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Asian Nose Job 3

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I'm not the person who asked the question but just want to say what you said makes a lot of sense. Thanks for sharing your experience and I'm looking forward to your b&a photos!
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DUDE! 6MM?!!! That's more than half a centimeter!!! OMG O.O So high!!!!
I wanna see yo new face gurl~! Why you so busy all the time?! Hanging out with your new cool friends I see....

le sad..
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I promised to update here, so... hello y'alls

Had my stitches removed~!! YAYYY It was painful despite the careful administrations of my nurse. I was too scared to look, but having seen my reflection numerous times in the subway, I have become used to my new nose... It's still VERY swollen so I can't really make a final statement, but it looks promising. The profile, bottom, and 3/4 angles are all much improved. The only problem is the front view... as my nose is still very swollen.

A little tip for you guys undergoing rhinoplasty...
Don't take off the tape because you find it cumbersome. And if the metal cast thing flies off your nose because you sneezed (which you're also not allowed to do) than ask for it to be replaced... And don't slack off the ice packs because you can't be bothered... I happened to do all of the above, so my swelling is more than it would have been if I had the mold on my nose during the initial stages of my recovery. Dr. Suh had too many surgeries today and was unable to see me, but I have a final check up on Saturday. We'll see what he says :smile:
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Hi All, I'm new member here.
I'm planning to hv my Rhinoplastry in about 2 weeks. I've booked with Wonjin clinic in South Korea. It was recommended by friend. this is my first time visit to korea and will be my first visit to this clinic. I've made an appointment for the consultation and surgery (if I'm ready) on the same day.
I've read some information in this forum about Wonjin Clinic...
but the more I read, I've also seen some feed back from VIP, now I hv a 2ND THOUGHT.

Can anyone pls tell me:
1. What is the different in shape, feel, after and long term side effect ( after 20 years or so) between Silicon bridge and rib cartilage bridge.
2. What is the approximate cost for doing Silicon bridge or rib Cartilage Bridge?
3. Where is the best place to do NJ Silicon bridge and Rib Cartilage Bridge in Seoul.

Thanks for all your help :smile:
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Day 11 update:
Check up at VIP.

Dr. Lee removed all of the sticky bandages/bandaids that was sitting on my bridge. So much better! Though, He left on the tiny piece of square bandaid that sits on top of the hole where the K-wire was pulled out of... I still look like a dork. ):

Anyway, here's some updates about my nose:
(I'm actually at JUNO Hair as I type this - gettin' my hair did!)
- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my side profile, I have no complaints on how noble it makes me look. I no longer have that monkey scowl.
- Front profile could be better, a lot of it is due to the swelling cause it looks like a sausage nose right now.... If the swelling would go down quicker, I would be 90% happy. My tip is really bulbous right now.
- Skin on tip of nose is starting to peel, almost like a sunburn. I try not to touch it but DAMN! It's all flakey and I want to exfoliate it... ):
- Granny smile. This explains itself. Cannot smile or talk properly without looking like a weirdo.
- Relearning how to wash my face again (among other activities, clothes changing, putting on makeup.. etc)
I realized that I now have a bridge and there's now a bridge where there didn't use to be one, so I have to do things carefully that I didn't have to be careful with. So troublesome, but I think it's worth it~

I'll take Sausage Nose for $1000, Alex.
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I'm at Juno Hair right now in Gangnam-gu! :biggrin:
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Hi everyone,

I had an alar Base reduction done this afternoon. I had local anesthesia and Infelt some prickly pain at certain spots, but certainly nothing too bothersome. Anyway it's been almost 8 hours since the surgery and boy am I in pain! I've taken several doses of the pain killers my doc had given me as well as some extra strength Tylenol, but nothing helps too much. Is this normal? I understand everyone's tolerance is different. Also I get infections very easily so in hoping the pain is not a sign of infection. Also not sure how I'm gonna sleep tonight. I'm a total tummy sleeper but I guess it won't be possible for awhile. Totally forgot to ask the doc about that! Thanks
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Yes, I hope so! although I think for many who are pleased with their operations don't come back and update. Sad for us, but good for them I suppose! But sometimes I wonder, with the Hundreds of ladies and gents since Asian nose job 1 along with all the guys and gals from Asian nose job 2, where are all of them now! We would love to hear from any of you! ;)

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Congrats! You did it :lol: Would love to see your results when you take b/a pix
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Hi Sodas, Im also planning to hv my NJ in Oct. what kind of NJ are you taking?
is it a silicon implant or the rib cartilage bridge type?
please share with me why did you finally decide to do it with ID. are they good? or anyone has recommended you?

I've sent my picture to Wonjin, i've made an appointment with Wonjin. and they hv replied me with Virtual picture :smile: so I'll hv an idea how will I look after.

anyways since I will be in korea from 30 sept - 10 Oct, I hope we can share stories and exchange information.
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Hi, I am new to this wonderful forum. I plan to visit Seoul 22 Nov and stay for 2-week for my primary nose job in Banobagi or Regen (not decided yet). Anyone is going to Seoul around that time?
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Hi there!
Are you from the States? If you are, than making a citi checking account can be a good idea.. You can withdraw money without incurring any fees! For myself, I made a citi gold account and paid using my debit card. I was offered 50,000 krw discount if I paid cash, but I didn't think it was worth the hassle...

Those from other countries should look into international banks available in your country. I know that Seoul has a couple of HSBC branches among other international banks, so good luck with your research :smile:
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I don't know what you're trying to say with the above comment... but have you seen realself/makemeheal? you should see how popular rhino is amongst white people! Plastic surgery in general!
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