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Asian Nose Job 3

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Hi I want to ask about dr kao result. Is he tend to gave his patient very subtle result? I'm considering him for my revision. I don't want very subtle one :sad: please help
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Ya well i guess we all cant have everything. lol hopefully i wasnt one of those ppl. Rite after i read your post, Dr wang posted on his site all the complications of silicone, and with gortex how you nearly dont have any of those risks. I guess its up to everyone to do their own research though. Wow i hope i dont get that many pieces of rib in my nose.
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you will have a minimum of two pieces if you want rib in the tip and bridge

and the reason that there have to be several pieces is that the rib cartilage has to be carved into relatively flat shapes, unless you can find a surgeon who can magically warp the cartilage into any shape he wants. :P

in my case, since i did not have strong septal cartilage to hold my nose tip, the two extra grafts are to give a smooth transition from the mid-bridge to the tip of my nose. other people might not get those extra grafts depending on the nose width and whether they get an osteotomy or alarplasty or not (to prevent a sudden change in the width of the nose between the mid bridge/nasal bone and the tip). i'd probably look strange with an osteotomy or alarplasty (i'd have a pinched, thin, feminine looking nose) which is why my surgeon used the extra grafts

btw, the reason that i pointed the fact that the nose will be flexible, but not soft is b/c when i was researching vip clinic, they also said that the tip would be "soft" just like dr wang says that his method will make a "soft" nose. after asking a lot of people and doing research, i concluded on my own that it would not be soft. but if i had not done that (and i know that a lot of ppl on this forum will not do that) i would have been very surprised by the outcome of my own surgery. so i think that it is important to say it, even if the truth isnt what you wanted to hear

again, even if the tip is not soft, having a flexible tip is a huge benefit. but i think that someone should state the obvious since some people will be mislead. that way they will know ahead of time about what to expect.
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So your nose is softer now but not as flexible as it used to be? I guess that can be a good thing as it prevents the tip from collapsing/sagging. Do you mind updating your pictures now that you're over a year out? Anything you don't like about it or regrets? I'm planning on having mine done this coming June. Thanks!

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it is neither flexible nor soft but that could be diferent for you depending on whether you get septal grafts or not. you have to ask your doctor the name of the grafts and how he places them to determine whether you will have a flexible nose. but it is not possible to have a soft tip if you use rib in the tip.

my nose is a little bit more flexible that it was at 1 week postop. it moves when i rub it to the side by up to half a centimeter and the skin moves normally. but it could be different for you. generally, if you start with a decent nose which requires only a few grafts, it will probably be a bit miore flexible than mine. but i started with a very flat nose so i required a lot of grafts to achieve a good aesthetic, which sacrificed some flexibility.

i do not plan on updating my photos anymore. it looks the same as it did in the 7 months and 11 months post op pics. i sort of regret not paying more attention to my scars by using scar cream, but thats it
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My bridge isn't high but it's not flat either. It's taller than the average Asian's nose but not by much I suppose. I can accept that it won't be as soft as prior to surgery. That is natural I suppose; can't expect a natural feel if it's not natural. That's good that you still like your nose over a year out other than the scar. I've scheduled my surgery in June. Thanks.

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ya well i want rib in my tip for sure, and in the radix area but not over my whole bridge if that makes sense. lol haha well im quite clueless about the whole carving process which you seem to know tons about :P

ya i think alot of the doctors sugar coat the whole process, and don't give the patients realistic expectations, which is kinda sad. i've been researching for quite some time so i do feel like i know now what to expect from a rhinoplasty experience. your honesty means alot though, better to hear the truth then be lied to by clinics who just want more patients under their belts...
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hi tofukimchee,

may i know where you get your fat graft done? very much appreciate it if you cpuld PM me. bcoz i also wanna get fat graft for forehead augmentation in korea but don't know which clinic/doctor is good. thanks in advance

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sillicon goretex or autologous cartilage?


i thought the link above it's a good read on the options we're faced with when contemplating augmentation rhinoplasty.

words of advice if i may, Please please please read and research extensively bout procedures yr contemplating so u don't end up like me - nose infection :nogood:, silicon extrusion :tdown:and worst... a deformed nose:cry:

I'd be happy to share my experience and if any1 has questions regarding it please feel free.

please always make informed decisions.
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This is a question for those who have had rhinoplasty with VIP: does the tip become smaller? I find that a lot of VIP (or actually, all) noses have this look of a bulky or rounded tip although, I do like the projection from the profile and the height of the bridge. I guess that's the only concern that I have but, I would love to get it done at VIP.
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Love the way your nose turned out! I wish you a speedy recovery ^_^

Also, if you could, in your next update, could you post a picture from the front?
I'm pretty curious to see what it looks like straight and with less swelling.

Thanks in advance:heart:

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Thank you!

I'm leaving for Korea soon and I have a consultation with JW, Real, and a clinic that my cousin's colleague runs. I'm hoping he'll be more "honest" only because I'm his close friend's cousin.
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Congrats! The recovery process is looking very well for you! I have a question for you: Did you find that nose augmentation changed the shape of your eyes at all? I'm wondering if it will bring my eyes closer together, or if it will affect, even just the slightest bit, the "mongolian" flap. Thanks!
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