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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hello koishiikat!

Thank you for your avid support. And I am more than happy to answer your questions, as I was in the same position as you two years ago, had to save up and get myself together. Sorry for not being able to respond so soon as I have an exam in a week and am currently finishing my assignments etc (yes still studying part time).

To answer your questions:

1. Do you mind if you can describe what kind of nose you have?

I have a flattish nose- Well I consider it flat. Mainly short and slightly wide. It's not very symmetrical I have one nostril slightly larger than the other (not noticeable though) its funny cause when I take photos from different angles I look like a different person. The columella is pretty weak, I can push my nose flat down side to side as there is almost no cartilage. I did put aquamid in it a four years ago to increase the height and add a little projection. I think the doctor has to be aspirate or scrape it out?

2. Also, what you're hoping to achieve with the procedure?

Mainly lengthening, I want a longer nose, my mother and sister have naturally tall long noses that I missed out on. Which makes them looked pretty mixed. Alot of people think I look singaporean, I get alot of randoms trying to speak chinese even though I'm not. Hopefully I'll get a modest yet defined nose. I do want tip projection and height but not too much. I looked up some face structures (with good noses) of some celebrities that are similar to mine to show them what I hope fore. I'll post up accurate before and after photos when I get my procedure done in November/December.

3. Which package are you planning on getting?

I guess I am getting the harmony one. Paranasal, rib rhino, genioplasty and currently tossing up between forehead fat grafts or blepharoplasty - gotta stick to my budget.

4. Did VIP recommend anything else that you're considering?

I guess they did recommend the blepharoplasty, apparently I have ptosis (droopy eyelid). Never noticed it till they pointed it out.

5. How much did they quote you for the procedures?

This is the price list that they emailed to me

"This is the new price below:

rib rhinoplasty (tip projection, lengthening short nose) US$11,000
paranasal augmentation US$3,000
forehead fat transplant US$3,000
sliding genioplasty US$6,000
upper blepharoplasty US$2,800
lower blepharoplasty US$3,000

Since Korean governement imposed 10% tax for plastic surgery, we are reluctant to increase the price as well. "

This is literally costing my life savings, hopefully it'll be worth it. At least it will take one less thing off my mind. Kinda scared nervous and excited, I have a pretty high pain threshold its the psychological experience that makes me uneasy. Like seeing my butchered swollen face and then waiting for it to heal. But because I know exactly what to expect through the experiences of others, I'll know I'll cope :cool:.

37 days to go.
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hi,can i have your email add? im also planning next year. we can go together if you want :smile: im also saving for now :P

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Hey there jut wondering if you would grant me access to your awesome experience. I, too want to go for the natural look but wasn't sure how to describe it.
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Congrats on your success with the surgery! I have been considering having a nj for sometime now but aren't very good at explaining it in medical terms of what I want. Just wondering you could give me any insights that would help :smile:
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Hi Cassrr,

Yeah! Once your account lets me private message you my e-mail ;) I don't want to put my e-mail out there. Who knows who's lurking in these forums that are representatives at PS locations and just want to spy at us :graucho:

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Hello everyone. (: I've been lurking the board here and there recently due to the fact that I'll be getting nose surgery in Seoul this December. I've contemplated this for a while, and my first post on this forum was a few years back when I officially began research on plastic surgery.

So far I've made consultation appointments and contacted the following clinics:

Grand Plastic Surgery
JW Beauty
Real Cosmetic Clinic

I'm still researching though, for the best doctor for nose surgery. I'd love to hear personal feedback or stories, and pictures would be greatly appreciated. I'll be updating everyone along my journey.

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Hey Mik,

Thanks for sharing! I look forward to reading your posts on PS locations.
What kind of procedure are you looking into with what type of material? Silicone, Goretex, or autogolous? What are you hoping to achieve?

If you want to read about personal feedback, I suggest you read the past threads.
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7 days after Mini V Line and rhinoplasty in Seoul
Hi everyone, this is probably the first time I have posted here.. but I have been silently stalking for months! This will be a very long post.. so please skip if you don't need other's stories..Must apologize first, as I will be typing along as I think, might not make sense sometimes, I will not be editing it.

So I am here to share my story and hopefully it might help some of you..:smile:

I contacted Zoe a few months back and flew here on the 11th, booked in with consultations with Regen, ID and Banobagi for Zygoma, V Line and Rhinoplasty.

I stayed at Young Dong hotel, which is really convenient because they have a patient menu with porridge if you want to stay in. There is also convenience store just 2 minutes away, and I found a Chinese restaurant behind the hotel, which was great! Black Bean noodle.. YUM!

A little about me, I have never been uncomfortable with my looks, There wasn't much that I REALLY needed to change if you know what I mean... I had fillers before in my nose and I liked the effect, and I think my face is too round.. But there isn't one specific thing that I think is wrong with myself that I hate.

I would like a little pointy nose and a higher bridge though.. Just something a little more than what I have.

Anyways, so Zoe as you know is super wonderful and nice, we went to Banobagi first. The Doctor was nice and spoke English. He said the ratio of my eyes and face is fine, and if I reduce the size of my face it will make my eyes look too big. But he thinks I have a mouth protruding problem.. (gummy smile) So he recommened:
1. Move Chin forward 4.5mil KW so, mouth is still protruding but chin will hide it.
2. Rhinoplasty 5.5mil
He said my bridge was ok from the side but wide on the front, so he was going to push them towards the middle, so it looks higher.

Took many X Ray, CT Scans etc..

Then we went to ID. I was told I had to pay 50K KW for scans, which I was okay with. Took all the Xrays, photos etc. Then we waited, and waited and waited. Waited for 2.5 hours and didn't even see the consultant.

This was eating into my last appointment so I decided to skip ID.

Met with consultant really quickly after all the Scans and Photos, she was a little pushy and told me my face was not symmetrical and I need this and that, made me a little mad actually. Then I met with Doctor Lee (the guy that sits in the middle for all Regen photos) for V Line, I told him I thought my face was too big, but then I also noticed my protruding mouth problem. He said he agreed with the mouth problem, so he only recommended in moving the chin forward and forget the Zygoma and V line.

While he spoke, he made reference to my photos and X rays, so I understood him quite well.

Then I met with the Nose Doctor, which was also quite good.

Moving the chin forward is Mini V Line.

On wards to the consultant, price bargaining. She gave me the following prices:
1. rhinoplasty - 5mil
2. Zygoma - 5 mil
3 Mini V Line - 9mil
4. Mini Lift (in case of saggy skin) 4.5mil

So all up I can buy a car.

I insisted with Mini V Line and nose, and she kept pushing me to do zygoma and mini v line instead, got a bit annoying.

So after I was determined with nose and chin, the bargaining began. Remember everyone who goes to Seoul for surgery, at least bargin 2-3 mil off the price they give you and be very stubborn about it!!!! Offer lower than what you want to pay, and slowly bring it up. Use I will make decision straight away as a bargaining chip!

Final price she gave me was 13mil. Zoe and I bargained it down to 10mil.

Big difference right! This was already 8pm and straight away did tests and blood tests and more X rays. Booked in for surgery for the next day.

Had more Xrays in the morning.
I checked in my room, and met with both Doctors to confirm what I wanted done, changed into the right clothes. Then I was on the surgery table. I got really nervous, and was thinking why in the world am I here!? Regretting it already.. dear oh dear...

I was out quite soon, the nurses were real nice and the translator stayed until I fell asleep. It was so hard to fight the drip! 5 seconds after i was told go to sleep, I am gone.

Then I remember been woken, they shook me and shook me, and I didn't want to wake up. I couldn't stand up straight, my surgery was at 11am and it was 7pm when I woke up. The put me into a wheel chair and wheeled me into my room. I remember someone asking me if I want to stay the night and I said Yes.

I was sooo sleepy couldn't even walk! After i was put in bed, Zoe came again and squeezed me hands and told me I did great, everything is fine. Thank God for Zoe.. .. I strongly, strongly recommend her.

The 6 hours after surgery was absolute the worst, I was regretting every single second. I was in pure agony. I thought I was going to die. YES! It was that bad. It was because I was so dehydrated from not eating and drinking the night before, and not allowed water for 6 hours after surgery. My throat was really really painful because of the breathing tube they stuck there during surgery.

Every time I tried to swallow spit, it was pain X 100. I was counting every single second that passed until I was allowed water. My nose didn't hurt, but my face was aching with a dull pain. Zoe stayed until 9.30pm when a translating nurse came to work. I was in and out of sleep during that time. It was the time between 9.30 -11pm when I was allowed water... pure pure agony. I will seriously never go through this again.

So if you want to do multiple surgeries, do it once so you only suffer once!

When I was finally given water, it won't go down because my body was not used to it. It made me cough, cough cough which was a lot of pain for my face.

Then when I swallowed the water, my throat was in so much pain again. I know you probably think I shouldn't complain about my throat, but that really is the most painful part of the surgery!

My nose was fully packed with cotton, and I couldn't breathe at all with my nose. the thought of myself suffocating in the hotel because I couldn't breathe through my mouth crossed my mind.

I couldn't sleep during the first night, my cold packs were changed hourly by the nurse. The next day my face was so swollen I couldn't even open my eyes. I also had blood in the white part of my eye. The packing in my nose was really uncomfortable.

I checked out at 11am with Zoe, and was told the packing in my nose needs to stay another night. bought a bucket load of pumpkin juice which helps to deswell and went back to the hotel. My chin was wrapped in bandage and so was my nose. My nose was in a plaster. My face was really, really swollen. I bought a hoodie and a face mask immediately after. My head felt really heavy and I couldn't walk probably.

Upon discharge, I was given gargle water and medication for the next 7 days.
For the next 5 days, I went back to Regen daily for shots and checkups and cleaning of my nose. Zoe was there every time. We had dinner a few times.. :smile:

Day 1
Because I only had Mini V Line, meaning the jaw bone is not cut, I can chew with the back of my teeth. For the first few days, Zoe went to the convenience store and stocked up on porridge, banana and milk and juice for. Didn't really felt like eating anyways.
I stayed at hotel and watched DVDS ( I brought Asian dramas with me). I really didn't feel like getting out and walking. Sleeping was a nightmare because I can't breathe with my nose, and my mouth and throat was really dry from breathing through the mouth.

Day 2,
Swelling is still as bad, and I walked the 25 min to Regen and back for my checkup. They finally removed the packing. That was a little uncomfortable. Couldn't see very well as my eyes are still super swollen. I pulled up the hoodie and covered my face with the face mask and looked like a bank robber. I was takings meds three times a day after meals. I forced myself to eat something always. Even a banana. Meds on an empty stomach is bad for you. Gargled like there is no tomorrow. Iced non stop with ice packs and iced pumpkin juice.

Cleaning of the wounds hurt a little, but definitely tolerable.

Day 3.
Still swollen, but the pink around the eyes and face has turned darker into a purple. I can open my eyes a little now, and can finally see. I walked back and to again. Sleeping is not that bad. I ignore the propped up pillows and just slept as normal. Did continue to ice. I have had bleeding/runny nose since the first day, but now nose discharge is turning clear.

Day 4,
All bruises appeared, I have two huge black eyes. Like BLACK PURPLE eyes, but at least I can now wear my contact lenses. They removed the chin bandage and gave me a head compression band to wear. My chin is numb. I can feel my lips and face, but chin, numb. I stopped taking the painkiller for sleeping. I wasn't in that much pain. Only swollen, the feeling of skin stretched.
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Day 5
A little better today, I started to use heat packs on my eyes and face. Which is just a towel drenched in hot water, wring dry and put on my eyes and face, over and over again. I did this for 30 min. This was heavenly and reduced the swelling a lot! I have started to walk around the area and found the Chinese Restaurant behind Young Dong. I also bough Viet noodles from across the street. Non Stop drama watching. Headband is uncomfortable to wear, but I still liked wearing it. it made me feel more snug.

Day 6
Today they removed the CAST on my nose! YAY! They also removed the visible stitches, this also hurt a little. My face is still swollen, but my eyes are better. Still black and blue. I met with both Doctors, and they checked on my results and told me the dos and donts. The nurse made a mold of my nose as a protector to wear at night time. Making the mold was quite painful as it required pushing into the nose. To be honest I think I look like the blue people in Avatar. My nose is higher but my eyes are still swollen and pushed together. I could hardly recognize myself with the nose cast off. But I am starting to look human.

People, before your surgery remember to take photos! Otherwise you will forget what you used to look like...:P

I think it will be at least one more week until the bruises start to fade away. I will be going to my last appointment with Regen tomorrow. Final checkup and needle shot. And flying away on Sunday.

Not much happened after Day 2.. It was basically just waiting everyday and lying in hotel and walking to my checkups. But everyday, there is a little improvement.

I am supposed to now massage my nose so it has better shape and wear the protector for one month.

Problems I am having now. My nose is still runny, there is still congestion. My nose drips if I walk. So I really hope this goes away in another week or so.

Oh yeah possible bad things that may happen, I have received emergency meds just in case an infection come up. If for some reason the meds do not work, then 1 out of 100-200 people may need to get the implant removed. I asked if they would do it for free. And yes they will.

As for Chin, there really isn't much that could go wrong. Sorry, it's 2am in the morning and this is it for now. I will let everyone know of my drippy nose and avatar face in a week.
Hopefully I will look more normal.

One final funny thing, Regen issued me with a certificate to say I had surgery just incase immigration won't let me pass on Sunday.
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Oh quick question with people who had rhino, how long does your nose run after the surgery? Mine is 7 days, stitches just came out.. but clear water like substance runs down one of my nostrils constantly when I walk.. Will it go away? Should I be concerned? Your answers would help me greatly!
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hehe, sure. where u come from?

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Wow! You sure do have a long list of procedures, I hope all goes well and you come out looking the way you've always wanted. My question to you is, will the final product have a natural look?

In fact, my question to all the girls and guys(I'm a guy btw) on the forum is that after asian rhinoplasty, does the nose have that "fixed look" or is it completely concealed? I ask because I've had a couple nose jobs and it came out looking very natural and good in pictures, but in real life people around me can still tell that I've had a nose job. Is it different for women, because you gals have make up? My procedure was done with ear cartilage grafts to lengthen the dorsum. Again, to me it looks very natural, but for some reason it looks fake to the general public. It's important to have a natural looking nose or else you'll have a target on your face 24/7!
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Hello drillkid122,

I'm thinking about going to Seoul, Korea to get a revision rhino. When will you be there? I was just there a month ago, and had a blast! Hadn't really thought about getting it done then, because it would've cut into my vacation time. Anyway, what's your email address and feel free to shoot me an email anytime.
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Hi ladies I always think dat my nose is just not pointy enough and a lil wide .but I think my bridge is fine what do you ladies think? Wat kinda presedure would I have to get ? Can I just get like those injections ? Hav no experience in any of this . I actually know several girls n they looked much pretty and sharp after nose surgery , I'm actually considering the option as well . But yeh I'm scare n I dono if I'm gonna be ok with it pyscjogically . Not trying to offend anyone . :smile: I'm fine with people who got surgery to make their self prettier .
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