bridge is significantly higher than that of silicone. Silicone does not pose the risk of uneveness or resorption whilst cartilage does. Also the assumption that cartilage is a zero extrusion zero infection alternative is incorrect. I have had extrusion from cartilage to my nose so it is very much possible.
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ah I don't get this. from consultation until recovery, dr. Colin Tham was very helpful to me. Perhaps also coz i really followed his instructions after surgery. honestly, i understand you might be a little bit scared after the nose surgery. i do to. but that little discomfort will just fade away. i went for refinement of my nose-tip and the incision isn't even visible today. im happy of the result. im sharing his site here to also help others http://www.colintham.com.sg/
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seems like a promoter lol.
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Hi ladies, anyone planning to go Korea to do ps at the end of november or first 2 weeks of december this year? i am planning to go alone. finding companions here to support each other through the journey :smile: and also seeking ladies with bulbous nose which corrected their nose to review on the clinics i researched on.

Surgeries needed: Nose reduction (definitely) & maybe ptosis + lateral cantho for eyes if budget allows ( i already had double eyelids)
Problem: i have a nose with high nose bridge but appears too big form the side and too long from the front as i have a small face + short chin. This has been bothering me since young. So the nose surgeries i need are much more complicated (nose reduction) than the common surgery of inserting an implant. Have read so many forums and blogs but not many cases of people with same nose as me :sad::sad:

Thus after reading purse forum i shortlisted the popular ones and sent my photos to jw, banobagi, id and pitangui and whatsapped Dream. Writing down my review of their email replies & quotes here and hopefully can help ladies who are still researching:

1) JW - no1 choice for now as i understand the main surgeon for nose Dr Suh is really skillful & rhino is his expertise. however there were not enough b&a of noses like me online.
they suggested: " Osteotomy to narrow the nasal bone and bulbous tip and then correct the hanging columella to reduce long nose appearance. No need to increase height with silicon, Cost: 6million-6.5million won
- i like that they specify the exact procedures needed for me instead of just telling me i need a rhino.

2) Banobagi -
2nd choice as i like that they have recovery rooms and guest rooms just in their hospital so it makes planning of accomodation easier. con: saw some forumer says they are not good at nose; only facial contouring.
they suggested 2 procedures: bulbous nose correction - cost 6,050,000 KRW and also chin implant 3,850,000 KRW ~ 4,400,000 KRW
- their email reply was short and didnt specify the exact steps to correct my nose as compared to JW thus i find it abit vague for me to understand

3) ID -
they suggested 'Barbie line nose surgery' (Bridge augmentation + Tipplasty) which i guess is their trademark procedure. but im not sure about their bridge augmentation as JW consultant mentioned that i already had a high bridge.
Rhinoplasty with osteotomy - starts at 5.5 million KRW (5300 USD)
- impressed with their long and detailed replies with links to FAQ, before and afters and surgical steps.

4) Pitangui -
saw one blogger with bulbous nose who went to this place and results was indeed a smaller nose but doesnt look natural. however the biggest drawback is that i read many bad reviews that Doctor is snobbish and will only consult you for 5 mins :sad:
they suggested Reductive rhinoplasty + Nose bridge augmentation + Nose tiplasty projection with ear cartilage + Bulbous nose tip correction + Alar base reduction - cost 4.5million krw
- their quote is the cheapest with so many procedures and i was really impressed with their personable email replies which was very long and super detailed explaining the surgical step!

5) Dream -
i whatsapped them instead of email as i couldnt find their email.
their reply was very vague- that i needed a nose reduction with open rhino - thats it. Cost 7.7mil KRW. and when i ask them for the actual procedures needed for my open rhino their reply was "it depends on everyone's need. that cannot be decided until you see the doc"- i was super turned off by this reply, you quoted a price tag of 7.7mil krw without knowing what was needed for my open rhino; how do you derived this price???thus i feel they are not sincere at all and Dream is OUT.
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I'm very tempted to do my nose too..I've a bulbous nose so that's my main concern, I want alarplasty and to sharpen my tip but not sure if the results will be worth it.

Anyone who did Asian nose job for bulbous nose can comment ?
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If a clinic recommend you to have rhinoplasty, tip plasty and alarm reduction. What do you think the rhinoplasty means? I want to ask, because that word can have a large consept. I think there are people who has more experience when it comes to that term?
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some clinics i asked seemed to separate these procedures.. eg for me:
1. Reductive rhinoplasty + Nose bridge augmentation + Nose tiplasty projection with ear cartilage + Bulbous nose tip correction + Alar base reduction
2. Nose tip surgery using septal cartilage, Nose bridge augmentation, and alar reduction.

some group it together:
1. Rhinoplasty Surgery
-Silicone Implant with Tip surgery by using your own septal cartilages
-Lateral Bone Reduction

i guess in your case, rhinoplasty will refer to the nose bridge area? by the way we seem to have similar problems about our nose hahah
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