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Asian Nose Job 3

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ya i noticed that. his style is more western, i think compared to what korean docs do, but i actually prefer the straighter look than to curved.
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that would be great :smile:
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i rlly like the first before and after pics of tht girl in the second link. he gave her a rlly nice nose after, and she looks alot prettier though it may be a bit too western looking for her face. the pics of the guy in the third link i think got pretty good results as well. i guess hes rlly into making ppl look western.
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Yeah know what you mean.. But I think the best thing is to ask all the questions we have and out concerns. I'll let you know and post on the forum after I have my consultations if that helps?

I really don't want silicone but I guess there will always be the risk that a lump or two might show up.. :thinking:
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Thank you :biggrin:

I don't think your parents will disown you though hun coz as long as they can see that you're much more happy then that's their primary concern. Besides you can prove them all wrong when you show them that not all rhinoplasties will end up looking like MJ! Plus, he did hundreds of nose jobs!
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Lol...you should definitely take that ferry over to Korea and have your nose job there.
You won't be in debilitating pain that's for sure, some discomfort at most as you won't be able to breath out of your nose. You shouldn't worry about being alone the days to come after your nose job! You'll be able to do everything fine I'm sure.
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Hey sweet,

First time here at purseblog!

Sorry to hear about your results!
I was looking into getting rhinoplasty in LA. It's been years now of me considering plastic surgery. I have a flat nose and my base is also bulbous. Also, I have a deviated septum. I'm torn between staying comfortably in LA while my family takes care of me or getting it done in Korea!

I'm part filipino. Are there any members here that have done rhinoplasty with a flat typical filipino-ish nose? Would you mind sharing your experience and perhaps B & A pictures? :smile:
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Hey Schrodinger,

I wish I can private message you instead of clogging up the blog. But, I'm a new member :biggrin:

My question is how much is the harmony package? I'm looking at your past posts about rib graft to make a bridge on the nose (and of course, the other positives of natural graft in comparison to silicone or gortex)
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Hi! Welcome to the forums! :biggrin:
Currently, the cost of the procedures exceeds $10,000USD at VIP. You can contact them for more information ( ̄▽ ̄) Keep in mind that every year, prices fluctuate for every clinic, usually prices are raised. As a rule of thumb, don't let the price be the deciding factor of your decision.

I recommend you to start off by reading Asian Nose Job #1, 2 and keeping up with #3 too. There is a lot of reviews (the good, the bad and the ugly [like the spaghetti western, haha]) that you can gain by reading through everything that we post. Please consider putting some time to research in libraries: case studies, medical journals about the procedures you want done. A lot of solid information.

Lastly and the most important, research the plastic surgeon that you feel / know that is capable of the job at hand. Skill set, expertise, field of study - after all, you need to trust him. Even if you are unsure, you could have a consultation to see what to expect in the doctors office and for the PS to actually handle your nose and feel the texture of your skin.

I consulted with a PS here locally and he told me that my skin was neither thick or thin. I liked the consult a lot because he was curt, didn't sugar coat anything and got straight to the point. It's nice to see actual honesty than just a doctor that says "Yes, yes, yes" to get your money. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Be curious, be wary! You will also need to answer the important question: "Why do you want this done?"

Anyway, I hope you enjoy your experience doing this~ It took a long time for me to push myself to be finally ready and... I feel like it's the home stretch already! 12 more days to go! All of this is 6 years (of researching!!) in the making!

If you have any questions, please let me know. (:
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i am quite impressed with dr wang's photos moreso than vip's


i havent been on the forums in a while has anybody on here actualy gone to consult with dr wang or had surgery with him?

after seeing how vip photoshops their photos im a bit skeptical
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Hey Asiamodelboy , where did you saw the photoshopped pics? Could you kindly share the link with me? I am considering VIP as of now... :sad:

So far, heard from some TPFers that some said they are consulting with Dr Wang, but yet to come back for a review. So i guess might be a little tough to get some info here.. :/
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I met Dr. Fukuta before on other procedures. He was very polite, straightforward and honest by telling me what were achievable and non-achievable. The girls and patients at his clinic were very pretty. Heard that he was famous for nose but I prefer Korean nose :smile:
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To connect with JoAnn, just write in the email "for the attention of JoAnn". That was what JoAnn told me when I met her few months ago ;)
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its all on their website. i dont remember the name of the poster but someone on here posted their post surgery results and any eagle eyed member could see her "Real life" photos looked nothing like the results on the VIP website. not even close. it wasnt lighting it wasnt angles it was just a completely different nose. the girl herself confirmed that yes they photoshopped the pics.

prior to this i was always suspicious of VIP's beautiful website photos because all of them had a certain 'look' to it. a certain aesthetic, but yet all the real life photos that had been posted always had another type of aesthetic. they photoshop all their pics. its not an acceptable behavior because it misleads the consumer if they want to photoshop their pics they should put a disclaimer on their website saying so.
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