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Asian Nose Job 3

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Banobagi is meant to be very good too. I have a friend who used to work there so I know all about it even though I had to cancel my consultation there (Dr Lee had his day off work the day I was having all my consulations done!) And yes, Dr Lee is the main guy who specialises in nose surgeries. Banobagi tends to me a little expensive and it is a medium-large size clinic the results are meant to be good. I have my nose done with at OZ last year and very pleased with the results.
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Are there any other good and reputable clinics in Seoul, Korea besides the ones listed above? It's important I find a good doctor for my next revision, because I don't want to do anymore surgeries. Where would be a good place to find reviews for Korean plastic surgery?
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I don't think I have PM option yet lol sorry!

I have been researching heaps and yes I did come across the posts re Grand's high sue rates. I've received quite professional and detailed responses from them and was considering them because they have fantastic pics on website but now i'm wary.

Seoul Touch Up is actually a tourism/surgery co-ordinating company a consultant called me today and we had a lengthy conversation about all my queries regarding silicon etc. I also got many responses regarding silicon and it seems it is the best option and used in 95% of rhinos and for the past 50 years, hence the reason for problem stories but he said if done properly can achieve a natural soft look as you also said. He also told me (along with another clinic response) that rib and dermo fat are all marketing gimmicks and that they have a lot of people wanting revisions for rib rhino because of the undesirable shape and the hardness. Also the surgery scale becomes larger because they need to cut below your chest also. I didn't realise they were a tourism/surgery company until he mentioned that I would be going to Dream for rhino.

He mentioned a lot of celebrities who have been operated on by Dr Park at Dream "off the raider" haha. Also he is one of the few skilled surgeons who can do the whole operation closed leaving no scars. My friend did a closed rhino there her only regret was not making it higher as she thinks its too natural. He also said you will be awake in the surgery so can see that it is the same doctor doing surgery and warned of places with young junior dr's.

I got quoted same as you for VIP but they also recc i get mid face augamentation for 3k omg...scared when i go for consults they will tempt me with more procedures lol.

Oh the guy at Seoul Touch also said alar reduction leaves scarring on the sides but will fade over time.

I want to check out Migo but they have no english on site? are you going to hire an interpretor?

I might look at Regen and Samsung too. Trying to narrow it all down to about 5 or 6.

I am coming from Australia. You?

I plan to shop!!! lol I was in Korea last year went crazy shopping.

Im not sure where to stay yet because like u I have no idea where to do the surgery yet. you?
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do calluses ever go away?
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Also, do you know how to tell if they are calluses? I guess for me, I dont know whether it is a callus or if he just didn't shave it evenly. Either way mine is lumpy :'-(
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o wow lol congratz!! i had no idea! lol. well my plans for my rhinoplasty seem to be almost the exact same as yours, except im using rib for my tip. im rlly glad everything turned out well for you. yes i am quite nervous about the osteotomy now, but i guess i'll have to address my concerns to the doc as well. does your bridge look any bit higher now tht u got the osteotomy done? some have said that their noses appeared higher after. if u comfortable
i would love to see some pics, but if ur not i completely understand lol.
iv'e pretty much narrowed down my consult list, dont want to visit too many
clinics tho cuz i'll get rlly confused in making a choice.
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Wow Seoul Touch Up gave some really detailed response : thanks it's really helpful! i am wondering what kind of service do they give? Translator service also or just recommendations and consultations?
yeah i also read that rib is more commonly used for revision cases than primary rhinoplasty. But i guess every implant has their own pro and cons ^__^

Yeah i agree with you. I also heard about the dr.park being specialized in closed rhinoplasty. It's one of the reasons why i look foward meeting hin. This and i heard that the consultant is a popular image consultant for celebrities haha how cool is that? But yeah i am still being a bit wary, because of the many mixed reviews.

And yes i know what you mean about getting tempted to do additional surgeries! Actually almost every clinic i consulted per mail recommended me to do VLine and eye additionally to the nose. And it is tempting to do these procedures after seeing so many PS transformations. I guess it's good i only have budget for nose and fat graft, so i do not get uselessly tempted :smile:

migo also has an english website: en.migochina.com
You can do consultation and reservation there. Yes i am hiring a translator.

I am coming from Switzerland :smile: yeahh i am so happy i found myself a shopping buddy :P i went there last year too and came back with two full luggages.

I booked my accommodation for the first few days in Seoul trough airbnb. Her apartment with 3 rooms (i think) is located in chungdam area, which i didn't know before booking. I forgot to ask the host where it is located =_= i was more interested in the price. the good thing, it is located near JYP building >\\\< might end up as a crazy stalker when i am finished shopping and consulting. The bad it is a bit far from dream clinic and other clinics to be honest. If you are interested and would like to join me anyway i will PM (i hope it works soon) you her Link. :smile:
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Hi all. I was hoping I could get some advice. I am looking to get tip plasty and alar reduction so I e-mailed some clinics. I really like the virtual simulation by the Dr. Park at Oz clinic. I asked him if he could send me one of my nose smaller, but he wouldn't do it. He said that it would not be realistic. Is it weird that he won't even send me another simulation?

Also, I got a simulation from Grand and it looks terrible. I mean, the photoshop or whatever they did looks like something I could do and it doesn't even look like it fits my face .____. Should I eliminate them as an option or do you think that the simulation is not too important?

I'm still waiting from the other clinics too...

Thank you to anybody who takes the time to respond!!
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Aww sorry i do not much about revision cases.
But through this forum i heard VIP & JW ard very skilled for revisions.

Also Shimmian's Dr.Jung is very popular for revision cases. Although there are mixed reviews about him or their Post Op care. It's worth it to have a look anyway. It's always good to make your own picture while keeping in mind to be careful, which i know you are :smile: A Singaporean surgeon trainee recommended him, when i asked her if she knows any clinics who is proficient with nose.

About places to find reviews, i just PM every person possible in the forum who had surgeries at the clinics i would like to.
Maybe it is also helpful to send your picture to the clinics directly and get their opinion on specific procedure you should get and whst kind of material should be used. and ask them if they handle revision cases a lot. If you haven't yet..

Hope that helps a bit :smile:
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The guy from Seoul touch up was super helpful he even let me know which celebs Dr Park from Dream did but told me not to post it online or youtube LOL What bad reviews have you heard of Dream??

Seoul touch up co-ordinates everything so they must take a cut they provide translators and bring u to the recommended clinic they are partners with for your particular surgery eg- nose they take u to Dream. They organise accom, transport, healing therapies, dinners basically everything you need. They sent me a quote its pretty much 5k for their services plus surgery all up 10k. I'd rather find my own accom, transport etc. However, he did say that you usually have to wait few hours even with appt but don't need to if you go through them you jump line...well i'd hope so at that cost.

How did you get in touch with Dream their site isn't in English? The consultant must be a walking marketing tool hehe

JYP as in the entertainment company?? hehe

Is it a lot cheaper to stay there? how many days are you staying?
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The simulation is just photoshop and not accurate to the surgery at all. The ones I received back look from OZ and BK look really weird lol. My nose looks so thin. I've been told its just photoshopped and they need to actually see you in person and will show you cases similar to yours and pictures of the results.
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I'm really glad that I did osteotomy because my old nose was very flat and wide so I needed to shave the sides down. Yes my bridge is higher but that is because I didn;t have one before! It's not too high though because Dr Park used septal cartilage on my tip, so it's a nice curve. I love it! Sure, send me your email ad and I'll forward you pics.

I'm healing just fine. My tip is hard and I can't turn up my nose because it's hard, not that I want to do that anyway! But I'm soooo pleased I had it done because I'm really happy with the results.
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lol that sounds like Dr park. I had my rhinoplasty done with him. He is very honest and realistic. If he said the smaller nose would not look realistic I would listen to him (of course I'm biased because I had my surgery with him and I think he's a great surgeon as well as a very honest and down to earth guy). He was very straight with me during my consultation but he delivered exactly the nose that I wanted.

You might have an image in your head of the prefect nose, but in reality that won't always be possible. You can't grab a nose from someone like a celeb and tell a surgeon that you want that on your face. In fact I would be reluctant to trust someone who claimed that they could give me my perfect nose.
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I've forgotten how the calluses are formed.. I wrote it down in my "nose-job" book but I'm not sure where it is now. However, I remember I got a lot of the info from realself.com so just type in lumps after osteotomies and that should be really helpful.

Where is the lump exactly? Is it on one of the sides of your bridge?
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