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Asian Nose Job 3

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Yes, its on the right side of my nose and a bit on my left. but its more noticeable on the right side. The thing is, I know I had more work done on the left side, yet the right side is all bumpy and lumpy
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Hmm, maybe because the surgeon knew that more work was to be done on the left side, he spent a longer time on it and smooth it out more than the right? I really don't know. I know that my surgeon made my sides as smooth as possible and because I was awake the second part of my surgery I could feel (in a numb way) and hear him spending a lot of time pairing the sides down.

I did read that some patients were advised to massage their noses where they were feelings any bumps, post op, but I won't tell you to do that until you get professional advise, since I haven't seen your nose.. I also read that the lumps can go away in the future. How long are you post op?

Did the surgeon put a hard mould cast after your surgery? It would have been a very hard mould (almost like plasticine that shapes to your nose) and it secures the shape right after surgery?
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Oh i wanna know which celebrities went to dream! I will ask you again as soon as you get PM :smile:
Yeah i only heard about fake looking noses workers or too natural looking noses. Personally i like natural results and do not fancy high bridges at all. So i wouldn't mind dream if it's only that.. How about u?
Recently a forumer posted that dream was very rude to her and hung up several times because she spoke English. Also the consultant wasn't nice to her. Not sure who it was again, would have to look through my notes..

I just noticed Dream is now called before&after clinic. It's been a while since i went to their page.
My translator is booking my appointment for dream.

5K? That's too much!
Yup JYP.. 2PM! Also other entertainment conpanies are there like cube ^__^
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I'm so glad to hear that you had a good experience with Dr. Park from Oz! He is my top pick right now. Do you think that if I like him, I should just book him in advance? I'm only in Korea for a few days so I want to get it done as soon as possible so I have more healing time. I am afraid that he might be booked when I get there..
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Oh I actually loved the simulation that I got from Dr. Park at Oz. It looks very fitting for my face. I'm just afraid that it won't actually turn out that way
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Heya. As much as I praise Dr Park, because I genuinely believe he is the most honest and down to earth surgeon out the consultations I had, I would personally advise you to see at least 2 other surgeons.. It's only for peace of mind. You might on the off change prefer another surgeon, but if not and you stick with Dr Park then at least you've told yourself that you've had consultations with other Drs and haven't limited yourself to just one! (in fact I would feel more pressured if I only had one consultation).. I also forgot to mention that Dr Park speaks superb English which made me feel even more comfortable. It was a very different experience than my consultation at BK as the English translator they used was awful.

I totally understand that you are limited for time and therefore you may have a certain date that you require the surgery done. I was the same.. I arrived into Seoul at 5am, had booked 3 consultation for that day in order to have the surgery the following day, and then I had just under 2 weeks of healing time. Therefore, what I did was email those 3 Drs and request surgery on the date I wanted. Although that was a little difficult via email, with Dr Park, he assured me that he would set a time to do the surgery the day I told him and I was very grateful for that. This is because (and I found this out during my consultation with him) he only does 2-3 surgeries per day. That is really relieving because it shows he's not all about the money and trying to fit as many surgeries as possible. In comparison to BK, I asked them how many surgeries the Dr's do per day and they at least about 10. I would want my surgery done as properly and slow as possible to avoid any rush! Again, that was another reason I picked him. So anyway, therefore, I'm sure he can fit you in on the day you want. Just email him in advance and tell him.

However, note that other surgeries might not be able to fit you on a particular date unless you pay them some deposit (obviously I didn't) but really I wouldn't worry. I think most surgeries can get you within a few days after your consultation. I just know this was easy with Dr Park, so if he is on the top of your list, definitely ask him to pencil you in on that day! And if you cancel and decide not to go with him, I am sure he won't mind! He isn't pushy at all!

Hope all that helps! :smile:
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Hello! I'm really interested in rhinoplasty.
I have a flat, wide nose. (I'm Asian, go figure)
I'm planning on going to Korea in March 2013 and I think I have narrowed the clinics down to.. possibly three.
Dr. Jung (Shimmian) for $4800
Dr. Park (OZ Clinic) $2600 ~ $3608
and Apgujeong Seoul Plastic Surgery (Which was recommended by a Korean friend, but I haven't gotten a quote yet)

Money shouldn't matter if I get a good nose, right?
Which one do you guys suggest? Who did you see and why did you choose them? :smile:

Thank you!
Also, maybe looking for a surgery buddy to share a room with. Sorry, girls only. x)
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Well if you scroll through the last few pages (or even more)
You will see that most are plastic surgery places in Korea
but here is the list that I contacted:

Shimmian (Dr. Jung)
Oz Clinic
Banobagi Banobagi
Apgujeong Seoul Plastic Surgery

I know there are more that are famous as well, but I didn't contact them knowing that their prices can be very high (Such as Dream)

You can put these clinic names into google or any search engine and it should bring you to their website

hope this helps!
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Hey!! We have the exact same situation!
I am planning for the nose job, but my parents do not know at all.
I'm planning to tell them after I get everything planned out... (not really good for them, right?) I hope they'll pitch in some money.
I want to get a nose job in the beginning of March, but I'm willing to push it back. Are you going around April 20th? If you are, we should be companions!
I have the exact same problem with you! Bulbous nose and I'm very very interested in Dr. Jung. We can suffer and /hopefully/ have beautiful noses after we heal!

Tell me what you think :smile:
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hey i was wondering how you got a virtual stimulation? did u email him or did you have to go through the website or something? thanks in advance
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