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Asian Nose Job 3

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For anyone considering BK:
There was another forumer on here that posted her experiences, she just did it the wrong way (spamming the entire forum) and now her account is deactivated. She did provide important feedback about the clinic. Since I've been noticing a lot of people considering BK and asking for BK's information. I would like to just... leave this here.....

I HOPE that anyone that is considering plastic surgery abroad or considering BK. PLEASE, PLEASE READ THIS AND TAKE IT IN CONSIDERATION:
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Congrats! Glad that you like your new nose. Pls share with us your b&a pics later if you are comfortable to do so. Speedy recovery :smile:
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I bring along 10000 USD with me and some korean won .Didn't declare that to the custom as well. Bring card along if need to do some withdrawal over the ATM .
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Babe replied you through pm.think it's not getting through.
Will resend in awhile. Lol
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Congrats Schrodinger*you are liking what you see. I am sure you are in safe hands over in VIP. I couldn't agree more that aftercare is really important after our op. I had so many worries and questions spinning in head as mine was a revision due to silicone infection. They never fail to keep me filled up with my queries.I have some problem with my healing after I went back to my country. I contacted the clinic and the very next day i received my med at my doorstep and JoaAn even call me up personally to check whether my condition got any better . I feel touch as they went the extra mile,still care for me even though the transaction was over.
I am sure there are many other clinics out there who can provide services like VIP .But sometimes it's really hard for us foreigners to source that out ( only through our own experience and forumers who are willing to share what they have been through) good or bad. it's my own face and I have to bear the consequences if things go wrong.

Dr Song did my nose cleaning twice when Dr lee is not around. He's on the gentle side. Ha ha. Met a senior Korean lady who shared the room with me first day after my opt.her nose turns out good as well. But I think hers wasn't rib and I heard Dr Song only perform on Koreans and I'm not sure how true that is .

It took me 7mths for my 'granny smile' to recover.
I am jealous of you having all the pampering right now !Joking. Haha. Wish you have a smooth recovery and everything turns out well. Please keep us updated.*
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Hi thanks for posting this! Sorry to hear she had so much trouble and hope she was able to get them corrected. But really wonder why she went ahead with the clinic if there were so many warning signs to begin with......
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Thats kind of what I was thinking... But it does make me think of not going to BK again... But I went to them for my eyelid surgery and they seemed okay and seem quite happy to do a follow up on my eyes cos I'm not happy after 4-years lol.. But they ate very conveyor belt and DrKims bedside manners arent the best.

Idk... I take each review with a pinch of salt haha even the good ones tbh!! But my top are ID and ChungDamU :smile:
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So far, so good! I have bandages and a cast on my nose still so it's hard to say what my nose looks like... but looking up into my nose from the bottom, it looks very triangular and pretty :smile: My stitches come out tomorrow, so I'll update you guys then. I do most of my posts on the best plastic surgery in korea thread... But I'll post a short blurb here as well :smile:

Mine was just tiplasty with no alaplasty, augmentation, osteotomy, etc. so the change will be actually quite small...

Where are you considering for your nose? what do you hope to get done?
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Day 10 update:
Went to VIP for daily check-up, facial and hair wash.

Dr. Song cleaned out my right ear, finally. I had difficulty hearing things directly after my surgery, perhaps with all that gauze in my ear, it caused ear wax to build up..

Now I can finally hear people without saying "HUH! WHAT? WHAT DID YOU SAY?"
Dr. Song examined my nose and used a little suction tube thing to clean out my nose and used ointment on my nostrils. He said that he will remove the last of the sticky bandages from my bridge TOMORROW (yay!) - it was only yesterday that he removed my K-wire.

After check-up, I waited to get my cooling, fresh mask and then immediately after, I went to get my hair washed.
I went downstairs to talk to Ellie :hugs: for a bit before Dr. Lee requested to see me on 3rd floor for another check-up. :hbeat: It's been two days since I've last seen him, so please bear with me. lol

Anyway. Back into the cold chair I go, he cuts off the sticky bandage covering the bridge of my nose and asks "Ohhhh~ Who is this? Who are you?" and handed me the mirror.

I see myself and my automatic response is "ええええ~ Who is this? I don't know?" (in a good way). Dr. Lee then exclaims that he raised up my bridge by 6mm!!!!!!! He asks if it's okay to use my photos for website / teaching purposes and told me to come back on Saturday to get photos taken (I haven't plucked my eyebrows in days and with all the previous bandages covering my brow, I believe I have a partial unibrow and mustache - SO PHOTO READY!). Considering from my original nose before rhinoplasty, I barely/never had one. Once swelling goes down, I'll be able to show my B&A.

Right now, I am happy with my results and I can't wait to see it months from now after all the swelling subsides! :tup:
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Hi to all. I'm new here, and have been contemplating PS for the longest time.
I am looking to do a few items, v-line, rhinoplasty and double eyelid surgery. I reckon I cannot do all at once, but yet since I am considering to go Korea for the surgery and its expensive, I wanna optimize my trip and do 2 out of the 3 mentioned. Which is a better combination? I am definitely doing my nose, because I can NO LONGER TOLERATE it. haha.

Also, I have been reading through all the posts, and noted that there are some doctors who seem to do more caucasian like noses..Question here.. I'm looking to achieve overall like the actress Shay Mitchell look, or AngelaBaby look. Are their noses more caucasian? I am trying to figure out..Help here!!
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Hi there,
I hope I will be able to help you out.

Anyway, here are some recommendations:
- A surgery is a surgery with a lot of risks involved, you have to ask yourself, truthfully, "Am I ready?". Are you ready to do this and go through a lot of feelings / emotions / a whole truck load of pain?

When I went through surgery, I honestly felt deflated and emotionally unstable. The first few days was ROUGH. Really ROUGH. I don't think there was a certain time that the thought "What. The. Hell. Am. I. Doing?" didn't cross my mind. It was on my mind all the time. ALL THE TIME.

As for your possible nose references: (they're all mixed)
- Ms. Shay Mitchell, she has the stereotypical Filipino nose, her bridge is somewhat slope-y (and low, in comparasion to the height of her tip) and her tip juts out of her face. I do like her tip, but I believe with the combination of weak bridge + strong tip, it doesn't fit well.
- Angelababy is mixed too with Spanish heritage. I like her nose the best and actually showed my PS a photo of her. He said that he can make something similar but not completely the same because every person is different. ;)

All-in-all, these are good examples of a mixed-western-style nose without completely losing your heritage.. But you have to be completely reasonable and consider the nose shape and structure you have now. There are some limited to plastic surgery and you can't make.. let's say... Alexa Chung into Angelina Jolie (love them both!)

Not sure if I'm making any sense.
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