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Asian Nose Job 3

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Would you see a heart surgeon for brain surgery?

If you would not, then I Put it to you that Everything is based on papers.
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Let me post more about my BG story.

I had a silicone implant about 4-5 years ago, and my nose is starting to thin. It also looks more artificial now, since my skin is thinning and the silicone is just starting to begin to show its sign.

I am going to dr kao for rib surgery, to replace my silicone block with rib. My skin is thin, so there is high chance that my nose will NOT look thick/bulbous. It is already freaking sharp, how conservative can dr kao get?

I also showed him some pictures of a korean celebrity and he said that he can give me a similar result.

Anyway my tip is already sharp due to past surgery in Thailand with dr pat of tokaiclinic.com who did my tip-plasty. I don't need it sharper.

Dr kao says he can maintain my tip sharpness.

He also says he can reduce my upper lateral cartilage to make my nose look smaller and more balanced. He says ( together with other korean surgeons ) that my radix is too high and he will lower it.

He morphed a picture for me. IMHO, the tip looks slightly big ( though like some taiwanese stars, like arron yan ). Bigger than my current tip at side profile. However, I did some further morphing, and came up with a design that I like. My tip sharpness remains around the same, just that it is rotated downwards ,and radix decreased.

My surgery is in a few weeks time, and I will update about dr kao's work.

But bear in mind that my nose is already sharp to begin with. And that I am seeking a natural ( more natural and balanced ) yet good result.
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Anyway I am not against dr WT, but I just want some caution . Please do a thorough consult with him and feel free to ask for his certificates, and see if he is qualified enough for your surgery. Not saying doctors from china are not good, but to be honest, in china, doctors are not as respected / highly-paid as in countries like S.Korea. In china, the focus is on economic and infrastructural development. As such, engineers are much more highly paid and looked up to in China. However, in developed countries like USA, because infrastructure is already established, governments tend to focus more on healthcare. This is not to say china has bad healthcare, or bad doctors, but I'm just raising a point that doctors in China may not be so well-off and may not provide as good medical care as in other countries. The cost of medical school in China is just a meagre USD5000, even for top schools. In Australia, the cost of medical school is at least USD30000, 6 times more. I think the figures speak for themselves, do they?

I am not going to comment anymore on dr. WT. I am just raising some question marks, which I feel are pertinent. One of them being ( as kain agrees ) use of general anesthesia without intubation. While this may provide some cost-benefits to the patient ( and/or the doctor ) , to what extent does the risk outweigh the advantages of intubation without respiratory support? How will apnea/aspiration be solved? What about a medical emergency? Is there qualified anesthesia personnel or a nurse anesthesist ( at the very least ) around? Is the hospital ECG, SpO2, CO2, NIBP, functioning? If so, are they available? Is there a crash cart? I think these are pertinent questions to ask the doctor if visiting a developing country. Even a S .Korean clinic I went to, when I inspected the SpO2 machine, it was faulty! And the doctor said to go ahead without SpO2, with minimal or no sedation.

As someone who is medicallly trained, I implore you to use utmost caution, and find a doctor whom you think is more qualified. It doesn't matter so much if the doctor is in an East-Asian developed country ( the four economic tigers, namely Taiwan, Sihgapore,Hong Kong and S.Korea ), or if the doctor is in a developing country ( like China ), the most important is your safety.

Sesamekiss, and whoever reading this, I hope you understand that I did not criticise Dr WT, I was just raising some valid points. If you feel that these points have been answered satisfactorily, then it will give you utmost confidence to go ahead with surgery @ dr WT. If at any point you feel that these red flags are not satisfactorily answered, then you should pause and think.

I have had my fair share of blotched surgery with dr chuang of wishclinic, which required thousands of USD to fix. And I hope there not to be a repeat. Do your research, address the red flags that thoughtful friends/forummers/family might raise objectively, and all the best :biggrin:

Lastly, if paper/educational qualification were not important, then I think that to be a plastic surgeon, one need not even enter specialty training? Why is it so tough to get into a good medical school? If you think from the medical students perspective, they tend to choose better schools, in hope that they will get better training and education, as well as have better(may not be ) prospects.

My friend who went to a not-so-good medical school, spends only 2hours at lecture everyday. In other australian universities, they spend at least 6-8 hours a day at school. In singapore, its even longer.

Anyway, its not my intention to impose my thoughts on you. Its my intention to raise some question marks for the safety of everyone here. Sometimes we might have been too caught up with an idea, that we realise that there may be some unanswered questions, which we might jolly well choose to ignore at the expense of our looks ( or maybe, life )

As for how good ( or safe ) dr WT is, i think these questions will never be satisfactorily answered until some people go over there to experience it for themselves. So good luck you brave souls :biggrin:
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IMHO, that is choose my surgeon.
Dr Kao, he doesn't own a clinic or maybe he does? Unlikely, dr hsu own a clinic. There is reason why I chosen dr kao. Dr kao did the surgery in two hospital. One in KN and one is Tri something. Which make me feel safer and secure when anything happen(finger crossed), I will be able to quickly direct to A&E or ICU department. It was two hospital letting him to do surgery in a hospital and I doubt hospital professor will take risk on taking uncertified doctor to perform surgeries in their hospital. And to apply as a surgeon or doctor, they need license to own a clinic and certificate for performing surgeries. That's why dr hsu is out of my choice as he is just a ENT specialist in a clinic.

As I said, you really really have to be careful and the choice is up to you. Take risk and be prepare. Be realistic. Stay healthy.

For dr lee in VIP, I guess most people there can enlighten or had already enlighten from ANJ 1&2 threads and now ANJ 3.
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Anesthesia is the most dangerous part of any surgery. I'm surprised that more people aren't catching onto this?
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That's right. When I was on the opt bed, I was Dr Kao and other assistant. Not two but four. Two nurses and one of it is Anesthesia and of course Dr kao. That was the moment I felt relieved. If you see only two, one surgeon and one nurse, pay hard that god is with you. Administer General anesthesia need another certified specialist to do so. do note that own rib required General anesthesia.

To add on, I had meet up one of the folk there which is dr kao's patient before I officially go for dr kao.

So guys, you really really have to thoroughly research and find much info on your selected surgeon.
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thanks for ure concern. these are all good and valid questions that should be asked when consulting any plastic surgeon.
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You kind of contradicted yourself. Youre going to see an eyelid specialist to do rhinoplasty??

I mean Dr BK may know how to so nose but if you read all his reviews for nose job - majority of them are bad AND people (both Korean locals and foreigners) wouldnt suggest him for nose...
So dont you think you ought to do "more research" rather than just picking a surgeon based on his education even though its common knowledge that he is not THAT good at nose job and may have a chance of infection or being botched which mean you may have to redo AGAIN and spend more moneys etc. ??
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Yer... Thats true actually... I have heard of more anesthesia problems with surgery than anything else. And this is WORLD WIDE. So really doesnt matter about credentials with this one ...
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We do appreciate where you are coming from and we thank you.
But just a note, if you are going to raise awareness, why not raise other queries like the anestheia thing? And the way you write does seem you are just attacking Dr Wang. Why not explain why you now not like WishClinic? What were their credentials etc?

Obviously I will take on board what you said as I am still researching all the clinics etc.

Also, I was under generla anesthesia with no intubation with Dr BK. So was my mum and sister... I mean it was only eyelid surgery but still... Just thought I'd let you know as you seem to want to go to him...
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Dr Kim did sedation and not general anesthesia. That's considered local with sedation . Please read up more before you come up with irrelevant comments .

Further , you said that an engineer you know of can cook well. And that bill gates didn't even enter university . If that's the case , let me see how willing you are to see someone who is not certified on paper ?

In that case would you say it's good to see a heart surgeon for a brain surgery?

Let's face it . Educational qualifications are important .

I went to wish clinic and had bad surgery because I was not well informed in the Past and did not have a vigorous selection criteria . Now that I have matured , I start to ask questions.

It's standard procedure to do sedation without intubation . It's however not common to induce a state of general anesthesia without intubation.
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My dear is your english so bad? Is your qualitative analysis so lacking?

Since when did I say I was going to do nose surgery with dr Kim . I did my eyes with dr Kim and I thought it was explicit enough ?

Please read carefully beforE making irrelevant comments that are not constructive .
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I raised four points
- lack or rEviews
- What are his credentials?
- china is a develoPing country. Is it safe
- anesthesia
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Hey guys... be cool. :smile:
Nothing wrong to have a china surgeon to perform procedure. It's individual choice or preferences. But is still have to be careful on selecting your surgeon. In terms, many factors as mention from the previous posts. The best of the best is I can face someone who under go this surgeon(dr kao) right in front of me and able to see the result. If it's kain, maybe I will be going for VIP as well. LOL! Also if any from Dr WT sitting in front of me and show his art work. I will also go Dr WT as well provided the result is good and by myself doing lots or tons of homework before making a decision.

This is the crucial part, making a decision...

I also want say dr kao or dr lee not a good surgeon but it's hard to bring it out as from this thread not much people mentioned that dr lee is a bad surgeon and dr kao no one mentioned he is bad in SG expats. Maybe there is...? Maybe there's good review of Dr WT in a chinese or japanese or korean forum? Really have to find a preferable surgeon and good facility hospital or clinic is also not easy though... It's rough!

So good luck folks for finding your surgeon that suit you expectation... :smile:
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