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Asian Nose Job 3

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Ahhh where in Sinsadong are you staying? Eightbelow's been looking for cheap places to stay...

Actually the reason why I didn't want to have an implant was because I'm pretty satisfied with the height of my bridge. It's not high as a caucasian nose, but it's not completely flat either... The problem for me is that it's HUGE~! LOLs

I initially looked into rhino because of the bulky size of my nose... Anyhow, I don't want any drastic changes, and I definitely don't want to have to undergo revision surgery... so I am strongly against getting an implant in my nose.

Do you need to augment your bridge? If your height isn't too low/you're fine with the height, then maybe you can forgo it altogether as well.
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Yes, I'm exactly the same! I don't need to heighten the bridge of my nose. Only that it is very big and there's a lot of tissue at the tip so the main thing is debulking the tip and do a tiplasty. Also by nose droops down so they need to use septal cartilage to give a higher defined tip. My bridge is actually quite wide (not low) so they just need to slim the side so it's more narrow.

My reasons are the same as yours in that in order to avoid a revision I'd rather not have any implants. But I still need to see when I have the consultations. Nothing is confirmed. If I can avoid them touching my nose bridge that would be good, but they are all recommending silicone..

Maybe we should swap photos and you can tell me what you think lol!!
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hahha I'll PM you...
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I wear glasses! You can use clips so glasses sit on your cheeks or look online. I just didn't wear line since I had ear cartilage harvesting and the bandage and taping was huge. :smile:

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might as well just staple it to your forehead...less embarrassing that way :cool:
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I heard about these clips but cant seem to find them :/ hrrrmmm... I might just not bother with doing eyes if its going to cause me being without sight for a couple weeks haha !! Or get laser surgery now ready then cn grt everything LOLs!
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Haha!! Interesting suggestion :P
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Just a question! ~4 mo post op

After surgery I noticed my bridge appeared more " white" I was thinking it's because of my silicone & thinness of skin. I looked back at my old pictures and did notice my nose was slightly naturally lighter than the rest of my face/ and recall having thin skin to being with but after surgery it had become more noticeable (whiteness) . Or maybe I just stare at my nose so much that I notice it more than others :T..& my implant feels a little high (only at the radix?) if that makes sense, just the starting point seems kind of high and creates some shadow on the sides between my eyes. HOwever, one day I scratched my nose and I think I had an allergic reaction & my nose swelled up lol I semi freaked out but to my surprise "my swollen" look made me look younger and took the "whiteness" of my nose away! SO in conclusion I think my nose needs more fat or something around the sides of the bridge ..lateral sides of septal cartilage i believe) so basically- lower the implant & add fat around my nose?? then that would solve " the whiteness being gone + nose looking less defined & younger. because right now my bridge (front view) looks so defined.. and makes me look a bit older. Usually most ppl's surgery look high just on the side... Has anyone had any type of surgery to correct this? Also, I do think JUST lowering the implant would help a bit too at least the high radix & shadowing & make help my nose look less defined at the bridge but I don't know to what degree & i'd still have the whiteness issue. Also, if I have this done or maybe even just lowering implant is that just a very simple revision? or do they have to touch the tip re-do it & everything as well in order to access the implant????????? TIA!
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It would depend on the size of your hump...
From what I've seen people with humps on their noses can get fat injections, implants, or osteotomy to straigthen out their profile.

No one can tell you which will be appropriate for your nose without seeing it.. and by no one I mean, a qualified plastic surgeon. I'd do some online consults if I were you.. :smile: And it's important to keep in mind that what a surgeon will recommend will likely be geared towards what the surgeon is good at. If he's not good at fat injections/osteotomy, the surgeon will likely recommend implants or an alternative they're more comfortable with. So I think it's important to consult several surgeons...

Anyhooooo goood luck to you!!! :smile:
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Heey! You've been MIA

How's your recovery? Are you getting adjusted to your new face? Is your eyelid done swelling? What about the bump in your nose? did that resolve itself?

Update us please!!
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Can it be you are still swollen? I just had a revision because my bridge was way to tall and thin that the side of my nose had shadow. It made me look older and angry! It took away the sweetness I had. I waited for 9 months and found a good surgeon I can trust (alot of prayers). I was so depressed the first two months of my primary rhinoplasty. I literally hide in my home for two months because I looked so different. Now with this revision... The bridge is still swelling (only a week) but the nose is so much better the the rib graft I had. I look like me again!
So the height of the bridge makes a big difference! In your case it may not be a big revision to change silicon... I believe few people did the same on this forum but they had to wait for 6 months. This time just make sure u make it very clear on what you want to your doctor as u don't want to keep having surgery. Good luck and God bless!

After surgery I noticed my bridge appeared more " white" I was thinking it's because of my silicone & thinness of skin. I looked back at my old pictures and did notice my nose was slightly naturally lighter than the rest of my face/ and recall having thin skin to being with but after surgery it had become more noticeable (whiteness) . Or maybe I just stare at my nose so much that I notice it more than others :T..& my implant feels a little high (only at the radix?) if that makes sense, just the starting point seems kind of high and creates some shadow on the sides between my eyes. HOwever, one day I scratched my nose and I think I had an allergic reaction & my nose swelled up lol I semi freaked out but to my surprise "my swollen" look made me look younger and took the "whiteness" of my nose away! SO in conclusion I think my nose needs more fat or something around the sides of the bridge ..lateral sides of septal cartilage i believe) so basically- lower the implant & add fat around my nose?? then that would solve " the whiteness being gone + nose looking less defined & younger. because right now my bridge (front view) looks so defined.. and makes me look a bit older. Usually most ppl's surgery look high just on the side... Has anyone had any type of surgery to correct this? Also, I do think JUST lowering the implant would help a bit too at least the high radix & shadowing & make help my nose look less defined at the bridge but I don't know to what degree & i'd still have the whiteness issue. Also, if I have this done or maybe even just lowering implant is that just a very simple revision? or do they have to touch the tip re-do it & everything as well in order to access the implant????????? TIA![/QUOTE]
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