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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi London_Chick

Asian skin usually are thicker than Caucasian, that's why some Asian skin can tolerate Silicone longer. Unfortunately my skin is thinner & my previous dr gave me 3mm implant maybe too big for my nose that cause my skin scratch. Im going to consult Dr kao then decide whether to remove silicone without replacement or go for rib graft rhinoplasty revision.

Originally I have a short nose & upturned nose appearance, my septal cartilage alone is not enough for my nose tip so I use Ear cartilage as well. So currently I do not have enough septal cartilage for bridge augmentation. Hence Ear cartilage is not a good graft support for bridge as its original graft is a curve shape so will cause irregular contour. It will only works well on nasal tip augmentation.

Usually caucasian has more septal cartilage than Asian, if u r caucasian u may have enough septal for bridge ya. Or if u can do without silicone just mainly augment your nasal tip with septal n ear cartilage that will be the best. If u really need that 1mm support , u can consider Dermis graft on bridge.

I'm heading to Taiwan on 23rd Aug.. 2 more days to go ya..I'm so worried...:faint:
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Omy! I was quite firm with VIP untilllll i saw Dr Wang's ! Hopefully, we could get to see dome b&a done by him!
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Do try not to worry! I would just express all your concerns to the Dr when you have your consultation with him. Tell him that you want to use just your own tissue and listen to what he has to say and if it can be done and still achieve the result and look that you want.

What is dermis graft? Would that work just as well as silicone as a bridge? If it does just as good a work like silicone then why don't you ask for that? Why do you want to use rib? I've heard that if you want quite a drastic change then rib is good and it really gives you a high bridge.. If that is what you are looking for?
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Don't be worried, hope everything turns out alright for you.

Do you intend to remove the septal cartilage from the tip too? You have a nice tip, I think you can keep the tip, ask the doc...
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Hi Worries!

Actually my friend did her nose with Dr Kao few years back. What I heard from her is do heed the Dr's advice if he said 'Actually you could had a higher bridge and it suits you'. Coz' maybe my friend was a little worried that it would look un-natural (her first primary rhino), hence, she told Dr Kao (very last min on the operation bed) to reduce the height of the nose bridge.

And now... she sorta regrets it.. coz you know, a person's perspective of beauty changes as time goes by... so now she thinks it would be better if it's higher...

Also, she told me that Dr Kao doesn't reduce much of her alar base some how.. I do not know is it because her skin isn't sufficient (but she has bulbous nose, i don't really think thats the reason) OR something else which she doesn't knows..

But considering the B&A, it do has a difference! Just that she & friends around got use to it and pursuing of perfect nose again.. :smile:

That's all i know.. :smile:
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Hi all (:

Seems like for Team September, everyone (on average) is arriving on September 8th.

Once I arrive, I have a few days for personal time before I get beat up, so I'll scope around for places we could possibly have coffee / lunch / dinner meet up.
If you're already been there, please PM for suggestions and what not! :biggrin:

I really want to stop by Galleria / Myeongdong area to do some shopping!!!
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I just want to make u aware.... For flat nose (no bridge) and to change to have a bridge... It will change the way you look! Your eyes will be closer and having a much more visible bridge will also make u look older.

I wasn't prepared for the change and I do miss my old face... As flat bridge suited me the best. However, I do like my tip now... It's nice and elevated but no matter how I try to like the bridge... I still think it's too tall but much better than my primary rhino... That surgeon did a blotch job and I forever will regret my decision or stupidity of going with him. He narrow my nasal bone without ever discussing with me and overall I lived in shame for almost 10 months.

I can't tell the people here who are considering ps.... Please be sure to ask and be involved. Also to prepare.... U may look unlike yourself again. If you like how you look... I would avoid rhinoplasty....or at least try by injecting a temp filler to see if u like a bridge before going under knife!

God bless

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Hi London_Chick

Thanks for your advise. Yup I drop down my question for dr kao too.
Oh dermis skin graft is from butt area. Like what Shane has did. Actually the only disadvantage of this graft is its 20-30% absorption however its more suitable for ppl who only needs a little height on nasal bridge then dermis graft will works well on them. My problem originally is I had a upturned short nose
Dorsum height was not that high so after I remove silicone I may need 2-3mm implant to support my nasal tip graft (septal+ear cartilage) so Dermis graft might not give me that amount of support. Since u only need 1mm height , dermis skin graft may works for u.
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Hi butternpancake

Oh really appreciates your effort for sharing so much of your frd's experience with us. Ya when corresponding in emails with Dr kao I always will try to understand what he is trying to advise me. I will also do the same when face to face consultation with him.Only thing is that I really want this to be my last revision. There are many prons n cons on own rib cartilage too.. Even though research n advise from Dr kao seems that rib cartilage is the best for me le but after Faithfully7725 had shared with me her past bad experience with rib graft contour visiblity issue I'm kinda of
Worried the same issue might happens on me coz I have a v thin skin now becoz of silicone implant so I wonder if I use rib cartilage will I face implant contour visiblity too... :crybaby:
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Hi milyway

I wanna remain my septal & ear cartilage on my nasal tip, but I ever consult a few dr, they mention my dorsum bridge may be too low to support my current nose tip projection.. So need implant on bridge.. :sad: even though this was what I heard from most dr advise on me but I still wanna seek for dr kao's advise about this issue, I wish I can remove silicone implant without any replacement.
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Hi Worries!

Dr Kao is a very nice & friendly, so you don't worry that he wont help you in any ways. Because my friend did rhino & chin aug. And he said that my friend would look better to lipo her dbl chin (when on the op room), right after, he spoke to another doctor and he came back telling my friend that they'll do the lipo for dbl chin for free too.

I just think that it would be better if you have pictures to show him what he want, coz sometimes explanation thru words might be a little... hard to get. But of course, also knowing that this nose that you like does it suits your face in harmony. Coz' some times what you imagine and what it actually suits are totally difference.

Eh what do you mean from rib graft contour visiblity issue ? I only know that for rib cart rhino, basically, it doens't hurt just swollen. The pain is coming from where it harvest.

Sorry for the longggggg composition-like msg. hahaha :smile::lol:

PS: Me too have very lowwwww dorsum bridge and seems like rib cart could maximise it for us. Yes, and rib cart do touch a little stiff (touched my friend's nose). But i don't care coz i doubt any one would just touch my nose, besides ME! So i'm totall fine with it! It's all just bones or cartilage, nobody knowsss LOOOL! *cross my fingers* hahaha! Even if they know, let them be~
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Hi Butternpancake

Yes.. I understand what u mean, yup I will bring 3 diff celebrity nose pic to Dr Kao. I choose those nose pic base on similar face profile & nose as mine so that it will match my face better too... Waa dr kao did free double chin for ur frd? Your frd was really lucky!

Yup dr kao is very paitence n friendly in email. Total correspond email with him I think got 60 over emails ba.. He never failed to reply me with gd explaination. I really amired his level of patience.

When I mean implant contour visibility is like both side of nose bridge (Radix + upper dorsum area) showing very dark shadow along the side of bridge line.. This will make a person look very haggard & obvious nose job done.
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Hi worries! Yea, she is really lucky! Free lipo for dbl chin! I want too!hehehe :smile:

WOW! 60 over emails thats a lot! hehehe yea he's patience is really good, on top of that he is the one who replied, not just any front desk consultant :smile:

OH! I think i got what you meant! I learnt a new thing and a point to take note too! I don't think my friend has it. She still remain her round nose tip and length of the nose has elongated a little and definitely there's height for her bridge. But if compared with example like VIP, Regen or any korean stars, my friend's nose is a veryyy natural n normal... her B&A is actually in his web page.....

Actually, i did consider Dr Kao under my list, but looking at his B&A, i prefer VIP's.
Reason is i find that usually the nose tips that he did is somehow rather rounder than what i expect/want. And the bridge is thicker. I'm not sure if its just me or do you think so?

Do update me on your consultation with Dr Kao and even your B&A, if you were to go ahead! :smile:
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thanks alot for reply.. i might go VIP dr lee for alarplasty ill have dr suh in my mind. let me know additional details on alarplasty if you have. i heard that Dr lee from vip stitches your wound inside so no visible scar.
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