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Asian Nose Job 3

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in that case, its also CRAZY to have an incision on your nose, "flip open your nose" to implant silicone, possibly break the bone and rearrange them, replace fat with ear cartilage, have a surgeon cut open your eyelids while you are awake under local anesthesia and remove fat and/or stitch the muscles together, etc

which just shows how irrelevant your opinion is in a plastic surgery thread and makes you a hypocrite

with very basic critical thinking skills, you could have thought of that yourself. but like i said before, you are fixated on your beliefs and are willing to ignore reason

lol at drugs and prostitution being mentioned in the same sentence as plastic surgery. i know you wouldn't compare drugs and prostitution to plastic surgery, but its still funny. and it does show how judgmental you are
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I have not once attacked you, and there has been no reason for me to attack you. I'm not trying to attempt to do anything. Nothing you say is going to justify that slicing a 3-4 inch wound to harvest rib to put in the nose is normal. Just the sound of it makes some people shudder...
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You're absolutely right! That's why I've said many times that I regret getting my nose done. I think it was unnecessary, and if I had a choice I wouldn't do it. But it's too late, and now I'm dealing with the repercussions.

I'm not comparing those things to each other, but only stating that there's a possibility that people who don't care for themselves or are insecure or depressed, may turn to some things, such as plastic surgery, denial, drugs, etc..

It's just being practical and human. I'm not some droid who thinks that opening up a part of the body for vanity is justifiable by the FACTS. That's just illogical and very narcissistic in my mind. Like I've mentioned numerous times that I regret getting rhinoplasty and would really like my old nose back.
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What are you trying to prove? That I'm a hypocrite for regretting getting rhinoplasty? Or that it's OKAY to use rib for rhinoplasty? Either way, it's not going to change my mind about it. No is no in my book!
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An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument.[1] Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as an informal fallacy,[2][3][4] more precisely an irrelevance.[5]

that quote is definitely an ad hominem attack.

and nothing you say is going to convince me that:
1. my less than 3cm scar originated from a "3-4 inch gash" (extremism! or did my surgeon manipulate the laws on physics to shrink my scar?) (ps. your surgery, if it was captured on video, would make many people shudder as well)
2. you are being neither hypocritical nor judgmental by implying that we are not treating our bodies as a temple.

also, your "question" meets all the criteria for the definition of a rhetorical and loaded question, so it is judgmental. you have had your own surgery which was bloody, which is hypocritical. who are you to judge others who want surgery? why do you get to say that certain surgeries are okay while others are a desecration upon our bodies? tell me, have you decided that blepharoplasty is okay? or would that be desecration? what about facial contouring surgery? or is that too bloody for you?

if it was purely a personal decision, then that is encouraged. people need to decide their own limits.
and if you were actually being positive and socially encouraging (even if you were being encouraging towards not getting surgery), then thats great too.

but a holier than thou attitude where you imply that certain surgeries are desecration upon our "temples" while completely neglecting to mention other, similar or more severe surgeries is obviously not welcome in a plastic surgery thread.
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Why would I judge plastic surgery when I've had stuff done myself? I sense that your reaction to what I've said is coming from a very personal and emotional place.

Does the Surgeon not make a 3 CM long incision in order to extract out enough rib cartilage for the nose? The 3-4 inch measurement was a typo. I meant to say 3-4 CM long scar. It wasn't an attack at all! I was simply stating a fact... like you do. Don't try to make me the bad person again.. You obviously have taken this whole conversation to heart. I'm sorry that I inadvertently offended you... It must've been a very difficult decision for you to undertake such a stressful surgery. I really would like to apologize for stepping on a tender spot. Really.

Holier than thou what? I'm NOT gonna list all the surgeries I think are unfathomably unnecessary....

You're absolutely right! That's why I've said many times that I regret getting my nose done. I think it was unnecessary, and if I had a choice I wouldn't do it. But it's too late, and now I'm dealing with the repercussions.

I'm not comparing those things to each other, but only stating that there's a possibility that people who don't care for themselves or are insecure or depressed, may turn to other things, such as plastic surgery, denial, drugs, etc..

It's just being practical and human. I'm not some droid who thinks that opening up a part of the body for vanity is justifiable by the FACTS. That's just illogical and very narcissistic in my mind. Like I've mentioned numerous times that I regret getting rhinoplasty and would really like my old nose back.
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you repeatedly said that it was a 3-4 inch gash/wound.

i'm not trying to make you into a bad person. its just sort of a given that people do not like being put into stereotypes. i think that that there were 5 ppl who responded, and the responses were about having their motivations being pidgeonholed into stereotypes. i think that the overall response shows that: if you didn't mean to ask rhetorical questions, then they were very poorly worded because they obviously were loaded questions in this context.


thanks. we appreciate your insight
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i'm not going back to korea. its just that i received a msg a few days ago and replied to them. so i was checking to see if they replied today (and then i ended up spending half the day arguing lol (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ )

good luck with your surgery. maybe if you choose only the approved surgeries, then you will get unicorns for your surgery instead of gashes. XD

i think jenstar went to jw clinic, but she doesn't log on very often
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I really don't think laughing about surgical incisions is a very nice thing to do...You know they do cut you open and there's a likelihood of accidents happening in the surgery room, right? Laughing at gashes and scars and blood... Do you know how many veterans have lost their limbs during the Iraq war? How many operations and procedures had to be performed on their wounds? Oh Lord...
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quote Fixated23

But you're not going to make the world a better place, heal kids who have AIDS, help any of the homeless people scavenging for food, etc.. You're going to make yourself look better for the sake of just that...looking better. And for anyone to spend over 8000$ to 10 grand for it is just nonsensical! The more we talk about this, the more I regret getting my nose fixed.... This is just absurd.


I know friends who had cosmetic surgeries to improve their faces/bodies, they are also the same people who are actively involved with charities and volunteerism helping the poor people and needy children.

“If you judge people, you have no time to love them”
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Hi Adora10, have u decided only for Korea? Any considerations for other places?
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Adora chose cinderella and has done her surgery a week or so ago. I feel Korea is better bc so many people go get things done, there's more competition and the doctors are more experienced.
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Hi Kain,

I'm a guy considering rhino and genioplasty, how was your genioplasty? Was it horizontal and vertical advancement, and by how much? Were you given other options such as an implant or fatgraft?

Also, what was the price breakdown?

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replying Fixated23

i think you are right in many ways but i cant help myself
i think the most people dont have
enough confidence, then they would not
doing plastic surgery, its sad yeah
and some turn out to be lucky and
some done
how's your nose doing, did it turn out bad
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