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Asian Nose Job 3

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i kno! lol im counting on it, i need some feedback from people who actually went to him before I go.
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the best of luck to you. please make sure to keep us all updated :smile: are u getting a full rib rhinoplasty? vip is quite good for dramatic makeovers.
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Yeahh!!! Dr Wang's b&a has quite a big difference and I like. But I realize most of the noses' bridge is quite straight, doesn't have much natural curve though.
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Hi butternpancake

Ya.. I seen Dr kao website too. I do agreed with u that his work on patients the nose tip is round.. Personally I think round tip (not bulbous) will make a person look younger. As for the bridge thickness, dr kao mention he can carve the rib graft thinner to suit me if I want. Anyway if im not wrong, i still remember there was once in purseforum patients did reveal that VIP website nose photo got photoshop before,because there is one patient photo was post on VIP website. The patients realize her photo in VIP website has been photoshop wor. I believe Dr kao do not have time to hire or do photoshop on his blog ya.. He is busy running 2 hospital in taipei...:smile:
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hi everyone - i went to dr david e kim in beverly hills last year for a rhinoplasty. i would NOT recommend him as it the surgery made no difference for me and it cost me 11K. i'm pretty upset with the results :cry: just for background, my nose has a slight bridge but my base is bulbous. i feel with the surgery, it made the tip even more bulbous!

now i am looking to do a revision in korea. can anyone recommend a doctor that specializes in revision and also one who can make the tip/base less bulbous?
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Thanks Worries. Actually, I'm thinking that its a mere 1mm and I'll probably forgo any silicone or graft since the majority of the work is going to be on my tip. I don't need to augment my bridge. One doctor only recommended the 1mm silicone, not to heighten my bridge but to smooth out any irregular contours after the osteotomy... Here's hoping that it'll be smooth enough without the need for silicone. I need to ask the doctor if there are any risks even if its only 1mm used... Do you think the risks are the same as yourself, where you used 2-3mm implant?

Are you now not considering rib anymore or still keeping your options open?
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Cool, great stuff! I'll be free to meet etc from the 14th onwards (the big surgical day) When is your surgical day again? Excited?
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I'm getting their procedure package called "Harmony Rhinoplasty"
Which is just a nice name for:
+ Rib-graft Rhinoplasty (plus faschia/dermis lining?)
+ Paranasal augmentation

With that, it will provide a balanced facial profile - I can tell just by looking at the B&A on VIP's website. *__*
I'm opting out of forehead + temple fat grafting because my forehead is already curvy - almost like an alien's forehead. :P

I will be keeping the forum updated since you guys have helped me so much! Maybe I'll write up a full review like what HHer wrote.
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I'll look forward to meeting up with you!! :hugs:
Excited? You have no idea! I've been having lucid dreams this week about getting the procedure done and [in the dream] I was satisfied with the outcome. Hopefully this would happen in reality too. :P

I felt extremely disappointed when I woke up too. No brand new nose, still stuck with the old one.....

I need a time machine, stat! :graucho:
My surgery date is: Monday, September 10th. :woot:
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i dont understand, do doctors in asia not know how to perform an osteotomy without causing any regularities or bumps on the bridge? must they put an implant over the bridge to hide all the bumps? this is quite worrisome. i dont need an implant but i need an osteotomy. but whats the point of getting one if im gonna be left with a bumpy nose?
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Thats what i intend to do as well! Yes, we would love to have a review from you :smile:
This would help us a lot!!!!
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I won't want an implant too...
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Lol!!! :lol: Omg I've had several dreams too about the surgery! Some have been ok, others daunting but either way, I'd wake up and think, man I wish I had it done already!!!! Time is going SO fast though, esp when you're keeping yourself busy with work etc. I haven't actually told anyone except my mum, sister and boyfriend. I don't want people to fuss about me or be dying to see the knew nose when I get back, not quite understanding that it can take ages to deswell. I'm just gonna hope that the swelling goes down quickly so I can see friends again relatively soon when I get back. Boyfriend wanted to do a Halloween Party at the end of October and I was like, uh, no I don't think so somehow... Gonna have to see how the nose looks I'm afraid! :graucho: Have you told all your friends and family?

So you'll be there before me, enough time to smooch around Seoul and recommend some nice restaurants and shopping then?! ;)
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I KNOW!! What's up with that? Hmm.. Guess maybe that's why some people who haven't had silicone get lumps and bumps after their osteotomy. I heard that the lumps should go away but what if they don't??!! I mean, what if one particular lump is SO big that it looks awful! Hmm... I don't know.. I guess we can only relay this concern to the surgeon and tell them that they better do a good job if we're not having silicone coz we don't want any lumps of bumps! Then again, everyone is different, and I think the callous that is formed to create these lumps are unpredictable.. I do hope they go away with time though....
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