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Asian Nose Job 3

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Exactly. People with money and authority stick together over there. Can't mess with them. You have to be careful what you say or do or you might not be able to fly out of there. They can plant anything in your luggage and arrest you for it.
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Purely anecdotal, but no-one I've met who had their nose done in VN have had stellar results. They either look bad, or meh at best. My aunties had their noses done there, so did my mum. Nothing to write home about.

Not a fan of Vietnam myself, but as I've been there few times, I don't think it's as bad Lexathan makes it out to be. Yes, there's virtually no justice system and bribery gets you far, but you'd have to be a real bonehead to get into any serious trouble there.

If you ever run into a situation where a guard tries to swindle you for some cash, just do what I do, and act like you don't speak Vietnamese and make a big scene.

Would I recommend getting surgery done in VN? Hell no. Thailand is a much better choice. Thing with Bumrungrad is that you need to choose the right doctor. A lot of those doctors are skilled with Caucasian noses, not sure about Asian noses. But I've always been more impressed with Korean technicality than Thai. They seem to innovate new methods, whereas Thai doctors just continue rehashing what they learnt in school, same with Viets. In the end, the choice is yours... just not VN.

Edit: just watched the video. Damn, that method is so crude. They literally just shoved that sh*t in. Korean method my *ss.
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Thanks, yes a lot of them are skilled with caucasian noses so I had to email Bumrungrad about Asian noses and they referred me to Dr Somboon. So I'll be having my consultation perhaps at the end of June and surgery in September. I'll see what I think of him after my consultation.

I'm half German half Thai so I have quite a caucasian-ish (slightly asian) face structure. But my nose is just Asian. I have a bridge, but the tip droops down like an asian. It's flat basically.

So I'm definitely just getting Tip Plasty done. And maybe, if it's possible to augment the bridge using cartilage, augment my bridge a couple mm. If it's not possible, they only offer Gortex for the bridge. Which I will consider.
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That's really strange because all Thai doctors I've contacted told me Goretex is no longer supplied to Thailand. Even Bumrungrad.

Sounds like you want a minimal change, with just tipwork. I think you'll be ok. And if you only want to add an few mm, then some doctors use your ear and septal cartilage for the bridge also if theres enough.
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You're exactly right. The problem is finding qualified doctors who actually have enough experience to know what they're doing. That's why I said that this study reflects the fact that doctor's weren't as technically skilled when the study was made (06-11). And when compared to overall satisfaction ratings and together with the complications done with silicon, I think that there are more "success" stories with silicon.

Hmmmm that depends on the kind of pneumothorax you have. Some spontaneously resolve, while others need a chest tube. And although it's incidence is relatively low, it increases when done by an unskilled surgeon.
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That kinda sounds like a scene they would make for The Hangover: Girls Night Out Edition if they ever made one. :noggin: Seriously though, with infections rates that high, you'd spend more on antibiotics and revisions rather if you'd have done it in Korea.
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It was spontaneous pneumothorax. No direct cause. It most certainly does not clear up by itself due to the nature of this condition, the first measure of treatment is the chest tube to suck out the air in the chest cavity. If that doesn't treat it then you need to get an operation where they removed the cyst that caused the puncture and glue your lungs to the chest wall.

I had to get the surgery, and it was no heyday. Luckily for me Australia has universal health care, so I didn't pay a dime.
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Dear all,

Like many others before me, I am a new member of this forum. I've read through the 3 Asian Nose Job threads, and it was certainly mind blowing ;) I'm a guy, by the way.

I don't have the necessary posts for PMs or albums, so this is my first post to accruing them. At the moment, I'm considering either rib or silicon, so I'm very interested in post-op rib pictures of varying durations. Unfortunately, most have been taken down, or the original posters are no longer active.

I'm curious about the definition of the rib nose post surgery, and how long it takes to achieve it. The bulbous tip or a wide dorsal bridge is not something I want. Kain, are you still around? Would love to see your pictures. I'm also hoping to hear about using 100% rib even for the tip, as I am concerned about resorption rates. Anyone with a rib done, please feel free to give your opinion. azn_kid, intherighthands, bisousx, anyone?

For silicon, veering towards Dream or Banobagi. Feedback has been mixed, so I am not entirely convinced. Moreover, 90% of Koreans do silicon rhinoplasty, and the result seems better and... faster (guilty of instant gratification here too).

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Does anyone have any experience with using a traveler's check in Seoul? Do clinics accept them? If not, I'm thinking about exchanging it and paying in Won instead of lugging that much cash on me. Thanks.
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Guy?! What's a guy doing on here? Haha.

I'll be in Seoul mid June for rib rhinoplasty. Feel free to join! Where are you coming from?

Kain still frequent this forum. Send him a friend request; he has pictures posted but you have to be his friend to see it.

Silicon noses look good and like you said, faster satisfaction. You can see if you like it or not within a few weeks. With ribs, it's like a gift that keeps on giving. Sometimes you might not end up with what you like. :biggrin: I like surprises. lol. JK. I like the drastic results you can get from rib rhino.

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I think the definition of the tip is highly dependant on the skill of the surgeon him/herself, not so much the material. If you want a sharper and less bulbous tip, then that would be something you need to reiterate to the doctor during your consult.

You're right about silicon being the quick and easy choice. Using the rib is a more future-proof way of keeping the nose for possibly a lifetime. There's nothing inherently wrong with silicon, in and of itself, as long as you are aware of the risks involved long term and are prepared to deal with possible complications later.

If you're ok with silicon, then you might want to consider more low-key clinics in SK that are popular among the locals such as April 31 and Nano Clinic who do just as good a job, if not better, and should be a little cheaper. Only difference is that they don't advertise themselves towards an international market.
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I have had the entire surgery with Dr. Wang already and I only have a few days here left before I'm out. Sorry I haven't been posting but it's due to the fact that I will post one big blog at the end of it all and anybody can ask me questions anytime before, during or after.

All I can say is, Dr. Wang is legit and my experience has been nothing short of amazing(so far).
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Lucky for you. Some of us don't have that kind of access to healthcare and most insurance companies don't cover plastic surgery, so the risk is ours to take. I didn't say that those that spontaneously resolve are a Spontaneous Pneumothorax. I said that some resolve on their own, depending on the case. =)

The reason why I said that it involves more risks, (despite the fact of a costal cartilage autograft being as inherently natural and safer than any inorganic material such as silicon or goretex) is because it's more invasive. The more invasive a procedure, the more risks are present. At least that's what I learned from school.
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I hope u have a good recovery an I will definitely be looking forward to your update:smile:
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