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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi can anyone tell me when we will look normal again after rhinoplasty and fats injected to forehead... I had mine done on fri and even taking sinecch my face swell like an elephant man! But no bruising though. I'm suppose to fly back SIN on Coming Sat.
Will the pressure on board makes it worse.
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Seems to be rising really fast.

Does anyone know if Dr Lee trained with Dr Toriumi previously?
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Not sure about fat grafting, but a typical silicon rhinoplasty should deswell by 1-2 weeks.

I don't think there is any specific contraindications for flight when it comes to plastic surgery, unless one is unwell postoperatively.
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Basch is right. There aren't any contraindications just as long as you're healthy enough. I think that implants compressing under pressure is an urban legend. Makes me wonder that would really happen at higher altitudes. :thinking:
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Hi everyone,

First post, time to intoduce myself. I am an asian guy living in Europe. I have spent countless of hours reading the forums, searching for reviews, comments.... as I have decided to have a revision rhinoplasty.

South Korea seems to be "The place to go" when it comes to asian plastic surgery.

So here I am, planning to go to South Korea this year to get the "perfect" nose I am looking for :smile:
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Hi joyousbaby

I agree with bash and kianpark17, you shouldn't worry about the pressure on board, as I don't think it will have any visible and worrisome impact. Of course, there will be some pressure change on board but don't think it could affect drastically your swelling....

As to the time you need "to look normal again", I would say, it really depends on the type of rhinoplasty you had and the way your body reacts....

Rib rhino is known to require more time for healing ( 6 months to one year according to some forumers) whereas augmentation with foreign implant would require less....

Some people definitely heal faster than others... try to relax, eat plenty of fruits, pumpkin juice ( is said to help deswelling) and avoid any stress as it could probably slow down you healing and deswelling process... Take also some time to walk a little in order to boost your blood circulation to help your deswelling ;)
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Thank you Basch and Kianpark17..
I have read so much about going to Seoul and no one actually posted anything about Busan. Guess I'm the 1st one get it done here.
Visited a few hospitals n clinics through one of my Korean friend, she told me Busan is equally good. So here I am.
Saw pic of her friends' result and I'm convinced so took the chances. Well just have to wait and see the end result.
Here most clinics n hospitals are flooded with locals.
Like what my friend mention about patients helping the doc to pay the hefty rentals in Seoul...
Only will know after I see my end result.
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Thank u Chris,
Yeah I'm doing that too. Since I have to go hospital and change my dressing on my ears and thighs on alternate days I take the chance to do some shopping and walk around a bit.
Hope I can recover soon or rather hope the swell go off ASAP.
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hi Joyous baby,

I never thought of Busan, ( Ok, I didn't even know this city, had to check on wikipedia :P)
what kind of rhino did you have? can you give us the name of the clinic? :smile:
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yes sure, hopefully you will recover soon to get amazing results ;)
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Hey Chris I had my surgery done at Asia Beauty Centre hospital (better known as ABC hospital).. Been to haneul hospital as well, but was disappointed as I was not consulted by a doc instead juz a consultant. I was told by my friend they will screen before passing it to the doc. I reckon that is not the way isn't it. I had fillers done on my nose before and because I had a few small lumps I need to get it removed before I want to have my rhino done.
Anyway they asked how long I was staying and they require me to stay for a mth in order to pass my case to a doc. Which I can't afford the time so hence went other places for consultation.
Apparently haneul is one of the popular one too. It was so crowded even on a week day.
Anyway I had silicone n cartilage at tip. Cost me 2500000 won, abt USD2.2k? And my forehead abt 1200000 won.
Dr. Kim is very patient and I just have to hope it turn out well. Other than swelling I don't have much bruise. Only had it round the eyes for 2 days. Had my surgery on fri and by yesterday my bruising was gone. But swell like a pig
I don't know about Seoul or other doc, I only had local anesthesia and was awake the whole time for 3 and half hrs surgery...
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hi joyousbaby,

well, the prices seem pretty reasonable in my opinion. Do they speak english, or did you go there with your korean friend? I tried to find their website. do you happen to know the link?

And you are super brave, only local anesthesia... for 3 hours and half, that is impressive ;)

well except the swelling, you seem to be healing quite quickly, so you shouldn't worry too much about it and definitely should enjoy shopping ;)
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oh I found it : http://www.abcclinic.com/english/
It seems they don't have any before after photos :nogood:
I found 2 Dr kim: was your doctor Dr Kim, Hyeon-ok or Dr Kim Kyoung-Hoon ?
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Man, VIP just quoted me $11,000US for rib rhino, went through great lengths to convince me why my face sucks and needs paranasal implants, and quoted me an extra $3000US for them.

$14,000US all up.

Unless the implants are made from unicorn penis; THAT. IS. ROBBERY.
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