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Asian Nose Job 3

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Yes I heard the same thing about rib but that sometimes its good used on men. The doctor at VIP clinic advised me to use rib but 4 other clinics recommended me to use silicone. After reading about the pros and cons on using rib I decided it just wasn't for me.

Why aren't you happy with the ear cartilage wrapped it fascia? I ask because I was actually against using silicone and was going to ask the doctors during my consultations when i see them in sept why they won't use my ear cartilage wrapped in fascia instead of silicone.
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In your case, if the doctor recommends osteotomy, then you might want to consider a silicone implant.. But I know that in the States, people get osteotomies without getting any implants, so I don't see why you couldn't do without one.. Or as you say, do an osteotomy and even out the bone shaving/cutting with an ear graft cartilage?

For myself... Since I don't have a hump, and my nose bridge is... well it's not narrow, but I think I can get by without an osteotomy.. In which case, I hope I can forgo the implant. bahhh We have to get our butts to Korea so we can get some real consultations, don't we? one more month!
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It's only been 10 days and my nose looks so much better than my primary rhinoplasty after 9 months. I am very happy with the results thus far. I look like my self again but better

My primary was not successful at all .....The rib implant was way too high and strentched my skin so much that on the side looked very dark. Overall I looked so older and severed. I was very unhappy with my first rib experience. My nose felt like a rock and looked crooked. My first surgeron was just inexperienced. I am so happy I did not go back to him!

I am so happy it's behind me now .... It took so much out of me to not look like myself and looked worse than my original nose! thank God it's over!

So advice to everyone.... Please do your homework and be very clear what you want. I learned the hard way.
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Yeah, that sounds strange. Some doctors in Korea recommended me osteotomy without an implant (Dr. Jung, Dr. Suh, Dr at Banobagi) and others said I needed it. I don't understand, I asked my nose doctor before the surgery if he was sure I didn't need an implant and he seemed to be very confident about it. How come so many people having osteotomy in the States without an implant, or is it different because they have a western nose?
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I was wondering for your revision surgery, did they trim and re-use the original rib or did they harvest new rib, also same question for your cartilage nose tip, did they recycle that too?
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i have the exact same problems as you.. i want to know in american if there's anyone who's good at wide noses (alarplasty)
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hey faitful..did you go to dr edmund kwan for your revision??? i didn't get much postive reviews when i searched him up on the net.
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Well, most caucasian rhinoplasties are to reduce the size of the nose. Whether it's the width of the bridge, height of the nose, straighten a hump... etc. Most don't require dorsal augmentation. So, the osteotomy is done without adding an implant because that would raise the bridge of the nose. Since most Korean (and international) patients require an implant for dorsal augmentation, they're probably less familiar/skilled at creating a nice nose line from the bone to soft tissue, without relying on the implant to cover up any irregularities...

Anyway, you should still look into a free revision with the doctor at JW.. Hopefully it all goes away, but if not, it should be a simple revision to shave down the glue right?
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I read somewhere that you can't re-use a rib-graft... but maybe I misremember...
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if the rib graft is not warped or infected, you can re-use it.
if you want to make the nose smaller, you just have to carve the rib to a smaller size
if you want the nose to be bigger though, that would be trickier as they would have to combine it with another material (dermis?) to make it bigger.
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A lot of doctors in the states prefer to use the patient's own body cartilage apparently. 9 out of 10 doctors in the US advised me not to use implant when I asked them for advise. However, I also heard that in Asia, the doctors use a soft and expensive silicone and are more skilful at using silicone on patients. I'm not really sure myself.. I heard that it's cheaper and less work using silicone, but I also heard that silicone gives the best and natural result. I guess the main concern from western doctors is the infection risk and possibly extrusion in the future (but think that only applies to L-shaped silicone..?) Ahh, confusing.. So many pros and cons to think about and I still don't know what to do.. The doctors had recommended only a 1mm silicone to just smooth out any irregular contours, so its not like I'm using that much silicone anyway.. Don't know...
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Yes, I think in your case you can more forgo the implant than me because you don't have a hump and already have a nose bridge. What have the doctors recommended? Or are you ust going to wait until the consultation.

I know lol we have to go all the way to Seoul and still don't know what we're having done! So for me, I have three choices: 1) No silicone implant 2) Silicone implant 3) No silicone but use ear graft instead.

However, whatever I get done I gotta be sure that the surgeon is comfortable doing it. I don't wanna tell a surgeon who is very skilful at using silicone that I want ear graft instead if he isn't comfortable using ear graft.

Yes one month! Excited?
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are you planning to have a rhinoplasty too?
I think we should do the research together since we have the same problem
Do you know which doctor is good for our case?
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