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Asian Nose Job 3

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Oh I remember u have been post that,but frankly at that time not look as beautiful as now,u have now vivi eyes that I want too

Good luck
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Thanks ya... (For u n me) I understand sometimes it's not easy to archive a desire outlook even after a long research for our surgery. I, myself went through
3 eyelid surgery.. Finally got wat I want... I really hope I did not make any wrong decision again to go Dr kao for rib rhinoplasty.

Did u get any eyelid surgery yet? Or you r seeking for an eyelid revision? Anyway I will send you a PM.
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you don't look like your need surgery!
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i think most of the times rib is stiff but it really depends on how the surgeon performs ure surgery as well. some surgeons say that they can make ure nose still move around like a normal nose and not be too stiff. but in general rib is not as soft as ear cartilage.
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lol haha well im praying that those who said they were going to him come back and update us on the forum. my life depends on it!! hes the only surgeon that i am confident can give me the results i want. so do u plan on going to vip then??
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Hi Spykcu,

Actually if the silicone in my nose don't show it's color orangie under light, i Don't think I will go for rib Rhinoplasty revision. Because its now showing implant Contour visibility & can see orangie color that shows my skin is thinning badly as I'm only 4mths post ops from my primary rhino. I research silicone will thin the skin as time goes by, it will only worsen my situation. I'm considering either to go for rib rhino or totally remove my silicone remain my septal & ear cartilage on my tip if i won't face any contracture or upturned nose after removing implant.:sad:
I'm just a unlucky one when comes to surgery :nogood:
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Hi Taeyang

Ya I agreed with you. Me also come across this explaination in google search. I think I really have to try my luck again le. Thanks for sharing! :biggrin:
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I recently changed from rib to silicone.... I think the skin thinning would be the same for both implants as if the height is too much and stretch the skin. When I had my rib implant.. The sides of my bridge was dark purple and I was told by other ps... Overtime I would of had to remove the rib because it would look really bad. So I was wondering if any imp ants would cause thinning skin?
As for contracture or upturn .... Is this only happen to silicone removal or any implant?
Sometimes I wish I never touched my nose!

Thx everyone!

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Most people don't need a nose job. Unless it a serious big and crooked hump nose.
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Hi faithfully

Yes any removal of implant ( Any Type of Implant) within 6mths will cause contracture. Becoz of scar tissue forming .
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19 more days to go! :graucho:

I agree with Spykcu~ With your profile photo, you look so much like Janice Man. :biggrin:
To avoid the skin thinning, your PS would either have to use your own rib cartilage + fascia.
People that have used "donated" (ie. cadaver) rib cartilage have a higher chance of the skin thinning.
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Hi schrodinger

Thanks for your compliment. Yup I heard alot of complication about donate rib. So I'm using my own rib, dr kao say he will use the right carving method, he will use centre core of rib graft & wrap with perichondrium.. If i decided rib rhino after consultation with him..
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Thanks, so when complication occurs then revision procedure will have to be taken right? How do we know on this complication symptoms? what if everything feels okay and still looks okay?

Hope you could advice again thank youuuu!!:tup:
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Hi Worries, thanks for sharing your experience. I'm sorry you had problems with the silicone implant. I've heard that the skin can thin too, and maybe it depends how thick your skin is on your nose? Can the surgeon use just your septal and ear cartilage, rather than rib? Or are you definitely having rib?

I'm off to Seoul in three weeks and I'm planning on having just septal and/or ear cartilage for my nose and no implants. I already have a bridge so don't want to augment it even more, but my nose tip is droopy so they're going to to tip-plasty and osteotomy to narrow just the sides of my nose bridge (but not the height). One or two surgeons have suggested using a 1mm silicone but I'm still reluctant to have any implants, even 1mm..

Do you know how many mm of silicone they used for you? When are you off to Taiwan?
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