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Asian Nose Job 3

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I am not too sure myself either ;( But anyway, my nose looks completely normal, as compare to how I looked after my first nose job. So happy that I don't look like a big nose monster at the airport. haha.
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I am really considering rib, but it sounds really painful. In some cases, people say that the spot where they harvest the rib hasn't even completely healed at 1 year...and they still feel a lingering pain. If so, that would SUCK. I wouldn't be able to move on with my daily life with that annoyance.

I can attest that the back of my ear/scalp hurt for at least a good 6 months after harvesting ear cartilage. Ouch. The price of beauty....

I hate how my nose is crooked and the tip (and base) is still wide and droops down. Grrrr why can't I just have a harmonious nose?
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are you considering for revision? where have u done your primary nose job?
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I read from some websites saying that the pain of ear cartilage and rib harvesting is quite similar (doubt - the cut of rib harvesting is much deeper). But when I checked with my friend who did ear cartilage harvesting, she said not much pain. I think the main different here is that ones easily stresses the rib wound when moving the upper body, but seldom touches ear (unless hair wash).

I am in 7th post-surgical day. The pain of rib harvesting has reduced significantly but still can feel pain for large upper body motion. Yes, price of beauty :smile:
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Hi Kain,
I noticed in the previous thread you got your nose done in VIP? Am I able to see some pictures? I was told against going to VIP for my eyes, but the nose pics on their site look so good. :smile:
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Hi, Thanks for sharing!

This was the same case for me - I had planned to go to one of the 'big' clinics, but my translator gave me her advice, so I took a risk and went to get a consultation on a smaller, more local clinic that she said was good (and most locals know of). Turns out, it was a better decision and I ended up getting my surgery done there!
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hey, im glad you're liking your results so far. plz update me when your cast comes off!! lol if you like the front view then i guess your rhinoplasty was a success, that is the most important part. yes, that is very good advice, im gonna try really hard in finding a doctor that has the same aesthetic as i do in noses, that way we both know what to expect and have the same look in mind. lol i dont speak mandarin, juss english thanks for the offer though, very sweet of u.

ill definitely need to find a good translator though. yup im only considering rib cuz i kno i wont have enough septal or ear cartilage to get the type of look that i want for my tip. how did the nasal bone narrowing go? do u think it made a big difference in making ure nose look more refined? some said their bridges looked higher after getting it done. i would love to take a look at nano's website if they have one, do u happen to kno it? thanks for answering my tons of questions in advance :smile:
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How do you find a good translator ? How much that will be?
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lol haha well im not sure yet. i think there are websites dedicated to finding decent translators. many people have used zoe i think as one, and she got many good reviews, her email is posted somewhere on this forum if u can try n look for it. someone said she charges 100 for translation, but dont quote me on that lol.
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lol well the embarrassment is well worth it for a pretty nose, looking forward to hearing about your final results :smile:
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Thanks for your very detail information. I couldn't find her email, do you still have her email? By the way, does anyone knows about Japanese nose and eye yield job?
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i added you to my contacts so you can see the pics from the link in my signature. it is better to pm me because i get get email notifications when i get a pm. i check the forums less frequently than my email
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I know rib is a very common procedure among rhinoplasty patients, but it's still very scary to me. I've seen pictures of Asian, white, mexican, blacks, and other races use rib as a nose graft, but it's just so scary to think that they're taking a chunk of bone from your mid-section. I can't say if it's right or wrong, because we all have differences of opinion, but in my mind, I don't understand why people would want to extract a natural-god-given body part just so it could make you look better...or maybe even worse.
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We are human beings, not animals, so extracting rib while in surgery for superficial reasons is a little too much, no? Please tell me what y'all think. Isn't there anything sacred anymore? What happened to our body is our temple... We should love it, and not carve it up into little pieces... I feel so bad, when I see people take out a piece of flesh, just so they can gain acceptance from others.
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