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Asian Nose Job 3

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the best of luck with ure surgery :smile:
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i think that dr wang makes flexible noses, but they are still hard because it looks like the tip keeps the same shape even when he pushes it to the side.
so they are flexible but not really soft?
its sort of like adding a hinge to the nose that allows it to swivel, but the tip itself still looks hard to me.
its still a major imporovement thoiugh
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Hi again! I'm done with the surgery phew! It took 2 hours - she used some silicone and also took some stuff from my ear. My Korean isn't very good, so I had no idea that she was using my ear.

The process was much better than I thought! I was so terrified in the surgery room god haha the lights and everything was just really disturbing. Had only two shots (one to test antibiotic reaction or something? And the IV sedation) and both were tolerable, maybe 4/10 (felt just like vaccines haha!). I woke up half way when she was shaving my bone, but I didn't really feel pain, just sometimes a little twinge that hurt me a bit when she was stitching me up. Currently I look like a cow haha with my nose packed and all, but it comes off tomorrow thankfully.

Anyway here's my current profile!! I'm very happy so far :smile: It's still very swollen and very high but it's not nearly as freaking huge anymore :biggrin:

the password is purseblog

Sorry this is very brief, but I'll post more once I can wear glasses since it hurts my eyes to look at the screen so long~
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I can't really tell the difference between the photos - once the swellin goes down you might see more changes. I always think its ok to look different as long as you look better than before. You are a good looking guy, btw
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i was actually planning on going to jw before the change of plans u__u

but i'm not sure if you read my post correctly? i'm not asking for clinics in seoul because i'm not sure if i'll be able to go. however your review about is reassuring, so i'll cross my fingers that my mom will change her mind orz
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meliwaa the only clinic that i know provide all of that is bk
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Hey everyone, I'm new to posting on the forum and haven't quite gotten a hang of things yet, so apologies if I mess up on formatting/replying/etc....

I've learned a LOT from lurking on this forum and currently, I'm very interested in going to Dr. Wang. The BA pics on his site are SUPER impressive and the style is pretty much exactly what I'd like. The price also seems pretty fair compared to VIP and some other Korean clinics. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to read any reviews on him which of course makes me kind of nervous. Of course he'd only showcase the best BA's right?

I read that a few members on here have been able to find some Chinese reviews on him and I'd like to ask:
1. What sort of complaints did the negative reviews have? Were they generally the same sort of complaints? Did they share pics?
2. Would you mind sharing the link to the Chinese forum with the reviews with me? I'm not really proficient in Chinese so that might be problematic but hopefully online translators will help.
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ya well a nose that moves side to side is way better then a hard nose that doesn't move at all, i guess. has your nose gotten any softer over time? i would think that since it was ear cartilage that it would be somewhat soft.
i was also wondering if u know how a surgeon would go about raising the radix, and augmenting the tip with rib. would they do everything with one single piece of rib, or do the procedures with separate pieces of rib? i`ve been curious about this for a while, if any of it makes sense. lol
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yeah, its still a major improvement. but being realistic, i do not think that it is soft.
sorry :S idk why, but it just kinda bugs me when people make factually incorrect statements, like saying that goretex has a very high infection rate when medical studies consistently show that it has a lower infection rate than silicone. i've corrected many people but ppl still keep posting it without evidence -_-

just guessing, i think that i have 4 pieces of rib in my nose (not including premaxillary implants), and 2 ear cart grafts

the ear cart was only used a little bit so my nose is not soft. it only moves ~0.5 cm side to side now
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hihi, u're is open rino? does it hurts? were u under LA?
m thinking of going for revision but not sure if he charge a lot for it.
do they fetch u from the airport when u reach korea and how was their post-op care services?
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