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Asian Nose Job 3

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Oh and remember to ask the clinic about the guarantees:
1. Who will be responsed if anything happened to u during the surgery procedures (if any medicate complication occurred and they have to send u into a hospital then who will cover the cost and which hospital do they have contact)
2. What guarantee would they give u if the results are not what u expected/ discussed with the doctor.
3. If there is any problem come up (infection, medicate complication) later then who will be respond for that? Can u undergo the revision for free? If yes then how long this agreement is valid for.

Most likely this will be discussed in verbal and they will not state it in the agreement/ contract u sign before the surgery. U should have a discreet sound record (on your phone may be) during the consultation to be a prov later on hahaha
I might sound so skeptical about this but to be honest it's hard to trust these surgery business guys. Just to be prepared for the worst...
Well, but anyway nothing bad has happened to me yet and right now I'm still quite pleased with JW and their staffs. (#^.^#)
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Cool! Which hotel r u going to stay?
I think u should take ur time to go to different clinics to have more consultation because different clinic provide a different solution. If u r not sure 100% about what dr. Kim said then u shouldn't hesitate to go for another.
I managed to go to 4 clinics/ day. It took me 2 days to find the suitable one. It's your face, it's super precious so u shouldn't be rushed.
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Kindly read my posts on page 105 and 106 please! It took me 2 days to visit diffident clinics to find a right one. After my last consultation with JW I decided to have surgeries there.
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That's how much you paid for both your eyes and nose or just your nose?
And yes, I would appreciate it if you could give me the email of your consultant. I did request a consultation, but no one responded to me.. :/

I really want to do rhino and zygoma reduction for under 6 mil... I don't know if it's possible, but I'm going to press for it... hahaha

And did you just get a silicone implant and tiplasty to your nose? I think I might have to do osteotomy and maybe alarplasty as well.. Lots of different clinics have been saying different things. I'm seeing a local American surgeon on Monday to see what he says... even if he won't have nearly as much experience in Asian rhino, I figured, it would be better than the consultations i've had over email.
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haha. Well, it's great to hear that you and kiki are already going out and about, exploring the city! :biggrin: When are you getting the splint off?
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Until when are you staying? Unless you plan on staying in Seoul through September... how will you meet me!? LOL

I'll be in Seoul for surgery between Sept. 14 through 21
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Osteotomy?? Because the bone in the middle of your nose was too wide or was that the removal of your hump? I've emailed a bunch of clinics and only one of them is suggesting this for me but my nose is flat and I don't have a hump at all! If the bone is too small and thin in the middle, which I'm pretty sure mine is, an osteotomy cannot be performed.
And only two clinics out of a bunch, one being JW, say I need alar rim reduction, I'm not sure, though I may go ahead and get this.
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Haha... I was just thanking you for advice, Kkim! The meeting up msg was for Kichichan and Cherrykiss! Good luck in Sept!
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That's the total price I paid for everything.
Eye: non-incision double eyelids + ptosis correction, epicanthoplasty
Nose: osteotomy, hump reduction, tip plasty (I didn't get any implant since my nose bridge is already high enough.
Will pm u my consultant name and email.
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I need an osteotomy because I have a wide nasal bone. My nose bridge is quite high but I have a hump on it so I had to do a hump reduction as well.
I u have a small and flat nose then it should looks nice with the implant, the implant surgery would be much more simple then cutting away a part of bone like mine.
The person consultantion gives a very different solution result from email so I think u better go to as many clinic as possible when u arrived to Seoul.
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Yep, I have 3 top and 3 on my backlist in which I'll be consulting with all 6 most likely.
How's recovery coming along? When do the bandaids come off?
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Funny you should say your consultant's nose at Wonjin was too fake-looking. Judging from their site and blogspot, they do not so great nose jobs..either little change or just not great-looking in general. They specialize in facial contouring and breast augmentation judging by their photos. Well I was never going to consult with them, but yeah after reading your review and going on their site again they are definitely crossed off even though they did offer me a discount for doing two procedures.
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