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Asian Nose Job 3

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1. its cartilage, not bone. thats a huge difference. unless i start poking my incision site, it feels the same as it did before surgery. and there is also scar revision surgery if needed to reduce the appearance of the scar. i think that people should also be wary of listening to people who tell other people (without even knowing the details of their nose) to completely rule out certain types of surgery altogether. each method has its pros and cons and to rule out one method without even knowing what someone's nose is like, and based on some vague spiritual grounds, is just irresponsible. there should be a clear medical, functional, or aesthetic reason for choosing or ruling out a method. a lot of people do not need rib and can rule it out, but good medical advice does not consist of broad generalizations

if someone wanted a specific aesthetic or functional result that is not achievable with silicone, would you tell that person to get silicone anyway?

silicone is suited for a lot of people, but not everybody. if you feel bad about people getting rib in their nose (and being happy with the results), would you feel better if they got silicone and ended up with an extrusion or infection? because for example, revision patients are at a higher risk of those complications. and patients who get large silicone implants (i think it was mentioned as being larger than 5 mm) are at a statistically significant higher risk of having complications. you can find medical studies about this.

again, broad generalizations based on vague spiritual grounds...not a good substitute for sound medical advice

2. glass houses and all that... you are going for surgery in january and a lot of people would say the same thing to you even if you do not use rib cartilage. i could easily modify your words so that they are judgemental towards you as well - i'd just have to change a few words and phrases here or there

it reminds me of this video

if you can describe water (something that is essential to all humans) so easily in a negative light, how easy would it be to describe something that is only recommended for a small subset of people? if you are looking for a negative thing to say about a subject, you will find something negative to say, no matter what the subject is.
the reality is: rib is suitable for some people, but not for everybody. the same goes for silicone, goretex, dermis, fascia etc


you are projecting your own motivation for surgery onto other people. i didn't get surgery to gain acceptance from others - i live in canada, and there are many people who had similar features. i was already accepted before surgery. (vancouver is ~40% asian according to a census done in 2006. i was also in university for 8 months before my surgery; my university campus is more than 50% asian) i had surgery for myself, not to gain acceptance. i think that quote clearly says alot more about your motivation than it does about anybody else's motivation on this forum. i doubt that you personally know anybody on these forums, so its a bit presumptuous to say that we are all getting surgery to gain "acceptance" from others
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All I'm saying is that opening up your stomach and cutting out a piece of three inch cartilage is a very scary sight. It's your body, so you have the right to do whatever it is you want to it. But I doubt that if the media portrayed a flat or bridge-less nose as the most desired or attractive attribute on a face, we would be doing this to ourselves... So you're right, getting rhinoplasty to gain "acceptance" may be overreaching, so I guess we're just self hating people that feel our natural and genetically given looks were a curse from our parents.

Don't get me wrong! It's not a sin to want to better yourself aesthetically, or in anyway period. This is just my personal opinion, and I just feel that some of you girls and guys are already very naturally pretty and beautiful, so why go through all the trouble with surgery. After all, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I've had surgery, and I kind of regretted it, and I blame it on naivety and my impulsiveness half a decade ago, but it's water under the bridge. I've met a lot of people throughout my life, and I've found each an every one of them to be special and attractive in their own unique way. I just want everyone to know that we are all loved and there will be that special someone for you at the end of the tunnel. Hope everyone has a wonderful and loving 2013.

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eh... they don't cut open your stomach to harvest the rib cartilage.

and have you seen photographs of rhinoplasty in general? that looks far scarier than a rib incision because its right in the middle of someones face, and they have to stretch and pull the skin off the bone in order to create space for the implant (silicone, rib, goretex, etc)...lol. in some cases, the surgeon will fracture the bones in order to move them closer together or change the angle. if the patient is getting an alarplasty, wedges of flesh will be removed from their alars. go see youtube videos of surgeons snipping off wedges from the nostril. see if that doesn't scare you. if the patient wants their nose tip to become thinner, the doctor will separate the fat in their tip from the skin and then replace it using slices of ear cartilage. and thats not even including other common procedures. i imagine that its quite scary to have someone operate on your eyelids while you are awake under local anesthesia. what happens if you get dust in your eye while the surgeon is stitching or cutting? and what about facial contouring surgery?

like i said, if you are looking for something negative to say about a subject, you will find it.
rather than looking at the evidence, and then using that evidence to come to a conclusion, it seems like you are fixated on a belief and are searching for things to support your belief. in the process, you skip over the critical thinking process and are ignoring a lot of facts that are just obvious.
your statement: rib incision is "scary"
obvious: rhinoplasty (and other cosmetic surgeries) in general is much "scarier"

of course...(and how is that not "overreaching"?)

and you are entitled to your opinion of course, but its more than just a little bit hypocritical to go for your own surgery while saying that other surgeries are "too much" based on spiritual grounds or your gut reaction to your visual idea of what that surgery looks like. the surgical method should be judged based on the medical, functional, and aesthetic potential, which may differ b/t different people.
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lol... well no offense but if you feel that way, then why are you in a thread that solely and only discusses plastic surgery. people do plastic surgery for many many reasons. many do it for themselves and not to gain the acceptance of others as you so say. lol maybe you should join another thread.... jus saying
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Hey Kain, can you tell me if you had any numbness or decreased sensation after the paranasal implants? If so, how long did it take for the feeling to come back? Did they screw the cartilage in? And lastly, can you feel the difference? Meaning is the transition pretty smooth or can you feel the edges? Thanks.
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Was thinking the same exact thing...
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I've had cosmetic fixes as well, and would like to see what other people have to say about this subject. We're all going to have different perspectives and ideas on this topic, so not everyone is going to agree with me, which is completely fine. I'm not against plastic surgery, nor do I think it's wrong. However, I just think that if the media, such as television, movies, magazines, comics, even books, depicted attractiveness and sexiness as a face with a flat bridge, non-protruding features, small eyes, huge lips, dark skin, etc.. You get my drift, we'd take a step back and reconsider our superficial needs. And who says that what the media portrays is ultimately what our society sees as beauty? What kind of B.S. standard is that? I personally don't agree with it, and realizes that beauty comes in all ages, sex, shapes, and colors. Again, it's never wrong to want to be better, because that's just what we strive for as human beings. And I'm not only talking about physical improvements either... Don't you think that there's more to it than just vanity? Why are we taking apart of our organic bodies to look a certain way? It's a deeper issue than just, "oh because I'm doing it for myself."
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Why don't you answer your questions for us? Why did you go under the knife and change the body that your god has given you; the body that your parents created for you? You're destroying the form that is a culmination of your parents and your ancestors created through procreation? Isn't there more to it in life then how you look? Don't we all learn that we shouldn't judge the book by the cover? Why oh why someone as deeply concern about us loosing our ethnic identity and the physical form that god have given us, gone under the knife? Tell us how you're more "natural" then we are with your silicone nose.
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i do not recall having any numbness after the paranasal surgery, but if i did it was minor and i currently do not have any numbness at all.
i do not know if they used screws or not. if i press lightly, i cannot feel the difference. but if i press hard, i can feel the outline (there is a bump at the edge). i guess that you can request the surgeon to put more effort into the transition.

good luck with your surgery. since day 1 of my surgery, my nose tip shrank in height a little bit (due to deswelling mostly); most of the shrinking was in the width of the tip
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Have I said anything about it being wrong? Or sick? Or inhumane? Nope, I've made it clear that I understand why we get cosmetic surgery. Look, if it's not a big deal, we wouldn't be having a debate over it and it wouldn't be a thing...

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Good to know that there's little if any numbness and that it resolves fairly quickly. I guess it doesn't matter if it's screwed if as long as it stays in place for the bone to fuse with the facial bone. I think it would annoy me if I could feel the transition.

That's good that it shrunk width-wise. I'm only concern that the tip would droop with time. Thanks again.
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i do not know how something could claim that
is neither a rhetorical question nor judgemental in the context of a forum dedicated to cosmetic surgery...but okay :smile:
if those were not rhetorical questions, then what kind of answer were you expecting? because by definition, a non-rhetorical question is expected to have some non-facetious answer.
"no, nothing is sacred anymore. we have given ourselves over to satan which is why we get so much plastic surgery!"
its not possible to come up with a reasonable answer because you said "what happened to ..." and "... sacred anymore" which implies that we are no longer treating out bodies like a sacred temple anymore.
it is a loaded question, plain and simple.

and you were right before: i don't particularly care about what some stranger says on the internet. but your hypocrisy is just so obvious.

and notice how i never tried to convince you that rib rhinoplasty is the correct method for you? i simply pointed out your factual inaccuracies because ignorance is never a good thing. and all this was only done to point out your own hypocrisy (ie. your own surgery was bloody but you say that another surgery is "CRAZY!"). but you seem to thrive on extremism, ignorance, and inconsistency.
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It's CRAZY to cut open your stomach for rib cartilage and then make another incision to flip open your nose so that the rib can fit inside of it. That's crazy to me. Maybe not to you, but we're all different, so be it.

To some people their body may not be sacred anymore, and a lot of them could turn to a lot of things, such as drugs, prostitution, plastic surgery, self mutilation, suicide, excessive shopping etc... These are all probabilities that we're not certain of. Others wouldn't even consider their bodies to be sacred, and all of this is totally subjective. So, no, my intentions for those questions weren't meant to be rhetorical. Superfluous, maybe, but I wasn't sure of the responses I would get, and it was a simple question which I expected answers.
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nope, i said that you are a hypocrite for saying that one cosmetic surgery is "CRAZY!" while getting your own facial surgery. that is not putting words into your mouth. "CRAZY!" is exactly the phrase that you used. and "hypocrisy" is completely appropriate to describe your situation

i have heard this accusation many times on this forum. sometimes they were justified, other times it was iffy. but this one is just funny because i never specifically recommend people to get rib cartilage or go to a specific clinic unless they ask for a recommendation. i answer people honestly when they pm me and i often recommend that people consult multiple clinics. if someone asks about a certain clinic, i usually recommend them to someone on the forum who has gone to that clinic if i know of any.

i have all (or most) of my pms saved in a text file. if you really think that i am working for a clinic, i have an extensive list of people that i have talked to over more than 2 years. you can ask them if i was being pushy trying to recommend certain clinics or procedures. or maybe you think that i have dozens of accounts (and all of them would have to have diferent IP addresses because multiple accounts get banned by forum moderators), some of which have hundreds or thousands of posts spread out over a 24 hour day. (edit: some of them have also met with other forumers in korea. they had their names listed sometimes in the "best ps clinic..." thread)
but i doubt that even you think that. its really just that you are resorting to ad hominem attacks because your attempts at logical reasoning have failed.
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