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Asian Nose Job 3

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I'm staying for just 2 days on December 18th and 19th. Mainly just for consultation. I'm going to go back to perform the surgery in the beginning of April or mid August if I do decide to do it there.
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hi, does anyone know of any good clinics in saigon/ho chi minh city, vietnam? i was originally going to have my nose and eyes done in seoul in two years, but plans have changed and my mom would rather i do it in vietnam. (it's more convenient because we're going there anyways, we speak the language, she'll be there to take care of me, and other family can also assist me as i'm recovering)

apparently there are many korean doctors who have moved here...?

i'd appreciate any information you have, thank you!
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Okay, so I'm a guy and I had a rhinoplasty four weeks ago. I don't know if I made the right choice. It was supposed to be a minor change...but I think and my family thinks I look like a completely different person. I know it's only been four weeks but I really don't know if I made the right choice. So for all of you who are thinking about this...think about what will come after your surgery. You may look like a whole different person....I only had my tip made smaller and the base narrowed but it is a drastic change...nothing was done to the bridge. Your family may not look at you the same way. Be sure you can handle these emotional feelings and feelings of regret that may come your way. The Dr. says that there is still a lot of swelling in my tip. I don't know how I feel about it. There were not many resources out there when I was doing my research so I hope this helps some of you. My before and after photos are in my profile.
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Honestly, there isn't that much of a drastic change. I wouldn't be able to tell without the labels. Congrats though.
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FOR ALL YOU MEN OR MALE PATIENTS there is hope for you guys after all it is possible to turn from an ugly duckling syndrome and become a STUD !!!:cool: Plastic Surgery seems to be on the rise for Korean men and their are more and more clinics catering specific to the male client only ! It does mentioned 2 clinics < one clinic called Man & Nature Clinic and Real For Men Clinics but provides no linked http://blogs.wsj.com/korearealtime/2012/10/09/more-men-opt-for-plastic-surgery/
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i think it's a little to early to tell what the outcome would be since it's still swollen . Now if you want my honest opinion and judging from your profile pics i think your older nose suits your face better. of course if you don;t like it after 6 months you could always go for revisions.

May i asked what clinic did you go to and what else did you have done besides the nose job ?
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Hi everyone!

Just wanted to write a quick post before my rhinoplasty tomorrow - thanks to everyone on this forum for everything. It's super reassuring to know that others have gone through the same thing :smile:

I'll be having my rhinoplasty in a clinic around Chungdamdong (sorry, I'm actually not sure about the name - one of my friends took me there and translated everything, so I'll be posting the name tomorrow!). I'll be narrowing the tip, base, adding a little bit of silicone to the tip for projection and between my eyes and also shaving the bump (as well as Radiesse injection for my fat neck). It was originally around 7000 USD, but luckily it's been discounted to $4.5k in total :smile:

Anywho, I'm off to bed now! I'll post photos tomorrow :smile:
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