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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi gals,
I have received reply to every queries I sent to Banobagi, Regen, Wonjin and grand. Grand was quick in response however the consultant had mistakenly judged I had have implant which my nose is completely original :P

Regen recommended me to perform osteotomy operation with adding a suitable height of silicone implant at the bridge. I don't know much about osteotomy but it sounds scary to me :nono:

All clinics suggest I-shape silicon implant. This is opposed with the local surgeon I went for who suggests a L-shape goretex implant. I understand advantage of I over L, just could not get why silicon over goretex? Is it because of for future revision :confused1:

Hope someone can enlighten me on this :biggrin: Thank you!
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Hi simpleme,

I also had a flat bridge before my rhinoplasties and I wanted to give some advices to you before you make a very important decision for your face. When you change your nose, your face will change. I was naive in my first rhinoplasty and paid a lot of money and suffered tremendously because I was really naive. I want to make sure u and everyone who is thinking of operating on their nose to think, research, think more, and think again. Once you do it , it's almost impossible to undo. I wish I never started this journey but I have to move pass it.

Please consider these:
1 the material for your implants. This will make a big difference how drastic of change you will get.
2 from low bridge to higher bridge, this will change the distance between your eyes. This is not to be taken lightly. You can read from nose job 2 posts...
This can make you look angry ...
3 to determine how high the bridge should be discussed in detail with your ps. Many has shadows because the skin is stretched to thin. This makes you look older and tired. I had that with my first rhino..... Trust me... It was bad.
4 change of smile .....
5 your nose will look bigger
6 are you prepared to deal with crooked nose or nostrils? This happened to many
7 you need to prepare yourself what happens if you don't like the results

I know all of us want to enhance our look and be more beautiful than what God has given us and the great before/after pictures are so inviting as we also want to be transformed the same way. But little do we know there are many unsuccessful ps or unsuitable noses....

I am all for being beautiful but I wish someone would of warned me about the possible downside of nose job. So I just wanted to share my thoughts and hope you really think it thru. You look really pretty as is..... A pretty face is all features combined together.

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Coo, there is a lot of posting with info on I vs L shape silicone. The L shape is not used widely anymore because the extrusion factor. It thins out the tip of the nose and if not removed it actually break thru the skin. I seem pictures of extrusions and it's not something you ever want to experience. If I were you, I would not go that route. I have the I silicone with septal cartilage for the tip from my 2 nd rhino.

Let me know if u have any questions.

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Hi faithfully7725, thanks for your reply.
What did you do for for 1st rhino? Are you happy with your second rhino?
I just look for a minor enhancement on my nose, am not looking for drastic change. Have known my acceptance limit :smile:
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Oh hai guyz. It's nice that we're on the subject of low bridges / radix, because I rarely had one before my rhinoplasty. I cannot stress on the fact that I had a really, really LOW BRIDGE. LOWER THAN... LOW.

And on top of that, my nose was upturned and you could see the nostrils, which was why, growing up, I would take photos of my head angled downwards so my nostrils wouldn't show as much.

During my teenage / college years, I used make-up to contour a "bridge"...
I have one now [a bridge] and I have to be really honest, I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

As a number of people have been requesting my B&A:
Please keep in mind that the before photo, I was looking downwards into my laptop camera, which is why my nose is a little upturned than usual. My side profile was EXTREMELY similar to Kain's post op side profile.
For the after photo, I do not need to angle my head at all, I just look straight ahead and my nostrils do not show! :biggrin:

It is still SWOLLEN since I am 20 days post-op but I really like what I'm seeing already. It takes about 6 - 12 months to see a final outcome of my rhinoplasty. I requested to Dr. Lee to have an angled tip and a high bridge [western-looking] (up to his call - I gave him the reins to raise as high as he wanted to).
(Note: As for the photo above, I will be deleting it within a day or so...)

The overall consensus since I have been back home?
- I no longer look "100% asian", I look mixed.
- Talked to a Filipina, she said "What's your cultural heritage? Oh?! You don't look asian at all!"
- Guys have been coming up to me more often than usual. :graucho:
- I look older, in a good way (with my old nose, people would mistaken me for someone younger)
- People say that I'm pretty now instead of using the word "cute".
- Face shape seems to have changed. (????)
- Eye shape seems to have changed. People say that my eyes now seem bigger since the skin is being pulled at the corners.

PS: Sorry if I haven't been answering messages / questions on here. I've been so busy with... well... restarting my life and getting back to the norm..

PSS: It's kind of amazing to see that once you change one part of your face, the rest changes and looks different.
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Schrodinger, I love yr nose too! Yes, pretty is the word to describe u.
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Wow, what a great transformation! Even thou I can't see ur eyes but I can tell from other features that you do look mixed. I think the paranasal really changed your face shape and also your lips.

How's your smile? And you are brave with 6 mm augmentation!

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My first rhino was with rib (donor), as I didn't want to go thru the healing process of actually getting a rib from my body. I never regretted that decision as the first rhino was more than horrible. It was a bar sticking out in between my eyes and my first ps narrowed my nasal bone so it was very thin as I had a flat bridge with wide width. He never discussed with me that he would do that. In addition, he lengthen my nose which turned out to look like a bird when I smile ( columella struct was placed to support the projection). I was horrified when my case came off and I went in hiding for two months. My was was so tip was so big and the bridge was so thin.... It just looked so bad. My bridge was way too high that pulled my eyes close together and I had shadow on the side. Everyone said I looked better before my operation. So needless to say, after spending $10k and my own self doing... I went into a deep depression. I went to all the top surgeons in NYC asking when it would be safe to remove the rib but none would agree to operate on my until 9 to 12 months later. I think this is because they want to make sure that I don't change my mind. So I had to endure the pain and embarrassment for 9 months.
I was going to go back to my original ps to get this removed and I am glad I didn't. Not only my nose didn't suit my face, my nostrils were so uneven (I never had that issue before) and my nose was crooked to the left. I looked mean and angry all the time. I even looked like a witch at certain angles.
I found another Korean surgeron from a recommendation from a top NYC ps. I went to him and asked for help. He pointed out that my rib implant was way too high and it's thinning my skin. The contour of the rib is very visible, especially on the top where the bridge starts. You can see a something sticking out.
So long story short, I decided to do my revision with dr Kwan. He used I silicon for the dorsum and used my septal cartilage for the tip. I am now 2 months post ops and I am so glad I went with him. The silicone gave me a much natural curve to the bridge ( not like a bar before). My nostrils are even now and the tip of my nose has a nice projection. I still think the radix is a bit too high but it doesn't look fake. I now look like myself again... Much friendlier for sure. My profile has that natural curve that only silicone cane give.... For rib is hard to accomplish that.
I wish I had found this site before my first rhino and wouldn't have made the worst mistakes in my life. I read thru all the post in nose job 2 and it has wealth of info you should read thru to make the right decision for yourself. I personally love silicone a lot better than rib but it may be the fact that I choose the wrong surgeon.
From my gathering.... If you want drastic change... Go with the rib but if you want minor enhancement.... Go with silicone or gortex. But the key here is to communicate with your surgeon and go to as many consultations as possible. You have to participate as much as possible so you don't turn out to have my experience.
Happy searching and you'll be happy with your results. I do agree to go to Korea.... They seem to know and do the best ps I seen so far. They look at the whole face and recommend what you may need to achieve the look you want.

Hope this helps... God bless!

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who was your first surgeon? please let us know so that we can avoid him
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looking very good!
so which clinic did you go to again? sorry i cant seem to remember
and in what way did your face change? please explain further
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You look great! I agree you went from cute to pretty and sexy. :P
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gratz on your surgery. you look great
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Wow your nose looks good for 2 weeks post op. i think once it becomes less swollen and thinner then you will look really hot. You went from cute to pretty and next up is super hot. You went from average asian girl to asian Angelina Jolie :yahoo:
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Hi forum

I will be going to seoul and staying in myeyong dong on the 4th october until the 13th october. I will be undertaking revision rhinoplasty. If anyone is ging to be there at the time, it will be nice to meet up and go for coffee, food, chat?
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