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Asian Nose Job 3

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Thanks dear...! How is it going with your procedure discussion with JW? Yumi asked me the other day about u, she wondered if u r Korean...:smile:
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My choices are pretty much the same as yours, but I add shimmian clinic because i'm impressed with the b&a pictures, I think it looks natural but I'm still not sure.
What do you think of Banobagi and VIP? I heard a lot about them..

I think we should stay in Korea early before the surgery day, like 4-5 days early and we visit all of the clinics in our lists before we make our decision.
what do you think?
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That's funny... I replied and told her I was...

I'm waiting to see them face to face before making any final decisions, but they are definitely amongst my top choices!

BTW, are you Korean? You look Japanese from your photos and your username is Japanese as well...
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I'll be in Korea from Sept 4 through Sept 24. But I'll be in Seoul for only a day after I arrive, and then I'm going to my grandparents, which is like 4 hrs away... I'll be coming back to Seoul on Sept. 13th and meeting up with two other forumers. You're totally welcome to join us! :smile:

Eightbelow is going to arrive in Korea on the 13th and leave on the 24th. I don't know what J is going to do... but she'll definitely be around the same dates.
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Hmm I think everyone agrees that VIP is overpriced. I mean, $5,000 for a primary rhino with silicone? Too much! Might as well do my surgery in the states...

As for Banobagi, there not on my list, but if you decide to go and book surgery with them, I know that they have 5 nights of free accommodations! Just a thought... But I think their prices are a bit higher than the ones I've been looking at. I'm trying not to go to places where they heavily market to foreigners...
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Oh! This is good to hear! JW is on the top of my choices!!! :biggrin:
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are you planning to go to Korea alone or not? because i'm planning to go alone because i don't want to tell anybody, my family or friends that i'm going to have a rhinoplasty.
but i'm very afraid being alone in Korea and visiting the clinics alone so I'm really looking for a rhinoplasty buddy..
anyone interested? :biggrin:
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I'll be in Seoul (kind of) by myself. I mean, there are four other forumers (including me) who will be going at around the same time, so we're planning to meet up/hang/stay at the same location/etc. You're totally welcome to join our group :smile:

I'm accompanying Eightbelow with her consultations on September 13th and 14th. If you arrive in Korea around then, you can definitely join us then as well :smile:

And of course, we'll be keeping each other company during the recovery, going around Seoul with face masks... shamelessly flaunting our plastic surgery.. haha!

But yeah, that's the situation right now~ You or anyone else is welcome to crash our party!
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that's great! i can't wait..how can I contact you? do you have skype?
what is your nose problem?

my problem is I need a nostrils reduction but from what I saw in most of b&a pics, the Koreans don't really have wide nostrils.
Is anybody know any doctor in Korea who is really good in performing nostril reduction?
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Nope, I'm not. :smile:

Hey, Please keep us updated about your consultation with JW. I would like to know how they solve the payment for u (cash/card? Any Receipt? 10% tax included?, any agreement?).
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They said they will pay 10% tax for me instead but it sounds a bit strange to me... If that law saying that all plastic surgery patient has to pay 10% tax then how could the clinic pay that tax for me, shouldn't it be I'm the one who has to pay? I don't know how it works in Korea... They didn't give me any receipt from the cash register on the cash amount that I paid either...??? I'm confused now... if you have any ideal about this please share with us..

Oh yes, Dr. Suh did my nose. He seems to be honest and skilled. I think he might be the only Rhinoplasty doctor in JW.
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Wow you look so pretty. I like your new look better. Who did you go to again?

What did your procedure consist of? Thanks!
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Have u ever seen any other patient who did their surgeries in JW? Any ideal how the results are?

I'm waiting for my eye and nose to be de-swelling to update the final result for other forumers. So nevours since it would take me at least a few more months to see it :P
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Thank you! Please kindly refer to my post at p.105.
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